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Flat Earth?


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1 hour ago, paul's got wright said:

by the way tb you never did give us the curvature formula you would use or what curve you would expect, for the 7.5 mile test over water or land. member?

Why do I have to ? Can't I just ignore you and then post a completely unrelated video, as you do when you're asked a reasonable question ?

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no not if you feel it's not necessary. but if you believe you live on a sphere then it should be easy to detect that curve everywhere, given the whole thing should be curved. and you would indeed have a formula to work from, indicating the curve to be detected.  it should be easy over various distances. do you have a formula for the curve you believe in? that's all i'm  askin?  maybe we could do the manx curvature tests together, a manx forums collaboration?

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at this stage you have to ask yourself, would the thread have lasted this long, if gerry had posted, that he thinks there might just be something to the father christmas story? would the walter brigade be in here tryin to close the thread down? deeply insightful in my view, i wonder what gerry thinks? gerry, any thoughts?

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Can people please stop replying to this rubbish? It'll stop then. There is one guy winding up around 30 sensible people...who are engineers, scientists and realists.

Just tell pgw he's a dick arguing against the proven...and fuck him off to other nutjob forums arguing this bollocks.

It's sad to see so many sensible people keeping this dumbass thread going.

Who's winding up who here?

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2 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

but if you believe you live on a sphere then it should be easy to detect that curve everywhere

The horizon? 

Sorry, there shouldn't be a question mark there.

The problem with calculating the "drop off" for you is, even though I could do it, I'd be relying on sine tables. And geometry in general. And addition and subtraction. And numbers. Not really the kind of stuff you and me like to put much faith in, eh? 

Just intrigued, what's the furthest distance you've flown in a plane? Have you been on a plane? Not everyone has. Have you been on an ocean going cruise ship?

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2 hours ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Can people please stop replying to this rubbish? It'll stop then. There is one guy winding up around 30 sensible people...who are engineers, scientists and realists.

Just tell pgw he's a dick arguing against the proven...and fuck him off to other nutjob forums arguing this bollocks.

It's sad to see so many sensible people keeping this dumbass thread going.

Who's winding up who here?

what rubbish please jonathon? how delightful of you to pop back in! is it maybe to resume the need to be attack troll! albo you're an utter wally mate, proving exactly what deeply insightful, behavioral, traits have been displayed, time and time again in this thread. people like you who get all upset and scared that you're beliefs are bein challenged. richard feinman said if it disagrees with experiment then its wrong. doesnt matter who said it or how fancy their story is or how much money they have or how big their big fat albert tatlock profile head is! its wrong.

"There is one guy winding up around 30 sensible people...who are engineers, scientists and realists."  is it you by any chance? comin in here tryin to shut down scientific discussion?

" arguing against the proven."  i'm not arguing you bellend an i have stated and reiterated this albo so stop being willfully ignorant. if you have the formula for the supposed curvature for the earth, or the measured results ,over any distance you believe it takes for it to be DETECTABLE, ie MEASURABLE, then please dont be shy about it albert. let it forth. 

i'll tel you what albo why dont we use the information i have asked you and the bastard for, lto then perform our own test like i proposed earlier. lets do the isle of man end to end (curvature test), using the formula that you and the bastard think proves the earth is a sphere. with a catchy little tag like end to end it would gather alot of interest.  this test would be a testament tp the op by gerry and subsequent scientific discussion. remember albo, gerry said he found merit in the initial videos he watched, then he asked us what we thought! there's ye freedom of thought and expression right there albert. simple really, gerry wanted to know what people in here think about the topic. now he does. 

that is what is crucial to the topic in my opinion. people have differing beliefs albo and people like you cant handle it. you are absolutley petrified that your long held faith based beliefs are being challenged, scientifically. the subject is trending on the web of course. 

"It's sad to see so many sensible people keeping this dumbass thread going".........oh my heart bleeds for you albert bless your little cotton socks, what an infringement upon your deification of other people's balls. poor soldier, have you tried ringing an apiarist? 

all i can say is put ye money where ye mouth is and give us the formula for the said curvature the earth, and let's do the end to end i have proposed. if not then at least leave us in peace, to discuss further, you pathetic weakling of a scientist x




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2 hours ago, Mr Shoe said:

The horizon? 

Sorry, there shouldn't be a question mark there.

The problem with calculating the "drop off" for you is, even though I could do it, I'd be relying on sine tables. And geometry in general. And addition and subtraction. And numbers. Not really the kind of stuff you and me like to put much faith in, eh? 

Just intrigued, what's the furthest distance you've flown in a plane? Have you been on a plane? Not everyone has. Have you been on an ocean going cruise ship?

by detect i mean through direct measurement, as in the end to end experiment i have just proposed. let's see who is willing to take part, put their beliefs to the test.  i have no problems with anything you suggested neither will you. we can work together to make sure we understand each other.  

"Just intrigued, what's the furthest distance you've flown in a plane? " i didn't measure wasn't concentrating, how about you? only been on manx boats.  shall we just do the end to end though and actually have something measurable to go off?


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if you're worried about losing your forum anonymity, then just send a representative that you trust to do the experiment with the other collaborators. i'll be sending one to protect mine of course! he'll be a rat faced (in the cute sense) fella with no hips, flealess and smelling fine, but he'll get the job done as part of the team 

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6 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

by detect i mean through direct measurement, as in the end to end experiment i have just proposed. let's see who is willing to take part, put their beliefs to the test.  i have no problems with anything you suggested neither will you. we can work together to make sure we understand each other.  

"Just intrigued, what's the furthest distance you've flown in a plane? " i didn't measure wasn't concentrating, how about you? only been on manx boats.  shall we just do the end to end though and actually have something measurable to go off?


Yeah, I've flown loads. It's ace. And ships.

I'm up for the end to end thing. It's easier than you think.

We don't need to work out the curvature. The curvature could be 10 metres or 10 miles, makes no difference. If the height of the laser at Point of Ayre, an agreed point in the middle and let's say Cregneash is the same, then who cares what the curvature is "claimed" to be, the earth is flat.

I would guess that not one person on this thread will deny that.

As I previously suggested, the mid-point measurement isn't needed. In fact, no measurements are required.

Fire the laser from the Point of Ayre (at sea level). Put a vertical mirror at Cregneash (at sea level). If you see the laser reflected...that's also proof the earth is flat.

What the hell. Let's do both. 

The only issue I can think of is a laser powerful enough to not be diffused. There is a lot atmosphere to go through. I would imagine around £500.

Any other issues? Anyone?

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5 minutes ago, Mr Shoe said:

Yeah, I've flown loads. It's ace. And ships.

I'm up for the end to end thing. It's easier than you think.

We don't need to work out the curvature. The curvature could be 10 metres or 10 miles, makes no difference. If the height of the laser at Point of Ayre, an agreed point in the middle and let's say Cregneash is the same, then who cares what the curvature is "claimed" to be, the earth is flat.

I would guess that not one person on this thread will deny that.

As I previously suggested, the mid-point measurement isn't needed. In fact, no measurements are required.

Fire the laser from the Point of Ayre (at sea level). Put a vertical mirror at Cregneash (at sea level). If you see the laser reflected...that's also proof the earth is flat.

What the hell. Let's do both. 

The only issue I can think of is a laser powerful enough to not be diffused. There is a lot atmosphere to go through. I would imagine around £500.

Any other issues? Anyone?

Yeah. just stop feeding the fucker.

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Hey Paul

I HAVE thought of an issue: There's a mountain in the way. Damn.


There's a little outcrop just north-west of the Maughold Lighthouse where you can get to the waters edge.  And you can get to the water's edge at the PoA. They're around 15km apart. And it's a direct line of sight. Even bigger than Gerry's lake.

If the laser was mounted at 0.5 m above the water line and fired then it could be seen/received at the PoA. The mirror trick would further enhance the experiment (but not essential).

This would prove the earth was flat and that Dave Pythagoras was a fool.

(You'd only need a cheap laser. The sea needs to be fairly calm on the day in case of big waves, but other than that it's pretty straight forward).

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40 minutes ago, Mr Shoe said:

Yeah, I've flown loads. It's ace. And ships.

I'm up for the end to end thing. It's easier than you think.

We don't need to work out the curvature. The curvature could be 10 metres or 10 miles, makes no difference. If the height of the laser at Point of Ayre, an agreed point in the middle and let's say Cregneash is the same, then who cares what the curvature is "claimed" to be, the earth is flat.

I would guess that not one person on this thread will deny that.

As I previously suggested, the mid-point measurement isn't needed. In fact, no measurements are required.

Fire the laser from the Point of Ayre (at sea level). Put a vertical mirror at Cregneash (at sea level). If you see the laser reflected...that's also proof the earth is flat.

What the hell. Let's do both. 

The only issue I can think of is a laser powerful enough to not be diffused. There is a lot atmosphere to go through. I would imagine around £500.

Any other issues? Anyone?

is the laser 100% accurate? if not our results could be hugely inaccurate in terms of detecting the curvature of the ground. we'll have to find the perfect path through the yo yo topography. failing that maybe an undeground curve test end to end. big project but maybe the government could get involved on the funding on that scale? let's see what happens with our first attempt, see if we can sway them for the undergound funding, see how much interest they take first.

maybe we could use water also, by constructing a canal-esqe prop, end to end, with some sort of agreed base, to measure for the curve dilly, or someone like that, would believe to be there?  i think that, the people who believe there is curvature to be measured, should have to provide the curvature formula they use, and their expected amount of detectable curve by that ratio. given their claims have led us here it's in the interests of the scientific method and conventional known physics.

what's the curve on terra firma mona? i agree the end to end should tell us exactly where it is and just how much we can measure definitively, if there's any to be found.  also anyone else should be able to repeat our experiment and find the exact same results. it sounds like great fun to be honest, a nice change from all those false claims i've had to suffer along the way. 

i'm up for contributing to the laser anyway even if it's not 100% accurate, just to give us another perspective. more we test the better we will get! so that's two young handsome willing scientists on board for the 2018 manx flat earth end to end curve test!  i hope tse will be sending a handsome representitive to join us, and report back to tse x

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24 minutes ago, Mr Shoe said:

Hey Paul

I HAVE thought of an issue: There's a mountain in the way. Damn.


There's a little outcrop just north-west of the Maughold Lighthouse where you can get to the waters edge.  And you can get to the water's edge at the PoA. They're around 15km apart. And it's a direct line of sight. Even bigger than Gerry's lake.

If the laser was mounted at 0.5 m above the water line and fired then it could be seen/received at the PoA. The mirror trick would further enhance the experiment (but not essential).

This would prove the earth was flat and that Dave Pythagoras was a fool.

(You'd only need a cheap laser. The sea needs to be fairly calm on the day in case of big waves, but other than that it's pretty straight forward).

i'm happy to test til our heart's content it's better than discussing it with people who are just in here to mock others x

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