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Flat Earth?


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Do you believe all rocket launches are cgi too? And the people watching them subject to mass hypnotism?


Richard Hoagland claims the original Apollo astronauts were subject to mass hypnotism or mind control. He claims they discovered great big glass cities on the Moon and that they had the knowledge of this erased from their memory. There are several 2 hour long lectures he's done claiming to find ancient monuments on the Moon and Mars. I find it fascinating the way heis able to so convincingly and intelligently communicate something so incredibly ridiculous. He really does know his stuff - he is either a brilliant con artist or totally off his head.

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Richard Hoagland claims the original Apollo astronauts were subject to mass hypnotism or mindol. He claim.... he is either a brilliant con artist or totally off his head.

Wow, this really does sum up this thread.
I see this attitude as essentially religious. Unevidenced belief held entirely on conviction and spread via the charisma of an authority figure with people following him not really blindly, but in a way which accepts everything for their point of view and rejects every alternative.


Down such paths we have benighted ourselves too many times but I see no end to this phenomenon, quite the opposite the Internet encourages it.

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One of the problems of the internet and actually mentioned earlier is one about trust.


It's reported that people have a maximum of five true friends who they would trust 100%. I have less than that and I'm sure that others will have their own personal views for their own personal reasons.


Now people have said in the past and also on this thread that 'they do not believe a persons point of view' as they're not qualified, unsubstantiated etc, etc and yet surprisingly, Richard Hoagland was the respected person and advisor to NASA, Science advisor to CBS News and other areas in this particular field.


By all accounts, he looks reasonably genuine and has a background that indicates some success, but having partially watched a clip about the Chinese Moon Mission and observed that part of his presentation used second hand and to me, unreliable information, I was left with a lack of proof. He could be 100% correct, but these days, unless I tripped over it and saw it with my own eyes, then my view will always be obscured.


I only want the truth but these days, I find it increasingly hard to trust someone because that person or persons have their own specific objective who would readily swat away anything that contests this. Facts from maths and science are the only real logical solution with quantum mechanics being my personal favourite.


So there we go again, can anyone believe anyone these days and how many facts have been encouraged to stay under the wrappers so that everything looks nice and calm on the top? I do not rely on images or photos these days as anything can be manipulated or altered and I'm sorry if anyone feels aggrieved that I don't trust them 100% but that's the way it seems today.

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So there we go again, can anyone believe anyone these days and how many facts have been encouraged to stay under the wrappers so that everything looks nice and calm on the top? I do not rely on images or photos these days as anything can be manipulated or altered and I'm sorry if anyone feels aggrieved that I don't trust them 100% but that's the way it seems today.


For crying out loud, I'm pretty sure the reference to Richard Hoagland was to point out how convincing a con artist or schizophrenic can be if they are very intelligent. I have gone through some of Richard Hoagland's videos and he is an obvious walter mitty who exaggerates his past and makes frequent appeals to knowing people like Arthur C Clarke and Gene Roddenberry or working for Walter Conkrite in order to try to make himself look reliable or trustworthy. This is a typical method of propaganda which was used to great effect by Edwin Bernays in getting Hollywood celebrities to appear alongside politicians to create a better public impression of the latter. It gave otherwise dull or shifty politicians an air of being "cool". Hoagland also did a lecture at the UN. Anybody off the street can do a lecture at the UN building, but Hoagland put out a video really relishing it and trying to build up the credibility of his argument just because it was at the UN, like he's somehow got their stamp of approval, which is not the case at all. Similarly, David Icke did a lecture at the Oxford Union (of Oxford University) and has been putting it out on video to make out like it gives him legitimacy, when the truth is anyone off the street can do it.


If you're going to read up on conspiracy theories, I suggest reading the RationalWiki article for the other side (usually the reality side) of the story. Hoagland is no exception - see http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Richard_C._Hoagland

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If the earth were flat, why would that fact be covered up? I suppose I can understand why there are conspiracy theories about JFK or similar, but on a point of fundamental geography what would be the point?


I think the flat earth theory was originally started by King James Version Onlyist (they reject all other Bible translations) fundamentalist Young Earth Creationist Christians who probably view it, like evolution or the big bang, as a fabrication orchestrated by a literal devil with the target being to cause people to not believe in the Bible and therefore to take their souls away from them. That's one of the reasons a lot of these people home school their kids. It's sad.

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