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Flat Earth?


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51 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

you post like a bad smack head neil walter down, lay off the inspector gadet, have a bit of morse.  "It's from Walter Mitty to describe a fantasist" exactly my point neil. you are a fantasist, playing the man not the ball. it's a scientific discussion about the shape and size of the earth. as explained in the op by gerry. 

"maybe we should start a scientific discussion on the tooth fairy? :rolleyes:" well why don't you then, it'll give you something to do instead of coming in here thinkin ye poirot.  you don't know me and you are using ad hominem attacks in absence of anything of substance. pure cowardice.  you can't force or bully your way through scientific investigation and research knee. that is not how it works. it's not part of the scientific method. grow up you hopeless wally x 

That's the plus of posting under an anonymous name. I know who you are but thankfully (mainly owing to your ever increasing barking mad responses) you don't have a clue who I am. Which is why I sussed you out as a wind up merchant a long time ago. Go back to singing and playing your guitar...

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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

You have yet to give us your thoughts on the shape of the earth.  Each post you make suggests that you are indeed a flat earth believer as you have posted nothing to suggest that you have explored alternative ideas. 

You dismiss the results of thousands of years of scientific experiments which indicate an imperfect globe.  You dismiss the fact that we have based flight paths, satellite technology and a whole host of other things on the world being a globe.  

A "ball" is even a naturally occurring shape.  Think about oranges & pearls. 

This "scientific discussion" is dead if all you can bring is youtube videos and dismissive remarks.    

well we all know the shape varies depending on where you are mm1980. none of us have seen the whole earth have we. not in one go. unless you count cartoons? you cant read if you still assume my posts indicate something about me which is false. i have explored plenty of alternative ideas. it's people like you who call other people flat earthers. as if it somehow has a definition! some people believe concave earth model. get that up ye! there's all kinds of ideas. that's your job to look into. im doin mine very well thanks. 

dont tell lies about me though mm. i do not dismiss any evidence, i accept it all as part of the subject matter. i just dont jump .to conclusions, there's no need. 

"we have based flight paths, satellite technology and a whole host of other things on the world being a globe. "  that's a very liberal use of the collective pro noun "we" mm. you haven't done anything of the sort. it's something you believe in. that's fine by me. 

"A "ball" is even a naturally occurring shape.  Think about oranges & pearls." ....haha, think bananas and pineapples and flowers!  as for your ultimatum about the thread, i'll leave that to it's natural cessation x

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1 hour ago, RIchard Britten said:

"I'm not a flat earth believer"...but I will advocate it and post loads of videos by FE'ers, and bang on about shaking peoples beliefs...

again a misunderstanding on your part richard. to take part in a discussion is not to advocate for either side of it. that's your faith based beliefs talking again fella x

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1 hour ago, Neil Down said:

That's the plus of posting under an anonymous name. I know who you are but thankfully (mainly owing to your ever increasing barking mad responses) you don't have a clue who I am. Which is why I sussed you out as a wind up merchant a long time ago. Go back to singing and playing your guitar...

oh well i suppose you know noel gallagher then as well then do you! an anyone else who you read about in the paper like! you couldn't suss the back of a penguine out kneel. yet again this shows what an utterly delusional walter you are. fantasizing  that, because you know my name, you actually think you know who i am! you don't kneal.  you are an habitual walter. 

and even if you did know me, what would it have to do with the shape of the earth you live on, you absolute clown! the subject is explained very simply by gerry in the op. try reading it. it doesn't mention my name once. do you have any proof for your beliefs, or are you just in here trying to defend them, by unsuccessfully attempting to make personal attacks on people discussing the topic? if the latter then i really do feel sorry for you mate. i never left my singing or my guitar kneale. go back to when you were told you were living on a spinning oblate spheroid. who first told you kneale, or did you work it all out for yourself? 

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Hi Paul

While you're on, could you answer my questions from page 197? It really would be interesting to know how you picture it. As well as any true flat earth believers.

There's a bit in the Hitch Hikers Guide TTG, where an old, old woman discovers the universe isn't as boring as the physicists lead us to believe (as Arthur Dent goes whizzing past her airplane window in the nude). She's delighted.


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it's hard for me to picture the whole shape and size of the earth. there are so many maps and various projections to see. such an enormous task to wreckon with. as for the disc or edge you mention, i would have to ask, what edge and what disc? i know these are things people suggest but have yet to see any proof to substantiate either claim. i'm not trying to be awkward, jus being honest about the questions you asked. i can't really talk of such things with any factual merit. i understand thay are a part of the topic of course.  in an interview with admiral bird he says there is more land beyond the south pole though. check it out may be more information there about the "edge" etc x



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11 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

it's hard for me to picture the whole shape and size of the earth. there are so many maps and various projections to see. such an enormous task to wreckon with. as for the disc or edge you mention, i would have to ask, what edge and what disc? i know these are things people suggest but have yet to see any proof to substantiate either claim. i'm not trying to be awkward, jus being honest about the questions you asked. i can't really talk of such things with any factual merit. i understand thay are a part of the topic of course.  in an interview with admiral bird he says there is more land beyond the south pole though. check it out may be more information there about the "edge" etc x



Paul the clown says here is all the evidence that the world is not round.


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It is incredible how the gullible leap on anything to justify their beliefs.

Admiral Byrd says:

"an area as big as the United States that's never been seen by human beings and that's beyond the pole on the other side of the South Pole from Middle America."

He's talking about East Antarctica - the huge continental area which was totally unexplored at these times which you would get to from Middle America by going down the Western Antarctic peninsula to the South Pole and then continuing onward into East Antarctica.

Leaping onto this as evidence of ... well what?  Is frankly pathetic, but such is the dross we have to deal with.

Byrd was a cartographer - here's the map of his second expedition.  Note the areas marked as unexplored and how they are consistent with what he said in the interview.




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Paul, what is the main thrust of your argument here?  You've never seen the entirety of the earth therefore you can't commit yourself to agreeing that it is round.  You don't believe for sure it's flat but simply MUST explore this possibility exhaustively via the medium of YouTube video's and the word of Flintoff?

That's almost as ridiculous as believing all that so-called scientific methology that that lunatic ChinaHand keeps posting up!  The bloke's deluded, what with his easily replicable experiments and his tried and tested theories.

Standing on the shoulders of Giants Flntoff!

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18 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

where did that happen guzzi? or are you just making up lies? if it happened in this thread could you show us exactly which post and by which poster. thanks in advance


23 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

who you callin a boy walter. so there's no point in checking, come on lets all go home! back on the bus!"   

so that's all people are doing neil.  ........  you are a walter neil, you truly are mate x


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10 hours ago, Chinahand said:

It is incredible how the gullible leap on anything to justify their beliefs.

Admiral Byrd says:

"an area as big as the United States that's never been seen by human beings and that's beyond the pole on the other side of the South Pole from Middle America."

He's talking about East Antarctica - the huge continental area which was totally unexplored at these times which you would get to from Middle America by going down the Western Antarctic peninsula to the South Pole and then continuing onward into East Antarctica.

Leaping onto this as evidence of ... well what?  Is frankly pathetic, but such is the dross we have to deal with.

Byrd was a cartographer - here's the map of his second expedition.  Note the areas marked as unexplored and how they are consistent with what he said in the interview.




jus passin the info to the interested party china x

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