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Flat Earth?


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14 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

I do love a good noob! So refreshing!

So it's 265 pages of "utter bollox ", but you haven't read it! Classic!  I hope you don't do book reviews!

What a walter! What edge?

Tiresome. A flat surface without an edge?? Oh, you mean a sphere.

Get back in your 2-dimensional flatland box you outrageous troll!

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2 hours ago, b4mbi said:

Tiresome. A flat surface without an edge?? Oh, you mean a sphere.

Get back in your 2-dimensional flatland box you outrageous troll!

He survives because idiots like us continue to comment on here... :whatever:

ETA - The emoji is aimed at myself...

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1 hour ago, quilp said:

That the earth is flat. Or the science is skewed and we're being lied to by er, hm-mm, some entity for whatever reason.

That is your belief, is it not? 

You’ll come to regret that post...

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2 hours ago, quilp said:

That the earth is flat. Or the science is skewed and we're being lied to by er, hm-mm, some entity for whatever reason.

That is your belief, is it not? 

Then why did you make the claim! Now you are asking if it's my belief! 

 You already stated that it was! I don't think you've read this thread have you quilp! Stop makin silly claims then!

Nothing wrong with science, it's your beliefs that are skewed, and your investigative skillz x

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On 9/27/2018 at 6:58 PM, manxman1980 said:

Excellent point.  Applying that same principle the burden of proof is therefore on you and/or Gerry to provide evidence that the world is flat which is your claim..

I am 99% certain the Earth is roundish....I did say this sometime ago (in this thread somewhere), however if others think it is flat then that is just fine with me.....I know one or 2 people on a face to face level that are convinced the Earth is flat, I don't let our differences come between us....My honest opinion on FE is that it was put forward by those that hide truth from us, its another way to divide like minded people that have managed to peel away the first of 9 veils obstructing the advancement of our consciousness.

Imagine I talk with a group of people that are starting to see breaks in their reality, they start seeing the world for what it really is, they begin to see the evidence from the first stage of cognition, I explain the fraud of their legal fiction or I inspire them to re-evaluate 911, or they look into the many deceptions that has mentally imprisoned them all their lives, and they start to remember who they are....then I mention that the Earth is flat.....then watch as all my good work disappear and all the good information I gave them becomes infected and poisoned because in their eyes, my credibility has just gone to zero, veil 1 fixes firmly back into place, baby and bathwater go out together....that is what flat earth was put here to do in my opinion....

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