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Flat Earth?


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Come on people stop the bitching. 

Paul, I don’t know what you are expected me to agree with - your definition of science??

Erm ... ok.

Let’s see how it goes.

What happens now?


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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

So Gerry was the only one with an opposing world view and he stopped contributing.  We can therefore close the thread seeing as you an an impartial spectator (who seems rather involved in the discussion to be a spectator) and that since Gerry left everyone else is in agreement that the Earth is not flat and is in fact a globe. 

If everyone is in agreement you will have no discussion to observe and that makes it all rather pointless.

We shAll name this post " drenched in fear" mm. For posterity. I shall point you to the error of your assumption after my tea. Enjoy yours one and all x

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1 hour ago, Chinahand said:

Come on people stop the bitching. 

Paul, I don’t know what you are expected me to agree with - your definition of science??

Erm ... ok.

Let’s see how it goes.

What happens now?


No china THE definition of the scientific method. Mm has a disagreement already . we shall see whether that is

Valid shortly.

We are testing the evidence you have offered. We are going to need the scientific method in order to scrutinise it. We have to agree on those steps beforehand obviously. You can get a citation from any university or scholar. That's the parameters required. See you after tea x


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1 hour ago, Chinahand said:

Come on people stop the bitching. 

Paul, I don’t know what you are expected me to agree with - your definition of science??

Erm ... ok.

Let’s see how it goes.

What happens now?


Exactly china why would mm prefer to close the thread instead of having this out for all to see!!!

Crackers x

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On 5/1/2018 at 1:49 PM, manxman1980 said:

PGW please can you clarify what "scientific method" would provide sufficient proof for you?  I have put quotation marks simply because I am quoting you directly.  

To me a scientific method is generating a hypothesis and then testing that through experimentation which provide measurable results.  Those results will either support the original hypothesis or not.  The experiment should be performed in a controlled way, with any variables noted, and with any equipment properly calibrated.  The experiment should be repeatable and all the data collected should be reviewed and considered. 

Another person should be able to follow the same methodology and under the same conditions come up with the same results.  Chinahand has given you examples of many experiments which can be used to test the hypothesis that the world is a globe.  Chinahand has even explained how you, or anyone else, can undertake the same experiments and compare the results against previous experiments.

I have seen no-one satisfactorily present a scientific method which provides data to support the hypothesis that the world is anything other than a globe.  

My final point on this topic is that we can clearly see through telescopes the shape of the other planets in the solar system.  Everyone one of them is an imperfect globe.  Why would the Earth be a different shape from the other planets?  What would make the Earth so special? 

for the second time mm. you never responded to the first time i pointed this out to you.

"Chinahand has given you examples of many experiments which can be used to test the hypothesis that the world is a globe"

"test the hypothesis that the world is a globe". this is were you are mistaken.   "that the world is a globe" is not a scientific hypothesis. it doesn't deal with the if/then requirement, or cause/effect prediction and description

what does it intend to predict in experiment? what are the variables?

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PGW - go and visit the hundred foot drain in Cambridgeshire. As a schoolboy, when I was a lot younger than I am now, I trained on this stretch of water alongside the Cambridge boat race crew. It has to be one of the most boring stretches of water to row on, being dead straight for many miles, but it is a good example of proving the curvature of the earth.

As you move along it, you see things that were fully visible drop below the horizon.

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The flat-earthers are a subset of conspiracy nut-job populism in general. Like Gamergate or the rise of the alt-right. It's about people who no longer trust informed opinion and get their news (and science) from each other online. 

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On 4/29/2018 at 10:02 PM, paul's got wright said:

If i have to go back through the thread and bring them all up in chronological order i will. No worries. Scrutinise them one by one.


2 hours ago, paul's got wright said:


Here endeth the lesson.

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2 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

for the second time mm. you never responded to the first time i pointed this out to you.

"Chinahand has given you examples of many experiments which can be used to test the hypothesis that the world is a globe"

"test the hypothesis that the world is a globe". this is were you are mistaken.   "that the world is a globe" is not a scientific hypothesis. it doesn't deal with the if/then requirement, or cause/effect prediction and description

what does it intend to predict in experiment? what are the variables?

Erm, are we getting somewhere?

We have 2 hypotheses - the earth is flat, the earth is a globe.

We then generate a prediction - if the earth is flat we expect this to happen, if the earth is a globe we expect that.

We then go out and collect some evidence - how do the results fit with the two hypotheses.

Which hypothesis is a closer fit - given its simplifying assumptions and approximations and the errors and complications gathering evidence involves - to the evidence we collect.

Is that a reasonable stab - at how a "natural science" might examine this issue?

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5 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

We have to agree on those steps beforehand obviously. You can get a citation from any university or scholar. That's the parameters required.

What do you mean by getting a citation - about what?

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