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Flat Earth?


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Playing devil’s advocate here, it is an interesting video; however I have some doubts as to the true intention of this experiment.

1.      What effect would you expect to happen if the beam is slightly inclined....My rough calculations show 3 miles = 190080 inches and 6 feet is 72 inches, the beam would only have to be inclined by 0.0217 degrees for this to happen, we are talking just over 1 arc minute. I seem to have missed the part where they show such care in the setup.

2.      They seem to have replicated 3 miles = 6 feet perfectly....3 ^2 * 8 = 72 inches (6 feet)...we know from earlier in the thread that light is refracted to some degree and the theory does not work out to be exact.

3.      As with the laser experiment, the helicopter mimics theory to perfection 6^2 * 8 = 288 inches (24 feet), this is suspicious.

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2 hours ago, gerrydandridge said:

For me, I would have had the boat 3 miles out, then moved the laser downwards, if the curve of the Earth is true as theory suggests then the beam would be extinguished. Such a shame they did not do this!

The laser was level. If you start moving it downwards, then you're rather missing the point of the experiment.

The helicopter, though ? Putting it down at water level, but unable to see it until it reached 24 feet above the water , even with a  flat-earth "believer" looking at it through a telescope ? That was pretty definitive, wasn't it ?

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Without doubt, if I had witnessed that through a telescope, then yes you would have to be suffering  severe cognitive dissonance to continue believing the Earth is flat.

as per the laser, you sure it was completely level, as demonstrated above a little over 1 minute out will produce the result they did, I still say moving the laser downwards until it disappears (gets cut off by the Earths curve) would have proved the curve without much doubt. Think about it, if the laser strikes the bottom of the boat at 3 miles out then there is no curve, if it appears 6 feet higher, to dispel the  "are you sure its level argument" then move it downward and it should completely disappear, if its curved. The margin of error for the level of the laser will increase with distance. 

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2 hours ago, The Bastard said:

So, as usual Paul avoids responding to reasonable evidence and posts unrelated bullshit. Time to lock this timewasting thread.

it's his modus operandi...

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3 hours ago, The Bastard said:

So, as usual Paul avoids responding to reasonable evidence and posts unrelated bullshit. 

And when challenged because of those things responds with juvenile name-calling.

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17 hours ago, gerrydandridge said:

I still say moving the laser downwards until it disappears (gets cut off by the Earths curve) would have proved the curve without much doubt. Think about it, if the laser strikes the bottom of the boat at 3 miles out then there is no curve, if it appears 6 feet higher, to dispel the  "are you sure its level argument" then move it downward and it should completely disappear, if its curved.

Of course the laser would disappear (I.e. hit the ground or water) if you point it down.  The ground is down.  Pointing it down is pointing it at the ground (or water if you're near a lake).  That would also happen on a flat earth.

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