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Flat Earth?


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Stinky, I realise we can get all post modern about this, but this is a thread about people thinking the world is flat and that there is a huge conspiracy to hide this truth from us.

Believing that is ... well what adjectival phrase would you like to add?

... stupid.

... ignorant.

... sad.

... misguided.

... harmless.

... strange.

... a wind-up.

... a sad reflection on our education system.

Other options appreciated.  

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If you bear in mind that all dissenters are harrangued off the spacex thread and told to post on the conspiracy thread which in itself has a bit of a loaded title then how can it sit with you as being ok for those of an aloof condescension mentality to take cheap shots on here. It's pathetic. If you don't believe in a flat earth then toodle along to your cgi thread where only believers can post.

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At the end of the day does it really matter if some folk think the world is flat , after all some folk have religious beliefs others think strange , why is it necessary to attempt to ridicule those who do not share "my" beliefs ? 

"Anyone who is absolutely certain should perhaps  be 'certified' ":lol:

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37 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

Stinky, I realise we can get all post modern about this, but this is a thread about people thinking the world is flat and that there is a huge conspiracy to hide this truth from us.

Believing that is ... well what adjectival phrase would you like to add?

... stupid.

... ignorant.

... sad.

... misguided.

... harmless.

... strange.

... a wind-up.

... a sad reflection on our education system.

Other options appreciated.  









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Stinky, I know tone is an important issue in human relations and you don't like the tone people are adopting towards those defending the reasonableness of questioning whether the world is flat or not, but when all is said and done we do know enough about the world to say it is unreasonable to think the world is flat.

That basic point is something I think is important, while you seem to be more concerned with the tone people take.  Ok, you are unlikely to move someone out of an unreasonable position by calling them stupid, I agree, but I also wouldn't sneer at nerds (something you might need to ponder on before taking to your high horse), they are responsible for almost everything in your life which makes you more comfortable than a cave man; and most of them did this, not for monetary reward or fame, but because they loved finding things out.  

There are huge issues that are worthy of debate - the influence of wealth in our society, how to educate and inform people so they can be empowered to improve themselves etc etc.

But questioning whether the world is a sphere isn't going to give you any traction on these issues and is simply going to take you down the rabbit hole to crazy land.


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Although, "Foot Heads Arms Body" is my favourite newspaper headline (Simon Hoggart article extract below):

By a sad coincidence, last week I said that the headline "Foot heads arms body" was probably apocryphal. Not at all. I have since heard from Martyn Cornell, who was a subeditor on the Times around 1986.

He had to handle a story about Michael Foot being put in charge of a committee to look at nuclear disarmament in Europe, or something similar. The headline was to be in largish type, but across a single column – always a problem for subs.

"I certainly wasn't going to get 'nuclear' or 'disarmament' or 'committee' to fit, so after a struggle I decided on 'Foot chairs arms body', then thought 'Foot heads arms body' would at least give a laugh to the revise sub. To my astonishment, the headline was printed, and a legend was born …"

Andrew Kyle remembers a vogue for making longer and longer headlines from the same base. "Assuming Foot had become PM, and had discovered that his defence secretary had approved the bullying tactics of the National Front, the headline could have been 'Foot knows arms body head backs front muscle'."

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1 hour ago, the stinking enigma said:

... all dissenters are harrangued off the spacex thread and told to post on the conspiracy thread which in itself has a bit of a loaded title 

Erm - if you believe SpaceX are faking their launches it can't really be anything other than a massive conspiracy can it?  What is loaded about the title.  These people clearly believe SpaceX is involved in a massive conspiracy to mislead the public - what else would you call it?  

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22 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

Erm - if you believe SpaceX are faking their launches it can't really be anything other than a massive conspiracy can it?  What is loaded about the title.  These people clearly believe SpaceX is involved in a massive conspiracy to mislead the public - what else would you call it?  

The world's most expensive car advert.

For an ailing failing company.

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1 hour ago, Chinahand said:


 I also wouldn't sneer at nerds , they are responsible for almost everything in your life which makes you more comfortable than a cave man; and most of them did this, not for monetary reward or fame, but because they loved finding things out.  




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15 hours ago, manxy said:

Funny to a point but unfortunately follows the typical pattern of ridicule on whoever challenges an area which they have not personally looked into apart from reading specific information from Government departments or even not at all. Just because its in black and white, wrote in an encyclopaedia or seen on a web page, does not mean its correct as new information and disclosures occur on a daily basis.

Manxy, that is pure rubbish.  You have been given multiple independent ways you could investigate for yourself these issues.  Doubt the ISS is real - you and a friend can go and make a time lapse of it crossing from different locations and measure its parallax to see how high it is.

Set up a Foucault's pendulum in a series of different locations and measure how its procession changes with latitude.

Record a sunset with one friend at the bottom of a cliff and another at the top.

Using Theodolite or other similar tool measure the dip of the horizon while climbing a hill or taking a flight.

You don't need any government departments to do these experiments or to reason about what they might tell you.  Most science at the level we are discussing here was undertaken by "gentleman scientists" 100s of years ago with not a government bureaucrat in sight - with modern cameras, phones and computers an average person can replicate these sorts of experiments themselves.

Sure, it isn't easy, it takes time an patience - just as the amateur astronomy images BB found recently take time and patience, but the idea the government is stopping PGW, yourself or anyone else from learning these issues is bunk, but there seems to be a great reluctance to do anything other than post youtube videos.

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1 hour ago, Chinahand said:

Manxy, that is pure rubbish.  You have been given multiple independent ways you could investigate for yourself these issues.  Doubt the ISS is real - you and a friend can go and make a time lapse of it crossing from different locations and measure its parallax to see how high it is.

Set up a Foucault's pendulum in a series of different locations and measure how its procession changes with latitude.

Record a sunset with one friend at the bottom of a cliff and another at the top.

Using Theodolite or other similar tool measure the dip of the horizon while climbing a hill or taking a flight.

You don't need any government departments to do these experiments or to reason about what they might tell you.  Most science at the level we are discussing here was undertaken by "gentleman scientists" 100s of years ago with not a government bureaucrat in sight - with modern cameras, phones and computers an average person can replicate these sorts of experiments themselves.

Sure, it isn't easy, it takes time an patience - just as the amateur astronomy images BB found recently take time and patience, but the idea the government is stopping PGW, yourself or anyone else from learning these issues is bunk, but there seems to be a great reluctance to do anything other than post youtube videos.

Remember....arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon...etc.

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