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Flat Earth?


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Ha! You have to get in the right frame of mind.  Expect nothing, ignore the silly (and nonsensicle) insults and just enjoy it for the mad, prolonged stream of trolling it is!

I mean, everyone's trolling everyone here, the whole thread should be treated as an emotional punchbag.  If you get a little uptight or wound up, come here and let loose. It's not like you can ruin the thread or anything :)

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1 hour ago, PottyLisa said:

Ha! You have to get in the right frame of mind.  Expect nothing, ignore the silly (and nonsensicle) insults and just enjoy it for the mad, prolonged stream of trolling it is!

I mean, everyone's trolling everyone here, the whole thread should be treated as an emotional punchbag.  If you get a little uptight or wound up, come here and let loose. It's not like you can ruin the thread or anything :)

Boy have I tried... :P

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3 hours ago, PottyLisa said:

You know that bit in Superman where Louis Lane dies and Superman flies round and round the Earth REALLY fast to make gravity go backwards or something and thus reversing time so Louis comes back to life.  Well, that.  He couldn't do that if the Earth was flat could he?

Checkmate wanker!!

"Louis" Lane? Don't tell me even Superman is on the turn in these revisionist times...


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3 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

It's quite astounding how many people turn up on the flat earth thread and ask for it to be closed. Or make a point about ignoring paul. Bizarre. Almost religious-like.

Indeed. And when asked for the scientific proof, for us to examine, they laugh it off as though their beliefs require none. Truly astounding and the justification of the op by gerry. Only china hand has even had a decent attempt at it. Its below the rest apparently. I really think they would benefit from the uk convention livestream. Might learn about their "own model"

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5 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

Ahh so the gangstar granny hardman act is over, thank goodness. Im actually enjoying your content more lately nelly. Keep it up old boy x

I seriously doubt you would know what a "hardman" was...

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2 hours ago, Neil Down said:

Love your loose terminology there Lisa - "science". That will keep me smiling all day now.

You are correct in entertainment value though. I'll have a think about the entertainment v irritating little shit :flowers:

We already know how " little shit" neil down went. Go for entertainment this time! New avatar new start an all that

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3 hours ago, PottyLisa said:

Ha! You have to get in the right frame of mind.  Expect nothing, ignore the silly (and nonsensicle) insults and just enjoy it for the mad, prolonged stream of trolling it is!

I mean, everyone's trolling everyone here, the whole thread should be treated as an emotional punchbag.  If you get a little uptight or wound up, come here and let loose. It's not like you can ruin the thread or anything :)

Im not trollin anyone. The question is a scientific one. It requires scientific proof. Your lack of proof for your belief is what has become laughable.

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1 hour ago, Neil Down said:

Boy have I tried... :P

As was pointed out to you a good while ago. Wouldn't it be easy just to provide your best proof of the spinning spherical earth? Maybe you don't actualy have a good enough grasp of the model? Most people don't despite their almost religious belief in it.

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