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Flat Earth?


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37 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

Who's next in the "greatest of our time" list from eminem!

Callum best? Jordan? Eddie the eagle!!! 

Mm 1980, the greatest walter of " our time" here in the "flat earth" thread! x

Wow!  That really got under your skin didn't it?  Actually my musical taste is very eclectic but I think Eminem has had a major influence during his career and along with Snoop Dogg went a long way to bringing rap into the mainstream (I am not inclined to include Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer in that).  Personally I find Eminem more accessible than other artists of that genre.  

Don't think I have not noticed your reply to my other comment by the way.  I am just not at a stage where I feel the need to track back through 288 pages to quote you on every time you have demonstrated the behaviours and views I listed. 

I certainly have asked you openly on at least two occasions that I recall about what your view/theory is on the shape of the earth?  I do not recall getting a response so perhaps you could either post your theory or go back and quote yourself where you answered that very simple question.

10 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

 But when it bends around a massive sphere, you are too small to see it! Classic

I would love to see china provide a working model of the globe, tides included! He simply cannot. We all know why!

Yes, we know why.  It is because we cannot replicate an object with enough mass and gravity to replicate what water does on the Earth because it would need to be close to the size of the Earth itself.

Why don't you and manxy arrange a trip around Antarctica?  You could lease a ship or find an organised trip and monitor the distance the ships travels around the continent.  You would also be able to prove the "Ice Wall" theory.

If the Earth is a globe then to circumnavigate Antarctica the ship will have to make constant course corrects towards the ice.  If the Earth is flat then the ship will have to make constant course corrections away from the "Ice Walls".  

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6 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:


8 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Wow!  That really got under your skin didn't it?  Actually my musical taste is very eclectic but I think Eminem has had a major influence during his career and along with Snoop Dogg went a long way to bringing rap into the mainstream (I am not inclined to include Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer in that).  Personally I find Eminem more accessible than other artists of that genre.  

Don't think I have not noticed your reply to my other comment by the way.  I am just not at a stage where I feel the need to track back through 288 pages to quote you on every time you have demonstrated the behaviours and views I listed. 

I certainly have asked you openly on at least two occasions that I recall about what your view/theory is on the shape of the earth?  I do not recall getting a response so perhaps you could either post your theory or go back and quote yourself where you answered that very simple question.

Yes, we know why.  It is because we cannot replicate an object with enough mass and gravity to replicate what theory does on the Earth because it would need to be close to the size of the Earth itself.

Why don't you and manxy arrange a trip around Antarctica?  You could lease a ship or find an organised trip and monitor the distance the ships travels around the continent.  You would also be able to prove the "Ice Wall" theory.

If the Earth is a globe then to circumnavigate Antarctica the ship will have to make constant course corrects towards the ice.  If the Earth is flat then the ship will have to make constant course corrections away from the "Ice Walls".  

Your weird rap moment in the science thread will never get under MY skin,  i can assure you emmy! The greatest walter accolade seems to have triggered the vomit strewn follow up though!

What on god's earth are you waffling on about eminiem for 33? Rap up! Hes a walter as well, full of shit!

This is the science thread remember! Do some reading and catch up, maybe even quote me! Then you might have evidence for your assertions?

Whats that you say? You cannot replicate your claim in the form of a scientific experiment? Well you haven't got science then have you 33!

What ice wall theory? The admiral bird one? Why dont you an china go the moon together?

Because nasa destroyed that technology!!!



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What were you looking for when you stumbled upon that Mr S. 

It looks like that man is in a recording studio, rather than just using a webcam. That means someone thought his burbling was worth the effort. 

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22 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

" experiment is the only means of knowledge at our disposal.  Everything else is poetry,imagination" x

How many experiments have you carried out in your life Paul? - Drugs don't count.

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3 hours ago, Declan said:

What were you looking for when you stumbled upon that Mr S. 

It looks like that man is in a recording studio, rather than just using a webcam. That means someone thought his burbling was worth the effort. 

I was looking for this, it was huge on twitter for an hour or two. You had to be there. Dunno who he is, a comedian I guess. 


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My reference to Sat Nav was a brief way of suggesting that because it  works ,there might be something ,based on sequential and cumulative results of hundreds years of scientific observation and endeavor,in the idea   that we live on a ,shall we say,  “not-flat”  world.

Whether you feel  it is  round, flat or even a great big bloody  doughnut, strength of  your opinion counts for nothing.It is what it is , to slightly misquote Galileo. 

No matter the world’s shape , it is  clear that we do not all seem to live on the same one as well as not even living in the same century, so  the likelihood of a  Damascian moment for flat-earther  to suddenly accept  anything different is a vain hope.

But there do seem more people following this  flat earth craze at the moment.

As one of their exponents boasted ,they have members  everywhere- “they come from all four corners of the globe”

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On 10/8/2018 at 11:39 PM, TheTeapot said:

Here's a cool picture. There is a storm on it that you'll all be hearing a fair bit about in the next couple of days. Must be fake though.


So, err, yeah. Just thought I'd bring this back up. I've given up on the politeness. Anyone who thinks the earth is flat is a fucking dickhead. 

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39 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

So, err, yeah. Just thought I'd bring this back up. I've given up on the politeness. Anyone who thinks the earth is flat is a fucking dickhead. 

You know who will be back soon with the "when did you take the photo" shitey comments. All of this without answering any questions so far put to him

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