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Flat Earth?


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Brilliant saw him a couple of weeks ago. Got a c in science, not bad considering my behavior in those lessons!

There was something about science lessons that made our class just lose control. Our teachers were mainly good teachers, some were a little rigid though. Also we had the larger than life mr shepstone to contend with! Now he was a handful i can tell ye! Great teacher and peoples favorite, not to be pushed too far though. Oozed control and was most affable.

So, no problems, and its carried me well to my understanding of science to this day x

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2 hours ago, Uhtred said:

Uhtred certainly does know the difference so your supercilious arrogance (many of your posts are thus imbued) is misplaced. The gravity to which I referred as lacking in your case, and which Neil Down appears to have understood, is the definition “dignity or solemnity of manner”. I’d invite you to read a dictionary to educate yourself but of course that’d be tricky with your head as far up your arse as it clearly is. And you really do need to invest in a new critique of your detractors - the “religious beliefs” put down is looking very careworn indeed. You need a bit of a refresh in the knowledge department I’d say. Why not pop out and hook up again with all those teachers who are in awe of you? 

" in awe"?  Who claimed that?

Is it back to fantasy now?


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15 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

Brilliant saw him a couple of weeks ago. Got a c in science, not bad considering my behavior in those lessons!

There was something about science lessons that made our class just lose control. Our teachers were mainly good teachers, some were a little rigid though. Also we had the larger than life mr shepstone to contend with! Now he was a handful i can tell ye! Great teacher and peoples favorite, not to be pushed too far though. Oozed control and was most affable.

So, no problems, and its carried me well to my understanding of science to this day x

When he said you were a proper "C", he was not talking about a grade.

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11 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

Wow so cool!

Is that real cool? Is it an image or a picture?

When did you take it?

I took it today when I was investigating weather patterns. Glad you like it. Can you work out which storm (there are 3) I was referring to?

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7 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

I took it today when I was investigating weather patterns. Glad you like it. Can you work out which storm (there are 3) I was referring to?

Nice photoshopped picture IMO, which has changed somewhat through the years but you know its a false picture as the earth is showing as being like that of a marble ball and we all know that it can't be a ball, even if you didn't believe in a level earth. 

Anyway, ignore the comments as normal and as an example of how the weather suggestively looks like, I find it a nice coloured picture

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12 hours ago, Neil Down said:

Explain how tides work then? Is this the result of the water falling off the edge of your "flat earth" then some ever present being refills?

It is stated that Antartica has 150 foot high walls. Whether this is an inward or outward barrier, then I do not know.

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33 minutes ago, manxy said:

Nice photoshopped picture IMO, which has changed somewhat through the years but you know its a false picture as the earth is showing as being like that of a marble ball and we all know that it can't be a ball, even if you didn't believe in a level earth. 

Anyway, ignore the comments as normal and as an example of how the weather suggestively looks like, I find it a nice coloured picture


22 minutes ago, manxy said:

It is stated that Antartica has 150 foot high walls. Whether this is an inward or outward barrier, then I do not know.

@manxy any thoughts on my post earlier?  


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17 hours ago, manxman1980 said:



" I like Eminem he has made some good music and is undoubtedly one of the greatest rappers of our time.  I bet he does not think the Earth is flat.".....

so what? this is a science thread not a "Rapper" thread. "greatest" "rapper"!  get a grip!  what's so great about marshall? do you condone his lyrical content? if you think "rappers" are "great" it really is no wonder you are so deluded. have you asked him what he thinks?

"Pretty much everything about the shape and nature of our world..." ......          

 then give just one example of where i have done so. or must you continuously peddle fantasy?


"Your interest in this thread is because it perpetuates you view that there is an ongoing discussion about the shape of the world when in reality there isn't.".........

wrong again eminem. my interest in this thread has been well documented. again you show yourself to be an extremely lazy and poor researcher. try quoting me.


"we could not come to an agreement on the definition of science."................

try this eminem......... "Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts."

or this   

"the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment."


"you deliberately distort that definition to suit your own ends."..............

please show your evidence. what are my "own ends"? also can you provide an example, where I "dispute the very nature of science" please. you didn't provide one. try quoting me eminem x



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