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Flat Earth?


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41 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

I suspect uhtred doesn't know the difference anyway, and yes it does matter when people are making assertions, which "gravity" they are refering to.

You don't know what gravity is china, neither does neil, yet faithfully you follow in its omnipotent omnipresent, almost magical "properties ", without ever having discovered it, or experimented with it. You believe what you are told, in keeping with your religious beliefs x

Explain how tides work then? Is this the result of the water falling off the edge of your "flat earth" then some ever present being refills?

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46 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

I suspect uhtred doesn't know the difference anyway...

Uhtred certainly does know the difference so your supercilious arrogance (many of your posts are thus imbued) is misplaced. The gravity to which I referred as lacking in your case, and which Neil Down appears to have understood, is the definition “dignity or solemnity of manner”. I’d invite you to read a dictionary to educate yourself but of course that’d be tricky with your head as far up your arse as it clearly is. And you really do need to invest in a new critique of your detractors - the “religious beliefs” put down is looking very careworn indeed. You need a bit of a refresh in the knowledge department I’d say. Why not pop out and hook up again with all those teachers who are in awe of you? 

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1 hour ago, paul's got wright said:

You believe what you are told, in keeping with your religious beliefs x

Oh what rot.  The force of gravity is, to a good and useful approximation, proportional to the product of the mass of the two objects involved and inversely proportion to the distance between them squared.

That isn't a religious belief.  It is a well verified evidence-based fact - using Stephen Gould's definition of fact I've put up multiple times before but which you never engage with.

It isn't perfect and when dealing with the very big, or the very small the approximation breaks down, but we have discovered better approximations which work far far better.  The failure of the Newtonian model doesn't stop me using the approximation to make useful predictions about the world where the failure is trivial, such as how long a pendulum needs to be on a grandfather clock.

The equation for the period of a pendulum isn't a religious belief.  It comes directly from our scientific understanding of gravity and how we can usefully make approximations (models) of the world around us.

You can cry religious beliefs for as long as you like, but you're wrong and simply don't understand the difference between scientific evidence and religious beliefs.

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Just because you don't know how a sausage is made, doesn't mean there isn't a sausage.

Just because we don't know all the details of gravity, doesn't mean we can't make useful predictions with our knowledge of gravity.

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1 hour ago, TheTeapot said:

That's a very silly argument Paul. Sometimes you just have to accept that someone has done the work for you. I think i know roughly how cheese is made, I don't need to make it myself to enjoy it. I mean, if we're talking magical properties then cheese has to be in the conversation.

sell blocks of gravity in the shop do they? sliced and grated variety as well?

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3 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:


Still in Germany mojo? Video blocked here for bollocks reasons. Good choice though.


2 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

sell blocks of gravity in the shop do they? sliced and grated variety as well?

You've missed my point. Or maybe you haven't.

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1 hour ago, Neil Down said:

Explain how tides work then? Is this the result of the water falling off the edge of your "flat earth" then some ever present being refills?

Explain how they don't?  Are they broken?

I haven't got a " flat earth" nelly. What edge?

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1 hour ago, Uhtred said:

Uhtred certainly does know the difference so your supercilious arrogance (many of your posts are thus imbued) is misplaced. The gravity to which I referred as lacking in your case, and which Neil Down appears to have understood, is the definition “dignity or solemnity of manner”. I’d invite you to read a dictionary to educate yourself but of course that’d be tricky with your head as far up your arse as it clearly is. And you really do need to invest in a new critique of your detractors - the “religious beliefs” put down is looking very careworn indeed. You need a bit of a refresh in the knowledge department I’d say. Why not pop out and hook up again with all those teachers who are in awe of you? 

Why didnt you specify then?

I dont believe you are giving an unbiased view of my posts, if anything you are appealing to emotion.

Whats up got no science?

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22 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

Just because you don't know how a sausage is made, doesn't mean there isn't a sausage.

Just because we don't know all the details of gravity, doesn't mean we can't make useful predictions with our knowledge of gravity.

I do know how sausage is made. Mr and mrs sausages play wrestling under the covers.

9 sausage moons later boom!

You cant even come close to scientifically proving gravity china. More chance of nasa recreating that moon "technology" they had 50 yrs ago!

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