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Flat Earth?


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11 hours ago, Uhtred said:

Let me explain this in terms that you, as a person of apparently very limited intellect, may just grasp. You have created multiple posts in which you’ve made it clear you are convinced that the world is flat. This is therefore a conviction on your part. A conviction is “a firmly held belief or opinion”. (Nothing to do, in this context, with a jury finding someone guilty). Consequently, when I found the article about the American man who is seeking to prove the world is indeed flat (a conviction held by you remember) by rocketing himself into space, I suggested that you should have “the courage of your convictions” (look it up if you aren’t sure) and either help him out financially, or travel with him. Because he’s trying to prove what you believe. It would therefore be logical that you would have an interest in supporting his endeavour.

Happy Easter.

"apparent" how exactly?  " You have created multiple posts in which you’ve made it clear you are convinced that the world is flat"   that is a bizarre claim and confirms what i said. you have not read this thread. please do so and provide proof of your daft claim. in the meantime try and do some actual research into the subject before gobbin off at random strangers on the web. walter  

"This is therefore a conviction on your part." prove it or take it back and apologise. stop posting your religious emotions out loud, stick to the subject matter.  happy holy days to you too x

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9 hours ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

@Uhtred to be fair to pgw, I understand his crusade of youtuberry to be to demonstrate that there is active discussion about the flat earth 'delusion' (my description), but (and I'm not going to go back through all of his dross) hasn't actually ever posted his opinion on the matter.

Everyone needs a hobby, I guess, even if it's really, really stupid.

like being a flat earth thread troll hey kneale x

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9 hours ago, Uhtred said:

You may well be right. So I’ve decided to create the new concept of “Easter resolution”. My first such is to desist in responding to PGW who is an Olympic standard numpty and a stranger to coherent English. (And, very probably, reality).

more false claims. without proof you really are just trying to be mean. please just show your proof instead of making silly claims. surely you have some?

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43 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

like being a flat earth thread troll hey kneale x

Learn to read flathead, his name is Bobbie. They are different letters from the alphabet... :thumbsup:

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3 hours ago, Neil Down said:

Learn to read flathead, his name is Bobbie. They are different letters from the alphabet... :thumbsup:

my post was clearly directed at you jonathan. i used your granny avatar monicker to address you. and you replied numb nuts, clearly you can read perfectly well. it feeds your internet stranger fetish doesn't it x

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30 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

Do you even know what the word “scientific” means you fruitloop. To much smoking pot has addled what brain you had...

Neil, I recommend you join my newly created “Easter resolution” and call a halt to exchanging posts with this total dingbat. Leave him to the psychedelic echo chamber that is his excuse for a mind.

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2 hours ago, Uhtred said:

Neil, I recommend you join my newly created “Easter resolution” and call a halt to exchanging posts with this total dingbat. Leave him to the psychedelic echo chamber that is his excuse for a mind.

Count me as a member. The guy is beyond help...

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