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Flat Earth?


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16 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

so what? this is a science thread not a "Rapper" thread. "greatest" "rapper"!  get a grip!  what's so great about marshall? do you condone his lyrical content? if you think "rappers" are "great" it really is no wonder you are so deluded. have you asked him what he thinks?


More of a B.o.B. fan Paul?

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1 minute ago, Declan said:

More of a B.o.B. fan Paul?

more of a musician than a fan dec. for anyone to say eminem is the greatest rapper of our time, just shows how low we can sink as a species!

what utter tripe! ......of our time? what times that then? what a total moron. how old exactly is the rap game!  i have a feeling our manxforums eminiem, thinks he's bin in the game for tweny years makin rap tunes! cannot believe he wrote it in public, on a science thread!!!

eminem do you really think rapping is something to be in awe of! seriously get a proper grip for sayin that. no wonder science is on the back burner in your mind! 

at least try listening to real rap music before making such audacious claims! try dead prez for a start ye wally x


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This fevered debate  is  way over my head  but in the vain hope it might speed  its merciful death, I offer the following:

 Say, the  following in the the manner of “Bryn”played by Rob Brydon in “Gavin and Stacey”,

”Two words -Sat -Nav”

Sat -Nav....

OK , yes,  it does have a flat screen and the map is flat ..

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1 hour ago, paul's got wright said:

more of a musician than a fan dec. for anyone to say eminem is the greatest rapper of our time, just shows how low we can sink as a species!

what utter tripe! ......of our time? what times that then? what a total moron. how old exactly is the rap game!  i have a feeling our manxforums eminiem, thinks he's bin in the game for tweny years makin rap tunes! cannot believe he wrote it in public, on a science thread!!!

eminem do you really think rapping is something to be in awe of! seriously get a proper grip for sayin that. no wonder science is on the back burner in your mind! 

at least try listening to real rap music before making such audacious claims! try dead prez for a start ye wally x


Rather enjoying Princess Nokia's A Girl Called Red at the moment. 

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Hi Paul's got wright, it does appear that more and more people accept the theory and learning about the facts of a level earth. Good for them

Its not surprising that canals are built straight and are not bent in the middle to accept a curve, otherwise the canal boat would be stuck in mid air and thats why they invented locks for the boats to get up and down different levels in the long canals. Its a fact, of course it is. Quite simply put, if they had bendy water, then there wouldn't be a need to build locks and thats what its all about. Water finds a level and doesn't bend around a ball shaped earth and thats where conspiratorial Sphere Earthers have problems accepting that fact, especially as they were taught in schools that the earth is round.

Level is level. No theories, no conspiracies, just fact

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11 minutes ago, Declan said:

Rather enjoying Princess Nokia's A Girl Called Red at the moment. 

Who's next in the "greatest of our time" list from eminem!

Callum best? Jordan? Eddie the eagle!!! 

Mm 1980, the greatest walter of " our time" here in the "flat earth" thread! x

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5 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

Who's next in the "greatest of our time" list from eminem!

Callum best? Jordan? Eddie the eagle!!! 

Mm 1980, the greatest walter of " our time" here in the "flat earth" thread! x

I'm not MM1980's spokesperson, but if I was I bet she's a big fan of Mr C.  

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8 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

Who's next in the "greatest of our time" list from eminem!

Callum best? Jordan? Eddie the eagle!!! 

Mm 1980, the greatest walter of " our time" here in the "flat earth" thread! x

pretty sure that accolade belongs to you...

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22 minutes ago, manxy said:

Hi Paul's got wright, it does appear that more and more people accept the theory and learning about the facts of a level earth. Good for them

Its not surprising that canals are built straight and are not bent in the middle to accept a curve, otherwise the canal boat would be stuck in mid air and thats why they invented locks for the boats to get up and down different levels in the long canals. Its a fact, of course it is. Quite simply put, if they had bendy water, then there wouldn't be a need to build locks and thats what its all about. Water finds a level and doesn't bend around a ball shaped earth and thats where conspiratorial Sphere Earthers have problems accepting that fact, especially as they were taught in schools that the earth is round.

Level is level. No theories, no conspiracies, just fact

Try tellin chinahand that!

Yes the conversation is popular, prevalent and thought provoking, as with all scientific discussion about the nature of our reality.

Despite the deeply religious objections to the contrary, "flat earth" is a massive trending subject, due to its scientific nature. When you ask questions about what you have been taught in science, its called scientific investigation.

Thats why the religious ballievers are so afraid of the question. Water behaves the same way for everyone in everyday life, in all situations. But when it bends around a massive sphere, you are too small to see it! Classic

I would love to see china provide a working model of the globe, tides included! He simply cannot. We all know why!

Look at the grand union canal or the leeds liverpool. They bending are they?At what rate? What is the curvature calculation? Does it have a risen mid point!!! Total garbage manxy

Is the caledonian bending as well? Was it constructed to do so? Total sphere porn for curverts, in my humble opinion x



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