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Flat Earth?


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7 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

Just spit it out blobby

Do you have any science to back up your religious beliefs? 

Pauls got it wrong again - you realise that there has been plenty of scientific evidence posted on this thread but you either are the biggest troll going or you have no real understanding of science and the world on which you live. 

It has been proven time and time again that you do not have a clue about science.  It's also notable that the only reason this topic re-emerged from the murky depths is because you decided to post up an alleged school report.  Which, by the way, you have failed to post any evidence of its actual existence you are simply asking us to have faith in your honesty.  Please post scientific proof of your school report... 

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7 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Pauls got it wrong again - you realise that there has been plenty of scientific evidence posted on this thread but you either are the biggest troll going or you have no real understanding of science and the world on which you live. 

It has been proven time and time again that you do not have a clue about science.  It's also notable that the only reason this topic re-emerged from the murky depths is because you decided to post up an alleged school report.  Which, by the way, you have failed to post any evidence of its actual existence you are simply asking us to have faith in your honesty.  Please post scientific proof of your school report... 

I have highlighted the relevant bits for you manxman

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2 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

Pauls got it wrong again - you realise that there has been plenty of scientific evidence posted on this thread but you either are the biggest troll going or you have no real understanding of science and the world on which you live. 

It has been proven time and time again that you do not have a clue about science.  It's also notable that the only reason this topic re-emerged from the murky depths is because you decided to post up an alleged school report.  Which, by the way, you have failed to post any evidence of its actual existence you are simply asking us to have faith in your honesty.  Please post scientific proof of your school report... 

go on then, tell the audience what i have gotten wrong!

please provide the details of the experiment. what was the observed phenomena?

science is the study of the natural world by way of observations, questions and experiment.

i think you mean seance or scientism.

anyway i was giving you a few months to catch up an learn, maybe re read the thread and keep up to date with the "flat earth" debate!

"Paul is undoubtedly a gifted student who has a great deal to offer"

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22 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

Did Cavendish measure the distance to the sun? How did he know the earth was a sphere in the first place, and how did he measure the "radius"? 

Erm ... the distance to the sun has nothing to do with Cavendish's experiment, he didn't use it.

Yes, he knew the earth was approximately a sphere - if you look at the footnote on p43 of the pdf I linked to he admits there is variability, noting: In strictness, we ought, instead of the mean diameter of the earth, to take the diameter of that sphere whose attraction is equal to the force of gravity in this climate ; but the difference is not worth regarding.

How did he know the size he used - the mean diameter of the earth is 41800000 feet - it was something people had been working on for 100s of years - see this paper researching how Spanish and Portuguese cartographers in the 15th and 16th century had worked to better understand the size of the earth.   Or read about Duarte Pacheco Pereira and his work in Brazil.  Or go and read about the history of Geodesy here.

Multiple people in multiple places had produced results and those results had a consistency and consilience which allows science to steadily refine our understanding.

The way the radius was measured was by measuring how far it took for polaris to move 1 degree lower in the sky while moving due south.  You measure how far that takes, multiply the answer by 360 and divide the answer by 2pi and that gives you the radius.  People had been doing it all over the world for centuries by the time Cavendish did his experiment.  The results they got were consistent enough for Cavendish's measurements to be good approximations.

I realise you disagree that the change in position of the stars as you move on the world is explained by the shape of the world being a globe - at least Gerry has understood this.

But genuinely, it is explained by this. 

Shadow lengths, sextant readings, the changing position of polaris as you move Southwards in the Northern hemisphere.  They all are explained by the earth being a sphere and no FE model can skilfully be used to predict where you are for navigation, sunrise times etc.  

It is silly to claim they can.


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23 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

Post something sensible then, like scientific experiments which prove the earth is spinning! 

The most simple scientific experiment that shows the earth is spinning is a Foucault's Pendulum.  As in many examples in this thread the behaviour of such a pendulum is well understood and entirely explained by a spherical earth.

There are other observations you can make to show the earth is spinning.  One subtle one is how the aberration of light is affected by the Earth's rotation.

Do you know anything about Hydrogen Alpha lines in the spectrum of light from a star, Paul?

The position of these lines is affected by the movement of the earth - it is something astronomers have known about since the 1600s.  The closer your observatory is to the equator the more the stars wobble (and their spectra shift) ever so slightly depending on whether your seeing them approach you from the east or away from you in the west.

The change with latitude can't be explained by either a stationary earth or a flat one.  A stationary earth with a moving star would show the same aberration where ever it was observed, while a spinning flat earth would show a totally different pattern in the variation to the aberration as you changed your latitude.

As ever you can pretend these observations don't exist, or it is all a lie, but these are the sorts of observations anyone who was really dedicated to replicating could do for a couple of thousand pounds and a few years of practice.  Many a reader of this thread has probably put that much effort into a guitar.

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3 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

"Paul is undoubtedly a gifted student who has a great deal to offer"

I suppose he was worried that if he wrote, "Paul is an obtuse little prick who needs a bloody good slap" he might find himself in detention. 

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13 minutes ago, Sheldon said:

I suppose he was worried that if he wrote, "Paul is an obtuse little prick who needs a bloody good slap" he might find himself in detention. 

Nah the don was far too smooth to worry! And he would never lie x

"Don is honest as the day is long"

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7 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

Nah the don was far too smooth to worry! And he would never lie x

"Don is honest as the day is long"

Just scan or photograph your report and post it up as evidence otherwise your expect me to accept your "quotes" with no evidence.

Proving your school report actually exists should be simple....

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3 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

Just scan or photograph your report and post it up as evidence otherwise your expect me to accept your "quotes" with no evidence.

Proving your school report actually exists should be simple....

Just scan one of those scientific experiments that proves the earth is a spinning oblate spheroid, put all those "flat earthers" minds at rest!

Proving your religious beliefs should be simple x

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6 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

Just scan or photograph your report and post it up as evidence otherwise your expect me to accept your "quotes" with no evidence.

Proving your school report actually exists should be simple....

Don't be daft, you can't post something that doesn't exist... oh wait a minute

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