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Flat Earth?


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10 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

I think we have all seen PGW for what he is.  I ducked out of this thread many pages back but it just keeps coming back partly because people can't resist having a go and partly because PGW keeps posting more comments (weird for an impartial observer) putting forward an alternative world view.

To be honest I think this whole thread is a troll fest with very little real scientific discussion (apart from China's contributions).  

You can think whatever you want it wont make it true. unless you can prove it? Why Are you a projectin. Your insecurities intead of dealing withe the subject matter?

Please provide a quote where i have put forward analternate world view, what your objection is, and allow me to respond. Or are you just making this shit up? Its hard to believe that you are that desperate over such a simple question,........flat earth? Thats all he asked!

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On 4/30/2018 at 4:48 PM, Bobbie Bobster said:

Well, are you going to do this or just keep blowing hot air?

Face it, your ego's writing cheques your mind can't cash.

I note with interest that so far you haven’t followed up on your bullshit claim...

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7 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

Paul, I thought you wanted to do something. Why waste your time with the peanut gallery?

China, you are the only one contributing to this. Fair play to you for keeping on track but this clown will not bring anything new or substantial to this topic. He’ll twist and squirm, insult and generally feck about.

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23 hours ago, Chinahand said:

Erm, are we getting somewhere?

We have 2 hypotheses - the earth is flat, the earth is a globe.

We then generate a prediction - if the earth is flat we expect this to happen, if the earth is a globe we expect that.

We then go out and collect some evidence - how do the results fit with the two hypotheses.

Which hypothesis is a closer fit - given its simplifying assumptions and approximations and the errors and complications gathering evidence involves - to the evidence we collect.

Is that a reasonable stab - at how a "natural science" might examine this issue?

"We have 2 hypotheses - the earth is flat, the earth is a globe." 

neither of which would qualify in natural science, as a hypothesis. neither statements deal with the if/then requirement of a scientific hypothesis, which can the be tested in a scientific experiment.

"We then generate a prediction". 

no china, the hypothesis is the prediction,  and it must pose the if/then scenario, in order to test it's validity  scientifically.

"Is that a reasonable stab - at how a "natural science" might examine this issue?"

not really china and you shouldn't have to ask. you should know this stuff.  which is why i suggested that you or mm just posted it step by step. for clarity and agreement. it has specific steps which must be taken in a specific order. each contains fundamental principles, none of which cannot be skipped or ignored.  i pointed out mm1980's corresponding error, which he failed to accept.  i will post the scientific method here for all to see. this is the scientific tool we shall use, to test each and everyone of the claims and offers of evidence, you have given in this thread. 

"if it disagrees with experiment then it's wrong"

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1 hour ago, Neil Down said:

China, you are the only one contributing to this. Fair play to you for keeping on track but this clown will not bring anything new or substantial to this topic. He’ll twist and squirm, insult and generally feck about.

So you admit you do not contribute here. I commend your honesty. I understand how hard that must have been for you neil

You shouldn't call yourself a clown though, you have been strong enough to take the first step x

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the reason that this thread has had so many replies is due to the ignorance of most the people replying.  if only they had just understood, what the scientific method of inquiry, requires in the first place. many false assumptions and false claims have been made, due to pure willful ignorance, and a refusal to have a scientific discussion about the topic of the op. 

step 1 observe a phenomena, form a question

step 2 research, literature reviews  etc

step 3 construct a formal hypothesis, (explanation, description)

step 4 test/experiment (double check all information, equipment etc)

step 5 analyze the data/results

step 6 accept/reject hypothesis

step 7 post/report results

step 8 stop being so ignorant and rude to people who have scientific questions about where they live. just be scientific with them

this is how science works. this is how we use the scientific method to make and test predictions, by experiment . this is the checklist for when we scrutinise the evidence people have proposed in this last few years. now if you can just hold your excitement bobbie, we have got past the impasse!

i will not be asking for any further agreement from anyone about what the scientific method is. its there for all to see. got an objection?  then assert it.  its time to check the evidence that so many of you, have so much faith in

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On Wednesday, May 02, 2018 at 9:09 PM, Bobbie Bobster said:


Here endeth the lesson.

Its now bobby. Post the tumbleweed now. You you jumped the gun. They dont call you mr exited pants for nothing. We have our shield of science to go forth into the search for proof.  You can stop wetting your knickers now and start brickin them x

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