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Flat Earth?


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3 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

I make no claims, just saying what I believe in. You appear to keep repeating yourself without actually saying anything, apologies if I'm misunderstanding you. Could you explain your beliefs and how you arrived at them, that would remove a lot of confusion and be hugely beneficial to the worth of this thread topic.

"It's not going to be a constant as the earth is not a perfect sphere, it's an oblate spheroid." ........is this a claim or conjecture mojo?

 yes i know you believe it mojo and i fully accept that. because the truth is that you don't know, just like me and everyone elswe in this thread. at least you admit that. some people can't or won't. yet they still believe they are correct, without actually knowing. not very scientific of them is it! explain my beliefs about what? i'd be happy to mate x

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10 hours ago, The Bastard said:

We've already tried this proposition on Paul a number of times. He doesn't answer, just posts the usual self-interested reply and then posts some unrelated internet video. He's not able to explain why the sun appears to drop below the horizon, but at the same time is visible elsewhere, other than suggesting we're all liars. 

are you able to explain it tb? and do you have the practical example to match your story? if you make false accusations and refuse to apologise that would make you a liar in my book. it's slander in other people's books. thanks x

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10 hours ago, Uhtred said:

Great post. PGW is the kind of individual who, in less enlightened times, would have ended up in Bedlam for the rest of us to laugh at. How the mods haven’t pulled this thread is beyond me. I guess it’s cheaper than having a community mental health nurse holding PGWs hand 24/7.

pull a scientific thread about the shape of the earth? how sad and desperate can you get. what's up, are your long held faith based beliefs being questioned, or are you just in here trolling? don't you have anything of substance to add?

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18 minutes ago, guzzi said:


Nailed it, Bastard. 

The proposition that no-one knows what shape the Earth is because they haven't seen it for themselves is so infuriatingly stupid that it plays on one's mind until a new, incontrovertible observation comes to mind, It's happened to me several times. Post it,  because surely that must put an end to it, and PGW responds exactly as Bastard says.  And off we go again. That is how this has had such amazing longevity.

Tough, I know, but can I suggest a voluntary boycott that leaves PGW alone in his playpen?  

well how do you know what the shape of the earth is without seeing it for yourself! my god it's a simple enough question please free us all from the suspense! or do you think a boycott is more scientific? walter mitty may agree with you, many wouldn't x

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6 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

logical fact sausages, unless you can prove that you can know the shape and size odf the whole earth wirthout seeing it! silly sausages, appeal to fantasy x

I can prove it. 

Merely seeing an object wouldn't let you know the size and shape of it, however I can feel, smell, and hear the shape and size of the earth.  I am more evolved than you.

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18 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

well how do you know what the shape of the earth is without seeing it for yourself! my god it's a simple enough question please free us all from the suspense! or do you think a boycott is more scientific? walter mitty may agree with you, many wouldn't x

See my previous posts. Multiple proofs provided. 

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43 minutes ago, Mr. Sausages said:

I can prove it. 

Merely seeing an object wouldn't let you know the size and shape of it, however I can feel, smell, and hear the shape and size of the earth.  I am more evolved than you.

so you think explaining something means you are proving it.  so if i explain how builders use levels, does that prove the earth is flat? or would you require a practical demonstration to go with the explanation? think about it. use your sausage power x

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16 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

[1]so you think explaining something means you are proving it.  [2]so if i explain how builders use levels, does that prove the earth is flat? [3] or would you require a practical demonstration to go with the explanation? think about it. use your sausage power x

[1] No.  I haven't explained it.  I stated that I could prove it.

[2] No, that wouldn't prove the earth is flat.  That would explain how builders use levels.

[3] I would not require a practical demonstration of how builders use levels.


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12 hours ago, paul's got wright said:
12 hours ago, Chinahand said:

PWG do you know what the yield stress of steel is?

According to the World Steel Association, there are over 3,500 different grades of steel. which grade mate?

Let’s go with my current favourite good old stainless 316. 

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27 minutes ago, Mr. Sausages said:

[1] No.  I haven't explained it.  I stated that I could prove it.

[2] No, that wouldn't prove the earth is flat.  That would explain how builders use levels.

[3] I would not require a practical demonstration of how builders use levels.


pitty you aren't brave enough to enter del's open platform on the matter. love to hear you in there sausages, let me know if ye goin in x


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