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Flat Earth?


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On 25/02/2018 at 11:42 PM, Bobbie Bobster said:

@Enoch1 I think we did the whole oblate spheroid/geoid/GPS reference EWGS84 ellipsoid sthick back on page 1 or 2.  You should go back and have a look.  Could be educational!

I wonder if renaming the thread from "Flat Earth?" to "Cunt Farm" would work just as well?

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On 2/21/2018 at 9:15 PM, Uhtred said:

No faith based religious beliefs here pal I can assure you of that. Just complete confidence in the validity of the scientific evidence indicating that the Earth isn’t flat.  You don’t share that confidence which is your right. But one of us is a prat.

oh so you have seen it with your own eyes from space have you? circumnavigated the "ball" have you? no faith based beliefs? do you have the proof or do you have faith in other people's theories about balls? please provide your proof that you live on the spinning oblate spheroid, if you will

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