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Flat Earth?


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44 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

Done any observations yet, Paul.


34 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

I would also imagine that photos taken of the earth from the ISS may go someway to dispel that fruitloop's ramblings...


14 minutes ago, Uhtred said:

PGW persistently gives voice to a fixation that those among us who are prepared to accept that the Earth is spherical do so as a consequence of religious faith, in the face of zero evidence to back up his claim.

If I understand it correctly, back in the day of this Topic, someone posted that the subject was not worthy of discussion.  That fuelled PGW's obsession with showing that the subject was being "discussed" and providing as evidence the following 150 pages of posts of videos, none of which need watching (if confirmation is required) to support his particular viewpoint.

Don't think he's actually saying he believes in FE woo, just that he's showing that there's a lot of conspironutters out there willing to post low-view videos on the subject.


@paul's got wright - Yes FE is being discussed on the fringes of the interwebs, you can consider your point well made.  Congratuwelldone.

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150 pages just to illustrate that we share our not flat Earth with individuals “discussing” that perhaps it is flat after all is altogether disappointing eh? And I still harbour concerns for PGWs welfare.

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47 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

I would also imagine that photos taken of the earth from the ISS may go someway to dispel that fruitloop's ramblings...

Nah, all fake apparently.  As with all evidence provided, it's all manipulated.

On the one hand this guy proclaims to have not taken any stance short of not being offered any evidence good enough for his standards (which seem quite low tbh)

He claims to be all about peace and love and the freedom to express views yet as soon as evidence is offered up he belittles it and just gets plain nasty.

He either has a massive self perception issue or he's simply a troll.

I'll bet the latter, and an untalented, nasty one at that.

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2 hours ago, Neil Down said:

I would also imagine that photos taken of the earth from the ISS may go someway to dispel that fruitloop's ramblings...

yes, with you being a complete fantasist, it's obvious how wild your imagination is kneil, hence the coincidence theorist tag you've acquired. your religious imagination is without doubt your motivation to troll the "flat earth" thread.

is that your proof that you live on a ball! iss "photo's"!!!  what a noob head!  do some research please nelly, do step up to par . you haven't got a clue about the thread you havn't even read! you're lucky it's the kind leading the blind in here, really.  not really very scientific to imagine what "photos" of the earth to prove anything is it. that's more like a religious view of the subject. as we would expect from a religious zealot like yeself x

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2 hours ago, Uhtred said:

PGW persistently gives voice to a fixation that those among us who are prepared to accept that the Earth is spherical do so as a consequence of religious faith, in the face of zero evidence to back up his claim. (Having said that, zero evidence is an environment in which PGW is very much at home). As you’ve pointed out China, the quasi-religious zealotry being displayed is actually evident in PGWs bone-headed refusal to test his belief in flatness by applying any of the 101 ways you an others have suggested/offered. Freud himself described religious belief as “obsessive, compulsive neurosis”. Various studies have demonstrated links between religious fervour and social exclusion, anxiety, feelings of infallibility and psychosis. Much as it’s tempting to mock the nonsense spouted by PGW (I’m not suggesting you have China) there’s a growing body of evidence in his (seemingly increasingly) inchoate postings that he’s an individual to be pitied. 

"those among us who are prepared to accept that the Earth is spherical"         but i thought you KNOW it's spherical?

"his claim.".......what claim?          " his belief in flatness"" Belief in "flatness"!!!!! wtf are you even on about. please provide proof to support.  try reading the thread first to see if you can find any ? if you are going to attempt to make (false) accusations against me, you need to be able to provide these things to back them up. otherwise you are behaving as a bigoted zealot.

"nonsense spouted by PGW" ....................please provide one example of "nonsense spouted " here by me, and explain how it's "nonesense" in any relation to the op or any comment in this entire thread.  because if i read any of yours they are all nonsenical in relation to this thread and the op. like alot of others who come here to chat shit in the science thread. where it's all about proof.

do you have any you absolute wally? instead of  desperately trying to attach a strawman to defend your beliefs. 

"seemingly increasingly) inchoate postings"...........proof please mud slinger. just one little tiny bit would do, maybe you could even articulate your point as well? is that possible or must you continue to make false claims, in order to defend your religion? what happened to the scientific method when you wrote lies about me?

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3 hours ago, Chinahand said:

Having faith that your car will be able to drive at 30 mph as you press the accelerator is very different from religious faith. It is based on repeated testing and a scientific/engineering understanding of a well understood system. 

It is the same with the shape of the Earth. Repeated observation of how the stars move as you do or don’t change your position on the Earth, sunrise and sunset times, the height of the sun at midday, the dip of the horizon, the observation that you can see further the higher you are above the horizon, Foucault pendulums, surveying, satellite observations etc etc etc. 

There is nothing religious about understanding that the world is a globe.  Our continued finessing of the Earth’s shape as observations from astronomy, surveying and geodesy is a prime example of how science understands its limits and improves the accuracy of its measurements over time.

The people being religious are the flat Earthers clinging to their views in contradiction to the evidence. 

As Tim Minchin put it:

Science adjusts its views based on what's observed. 

Religious Faith is the denial of observation so that belief can be preserved.

Done any observations yet, Paul.

got an understanding of the engineering of the stars have you china? beenup there with gerry doin experiments have you mate? x

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7 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

"those among us who are prepared to accept that the Earth is spherical"         but i thought you KNOW it's spherical?

"his claim.".......what claim?          " his belief in flatness"" Belief in "flatness"!!!!! wtf are you even on about. please provide proof to support.  try reading the thread first to see if you can find any ? if you are going to attempt to make (false) accusations against me, you need to be able to provide these things to back them up. otherwise you are behaving as a bigoted zealot.

"nonsense spouted by PGW" ....................please provide one example of "nonsense spouted " here by me, and explain how it's "nonesense" in any relation to the op or any comment in this entire thread.  because if i read any of yours they are all nonsenical in relation to this thread and the op. like alot of others who come here to chat shit in the science thread. where it's all about proof.

do you have any you absolute wally? instead of  desperately trying to attach a strawman to defend your beliefs. 

"seemingly increasingly) inchoate postings"...........proof please mud slinger. just one little tiny bit would do, maybe you could even articulate your point as well? is that possible or must you continue to make false claims, in order to defend your religion? what happened to the scientific method when you wrote lies about me?

You're losing it pal and if you care to read the definition of inchoate you'll see that no further proof is required. And there you go again ascribing religious beliefs to me...dear oh dear.

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2 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

got an understanding of the engineering of the stars have you china? beenup there with gerry doin experiments have you mate? x

A rather poor response to Chinahand wouldn't you say?

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2 hours ago, Bobbie Bobster said:



If I understand it correctly, back in the day of this Topic, someone posted that the subject was not worthy of discussion.  That fuelled PGW's obsession with showing that the subject was being "discussed" and providing as evidence the following 150 pages of posts of videos, none of which need watching (if confirmation is required) to support his particular viewpoint.

Don't think he's actually saying he believes in FE woo, just that he's showing that there's a lot of conspironutters out there willing to post low-view videos on the subject.


@paul's got wright - Yes FE is being discussed on the fringes of the interwebs, you can consider your point well made.  Congratuwelldone.

" obsession"........replying to comments on social media is not an obsession blob. it's called 2018 fella. lets not pretend you know me blob. 

 that was a half arsed attempt of putting things in the clear for people, but  at least you have some clue about the thread content at this stage. i'm sure you'd never try to lay that old "flat earther" chestnut at my door again. but i dont think nelly and admitted wallies like uhtred, will ever let facts inform their religious minds for the better.  their ramblings  must continue as it's religious policy of theirs, i assume at this stage. i've actually replied to gerry the op and that is the aim of the platfrom of social discussion after all hey bob x

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2 hours ago, Uhtred said:

150 pages just to illustrate that we share our not flat Earth with individuals “discussing” that perhaps it is flat after all is altogether disappointing eh? And I still harbour concerns for PGWs welfare.

believing what you're told without verifying it for yourself, is exactly what got you in this sticky religious state in the first place! x

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12 minutes ago, Uhtred said:

You're losing it pal and if you care to read the definition of inchoate you'll see that no further proof is required. And there you go again ascribing religious to me...dear oh dear.

putred stop pretending you know me you absolute clown. i've asked you time and time again to just provide on example in this entire thread, where you can back up any of your claims made against me! just one please it would really be all you need. but you can't, so you move from one false claim to another. sticks n stones wally. where is the proof that i've "lost it". what have i lost do you think wally? did i report it missing? x

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15 minutes ago, Uhtred said:

You're losing it pal and if you care to read the definition of inchoate you'll see that no further proof is required. And there you go again ascribing religious to me...dear oh dear.

yes i know you think that no proof is required, that's why you don't provide any. coz ye can't so you should be an adult and apologise for making false claims about me. or prove it. either way you are a wally and have nothing of substance to add to this scientific thread, nor the op. just a "flat earth" religious troll


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