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Flat Earth?


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Just now, mojomonkey said:

Based on evidence I've read and balance of probability. It's fine by me if people want to believe the shape of the earth is otherwise but I've yet to see convincing evidence to support that.

yeah so that's not knowing that's having faith. that's fine by me also mo x

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8 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

oh so nasa has the big one do they!

Why do these things keep coming back to NASA? The earth was concluded to be spherical long before NASA existed.


I was reading that the resurgence in flat earth theory is a CIA pyscops thing, have you come across anything on that during your extensive research?

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2 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

yeah so that's not knowing that's having faith. that's fine by me also mo x

No, it is accepting scientific evidence, that's logic not faith. Believing in a magic supreme being is faith, I don't subscribe to religious nonsense.

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So..........if we re-do the experiment using three Naval frigates (one at the mid point), on a becalmed day in the Pacific. 7. 5 miles apart is fine (but double it would be nice). The laser has to fire from just a few cms above the water line (not up on deck).

Somewhere with no land formations and around the marianas trench sort of area. No recent typhoons, etc

Yep. That would prove the earth was flat. Or at least prove the earth is far, far bigger than we think. Or teach us something about how lasers work in the presence of a large body. Or a million other things.

If we substitute mercury for sea water it'll be easier for me to work with. Oh, and a perfectly vertical mirror a point B. If the laser gets back to point A, I'm convinced.



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1 hour ago, paul's got wright said:

i posted an experiment for anyone to look at. that's what science is the bastard. people doing experiments. thought you'd love it? ok then the bastard, how much curvature would you expect to find over a distance of 7.5 miles? over water or land? you choose the bastard. what curvature would you expect and what formula would you be using to calculate said curvature, if any is to be found. have you ever tested and measured the curvature of the earth or water? if so over what distance please? thanks.

this is a scientific thread discussing the shape and size of the whole earth the bastard, as verified in the op by gerry and subsequent posts. if you think science is morbid and discussing it is attention seeking, then what on god's great earth are you doing in here for christ's sakes fella! trolling i suspect x



I've been fortunate enough to fly high enough to see the curvature of the earth for myself, thanks. And I never thought Science was morbid, but this thread definitely is. At the moment, it consists of :

1) Someone posting a verifiable scientific proposition that demonstrates that the earth is not flat

2) You ignoring it and not posting any rebuttal or response other than poor quality insults and self-aggrandisement

3) You posting random unrelated unscientific mythology from the internet, then insulting those who point out it's unscientific mythology

...rinse and repeat.

Lately you've failed to test or explain any of the suggestions from a number of people, answering instead with unrelated garbage from the internet. You're not engaging in any form of constructive debate, you're just seeking attention. The reason why this thread has reached over 3,000 posts is that you keep posting the same stuff, and refusing to engage with anyone that's interested in discussing the flaws in your proposition. Then you laughably talk about this being a "scientific" thread, when you clearly have no clue about the scientific method. This thread has just become your personal cry for help.

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1 minute ago, The Bastard said:

Then you laughably talk about this being a "scientific" thread, when you clearly have no clue about the scientific method. This thread has just become your personal cry for help.

Okay - now you've really offended me.


How about this. I'll ring my cousin in New Zealand. And ask if him the sun is out RIGHT NOW!

If the earth is even remotely flat (rather than spherical) and light travels in straight lines, then it will simultaneously be night time for everyone.

Clever eh?

Unless he lies. Which he does a lot to be fair. 


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We've already tried this proposition on Paul a number of times. He doesn't answer, just posts the usual self-interested reply and then posts some unrelated internet video. He's not able to explain why the sun appears to drop below the horizon, but at the same time is visible elsewhere, other than suggesting we're all liars. 

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13 minutes ago, The Bastard said:

I've been fortunate enough to fly high enough to see the curvature of the earth for myself, thanks. And I never thought Science was morbid, but this thread definitely is. At the moment, it consists of :

1) Someone posting a verifiable scientific proposition that demonstrates that the earth is not flat

2) You ignoring it and not posting any rebuttal or response other than poor quality insults and self-aggrandisement

3) You posting random unrelated unscientific mythology from the internet, then insulting those who point out it's unscientific mythology

...rinse and repeat.

Lately you've failed to test or explain any of the suggestions from a number of people, answering instead with unrelated garbage from the internet. You're not engaging in any form of constructive debate, you're just seeking attention. The reason why this thread has reached over 3,000 posts is that you keep posting the same stuff, and refusing to engage with anyone that's interested in discussing the flaws in your proposition. Then you laughably talk about this being a "scientific" thread, when you clearly have no clue about the scientific method. This thread has just become your personal cry for help.

Great post. PGW is the kind of individual who, in less enlightened times, would have ended up in Bedlam for the rest of us to laugh at. How the mods haven’t pulled this thread is beyond me. I guess it’s cheaper than having a community mental health nurse holding PGWs hand 24/7.

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Just now, The Bastard said:

We've already tried this proposition on Paul a number of times. He doesn't answer, just posts the usual self-interested reply and then posts some unrelated internet video. He's not able to explain why the sun appears to drop below the horizon, but at the same time is visible elsewhere, other than suggesting we're all liars. 

So, the Pacific expedition is off? Pity, I've just ordered a wetsuit off ebay.

But imagine how brilliant it would be to wake up tomorrow to find the earth really was flat and that Terry Pratchett's books were all true.

I'm sticking with Paul :)


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11 minutes ago, The Bastard said:

He's not able to explain why the sun appears to drop below the horizon, but at the same time is visible elsewhere, other than suggesting we're all liars. 

Time dilation.


The sun is really small. Maybe 16 feet in diameter. And like a snowspeeder zooming over a ridge, it simply goes out of view but can be seen by the people in the next valley.

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10 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

Why do these things keep coming back to NASA? The earth was concluded to be spherical long before NASA existed.


I was reading that the resurgence in flat earth theory is a CIA pyscops thing, have you come across anything on that during your extensive research?

not by you though obviously. how do you know is what is important mojo. you make a claim to know, so prove it or just admit you have faith based beleifs, which you are entitled to. don't ttry an pass your beliefs of as proof it's just incorrect. not how science works mate x

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12 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

not by you though obviously. how do you know is what is important mojo. you make a claim to know, so prove it or just admit you have faith based beleifs, which you are entitled to. don't ttry an pass your beliefs of as proof it's just incorrect. not how science works mate x

I make no claims, just saying what I believe in. You appear to keep repeating yourself without actually saying anything, apologies if I'm misunderstanding you. Could you explain your beliefs and how you arrived at them, that would remove a lot of confusion and be hugely beneficial to the worth of this thread topic.

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9 hours ago, The Bastard said:

I've been fortunate enough to fly high enough to see the curvature of the earth for myself, thanks. And I never thought Science was morbid, but this thread definitely is. At the moment, it consists of :

1) Someone posting a verifiable scientific proposition that demonstrates that the earth is not flat

2) You ignoring it and not posting any rebuttal or response other than poor quality insults and self-aggrandisement

3) You posting random unrelated unscientific mythology from the internet, then insulting those who point out it's unscientific mythology

...rinse and repeat.

Lately you've failed to test or explain any of the suggestions from a number of people, answering instead with unrelated garbage from the internet. You're not engaging in any form of constructive debate, you're just seeking attention. The reason why this thread has reached over 3,000 posts is that you keep posting the same stuff, and refusing to engage with anyone that's interested in discussing the flaws in your proposition. Then you laughably talk about this being a "scientific" thread, when you clearly have no clue about the scientific method. This thread has just become your personal cry for help.

so you are just ignoring the scientific questions then? do you believe you live on an oblate spheroid? if so, what's the curvature formula you use and how much curvature would you expect to find over 7.5 miles of land or water, the bastard? very simple questions. 

"I've been fortunate enough to fly high enough to see the curvature" ..how high do you have to be to see the curve then? 

"And I never thought Science was morbid, but this thread definitely is"....what you doin here then?      " You ignoring it".......i do no such thing. 

i have insulted no one and nor is it my intention to do so ever. if the truth offends you i am sorry but what else can we speak to each other? lies? not for me thanks. 

" unscientific mythology"  what like you are the arbiter of posting! ha ha dont be silly tb, look at the experiment i just shared with you all. you know like real people who actually go out and experiment, not like you comin in here cryin aboput people having a scientific discussion, bringing absolutely zero proof for your beliefs, and not one practical example of any of your own studies or experiments, to prove what you believe. absolutely classic walter in my opinion. fantasist. 


"Lately you've failed to test" .how would you know? more conjecture from the bastard.     " You're not engaging in any form of constructive debate"...well no wonder you have things so back to front the bastard!  our objective reality is not up for debate. you can discuss the facts but you cannot debate the truth. the fact is that you have never seen the whole earth so that is not up for debate, it's not to be offered up for concession to allow theories and wishes into our objective reality.  if you wanna make a claim then proove it. appeal to any kind of logical fallacy you like. it will not shift the burden of proof. it lies with the claimant. i don't make claims the bastard i analyse and investigate them. you have provided zero proof, 100% whinging. what are you even doing in here? trying to shut down free speech? why may i ask?


"refusing to engage with anyone that's interested in discussing the flaws in your proposition" i have not refused anyone's engagement. what proposition did i make and what are the flaws in it, if i made one? thanks. this is a scientific thread and i do know exactly what the scientific method is and what it consists of. see the richard feinman video i posted if you are still struggling with the concept. i haven't cried in here once and i don't need help. im doin fine mate thanks x

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10 hours ago, The Bastard said:

I've been fortunate enough to fly high enough to see the curvature of the earth for myself, thanks. And I never thought Science was morbid, but this thread definitely is. At the moment, it consists of :

1) Someone posting a verifiable scientific proposition that demonstrates that the earth is not flat

2) You ignoring it and not posting any rebuttal or response other than poor quality insults and self-aggrandisement

3) You posting random unrelated unscientific mythology from the internet, then insulting those who point out it's unscientific mythology

...rinse and repeat.

Lately you've failed to test or explain any of the suggestions from a number of people, answering instead with unrelated garbage from the internet. You're not engaging in any form of constructive debate, you're just seeking attention. The reason why this thread has reached over 3,000 posts is that you keep posting the same stuff, and refusing to engage with anyone that's interested in discussing the flaws in your proposition. Then you laughably talk about this being a "scientific" thread, when you clearly have no clue about the scientific method. This thread has just become your personal cry for help.

Nailed it, Bastard. 

The proposition that no-one knows what shape the Earth is because they haven't seen it for themselves is so infuriatingly stupid that it plays on one's mind until a new, incontrovertible observation comes to mind, It's happened to me several times. Post it,  because surely that must put an end to it, and PGW responds exactly as Bastard says.  And off we go again. That is how this has had such amazing longevity.

Tough, I know, but can I suggest a voluntary boycott that leaves PGW alone in his playpen?  

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