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Flat Earth?


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17 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

Just give one example of what you call drivel, from me? Its your lack of proof that has spurred the thread on, i would say.

I am not an adherent of any flat earth theory!!! thus proving you cannot read, or you are too lazy, or no matter what is said to the contrary, even from people who share your beliefs, your cognitive dissonance will not allow you to know the truth of the matter. 

So you make false claims.  That is the piss take here. High and mighty liars like you, havin the cheek to come in the flat eart thread, without scientific proof,  or manners, and making personal accusations which you cant back up. 

What is it that makez you post in this thread? Easy



You need help lad, and if being on this forum all day is how you get your hard-on then you need a job too. A kick up the arse and two years in the army for a start.

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16 hours ago, Chinahand said:

Evidence of the shape of the earth provided in this thread -

The existence of the horizon.  Observable easily.  Watch the Ben sail out into the bay, or walk up Peel Hill looking out to the Galloway lighthouse.

Watching a double sunset by watching the sun set at a lower level and quickly moving to a higher level.  Easily doable.  This can used to give a rough estimate of the size of the earth by timing how long it takes for the sun to set a second time compared to how much higher you are.

Watching the stars and how they rotate around polaris in the northern hemisphere and just off the Southern Cross in the Southern Hemisphere.  Measuring how the positions of the stars change as you move with latitude. Easily doable.  The measurements cannot be replicated on a flat earth, only on a globe.

Measuring how shadows lengths change at different places around the earth.   Why does the shadow of a 1 m stick never get shorter than a certain length on say the Isle of Man, but will shrink to nothing at certain times in the tropics. Harder to do due to Umbra and penumbra effects, but simply do a survey of sundials - why do their gnomons change angle at different locations, something very easily explained by a globe, totally incomprehensible for a flat earth model. Easily doable.

Understanding timezones.  Seeing how you far you have to change your watch as you travel around the world.  Easily doable.

I do very strongly want to make clear that the predictions from the purely childish flat earth models are totally incapable of explaining the details of how angles to the sun change at different latitudes and times, as it is incapable of explaining the equinox; while the spherical model explain it with great accuracy, enabling navigators to chart their position as they sail around the globe and designers of sundials to accurately predict solar time.

Measuring the dip of the horizon.  This is quite hard, but perfectly doable with patience and/or equipment.

Seeing how the period of a Foucault's pendulum changes with latitude.  Why does it rotate in 23.93 hours at the poles, but at 23.93 hours divided by the sine of the latitude elsewhere?  Perfectly doable, but as it involves a heavy weight and 20 foot of wire, quite involved.  But you can easily check out the various Foucault's pendulums set up around the world to see that this is so.

All these are perfectly easily to do as an individual who is patient and careful.

Then there are the innumerable examples from satellite observations, gps, geostationary communications satellites, weather satellites etc etc.

To pretend all this, and the billions of pounds of commercial business it relies on is fake is cretinous.

The question you need to ask yourself is why are planets, all that we know of anyway, round (I saw that moon thing last night and it was near as damnit).


And how?

Once you can answer that then everything else should fall into place.

Life, the universe and everything.


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18 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

If i have to go back through the thread and bring them all up in chronological order i will. No worries. Scrutinise them one by one.

Well, are you going to do this or just keep blowing hot air?

Face it, your ego's writing cheques your mind can't cash.

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Poor quality trolling. You were whining pitifully about ad hominem attacks recently, but on this page alone you've insulted several people just for daring to have (correct) opinions that differ from your own weird perspective. The thread stopped being about science and alternate perspectives on reality some time ago, and it's just become a vehicle for your ad hominem attacks, (which are against the new policies) and for your desperate attention-seeking. What a lonely life you must lead.

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5 hours ago, quilp said:

You need help lad, and if being on this forum all day is how you get your hard-on then you need a job too. A kick up the arse and two years in the army for a start.

See... it's not that easy to ignore the fruitloop is it?

My last post ever on this box of frogs

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5 hours ago, quilp said:

You need help lad, and if being on this forum all day is how you get your hard-on then you need a job too. A kick up the arse and two years in the army for a start.

Who iff dome religious zealot like you? What for, or is it fantasy hour again? Pretending to know anonymous strangers on the web makes you look silly.

If you think im on this forum all day you need help! With your research! What an assumptive wally. 

What job do i need? Whats the price on it? Do you need a quote?eil an anonymous one do?

Or are you pretending to know anonymous strangers again?

Are you promoting violence via kicks up the arse? That could cause severe damage of the spine. Its very shallow of you.

Which army? Is that violence again? Or is it like the toon army? Or is it how you regard religious cults?


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5 hours ago, gettafa said:

The question you need to ask yourself is why are planets, all that we know of anyway, round (I saw that moon thing last night and it was near as damnit).


And how?

Once you can answer that then everything else should fall into place.

Life, the universe and everything.


Oh like a unified theory! Good idea, but do you mean round or spherical?  Coins are round

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3 hours ago, The Bastard said:

Poor quality trolling. You were whining pitifully about ad hominem attacks recently, but on this page alone you've insulted several people just for daring to have (correct) opinions that differ from your own weird perspective. The thread stopped being about science and alternate perspectives on reality some time ago, and it's just become a vehicle for your ad hominem attacks, (which are against the new policies) and for your desperate attention-seeking. What a lonely life you must lead.

read the thread you lazy lazy person. no proof has been provided. no trolling from me. just yous.

and how dare you accuse me of insulting anyone, after the way you and your like have behaved in here. please provide one example of an insult from me and i will apologise profusely and take it back. like a real man.  i call a spade a spade. you sir are a walter and that is not an insult nor an attempt at one. it's a colloquial  term used to describe a type of behaviour some people display, akin to fantasy.

if i have to go back from the first page and point out the insults chronologically, you will see who the culprits are.  it's those characters that should take a closer look at the rules. i guarantee i was the first person in this thread to point out the distinct lack of manners of various posters, who were in here purely trolling and being abusive. most still are, and more seem to arriving. 

again you fantasise about how i would insult someone over a difference of opinion! what a complete and utter walter. it's me who has been pointing out the people that have done that since it started.. you are just a liar and faithful believer. and you clearly have not read the content of this thread. making you a noob and an ignorant one at that.

"your own weird perspective"................what exactly would that be, or are you fantasisng again? if not then give us an example, or quote something ive posted. you bad troll.

"The thread stopped being about science"............no it never it started as a scientific question and that's how it remains. you don't get to redefine science. 

and why are you in here posting to me anyway because i sure never approached you in any way?  that makes you the instigator and i have every entitlement to respond to another poster.  so please don't be offended by the truth or don't cry when it hurts you. you started it and i have only scientific intentions in this thread.

and we are still waiting for the thread ender, you desperate desperate believer, stooping as low as you can reach to make false claims about an interested poster like me.

you wanna give it but you don't like it up you do ye? 

well get it up ye!


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1 hour ago, Neil Down said:

See... it's not that easy to ignore the fruitloop is it?

My last post ever on this box of frogs

The less religious zealots the better neil, good decision. Strange though considering the amount of time you spent in here, appealing to ridicule x

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oh look well who would have thought it hey. the isle of man making the news again!  this time at the "fe" conference/convention in the uk, which has just finished. they had news reporters there apparently. not for you? no need for smart arse religious replies then is there. 


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china hand, would you like us to agree on what the scientific method is before we go through your "proofs"?

shall we do it by citation or shall we both just state what our understanding of it is first?

that means at some point tomorrow hopefully, we can use it together to check what has been offered, in your recent post, and the chronological attempts( the one's bobbie is gettin so excited about!) of this thread x

 off to find the first insult in this thread! 

it wasn't me nor gerry's op!  before all the comedians join!!


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