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Flat Earth?


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23 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

Look at the grand union canal or the leeds liverpool. They bending are they?At what rate? What is the curvature calculation? Does it have a risen mid point!!! Total garbage manxy

Is the caledonian bending as well? Was it constructed to do so? Total sphere porn for curverts, in my humble opinion x



Go and have a look at the Hundred Foot Drain in Cambridgeshire. Just over 20 miles long and as near as damn it, dead straight. I've rowed up and down that enough times and you can clearly see things dropping down below the horizon as you go along it.

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21 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

How many have you done china? 

Paul, I've spent many decades of my life as a development engineer.  It is all about doing experiments to understand anything from the fatigue life of various thicknesses of material in a leafspring to creep in plastic to outgassing in a vacuum.  I've done both the testing of the theory of an experiment part of science, and the science as stamp collecting observing results so you can narrow down the error bars on a material's properties as it is manufactured. 

I've also done things which you probably wouldn't acknowledge as an experiment like using a sextant which tests the theory used to compile sun position charts and spherical trigonometry to bottom down your lat and long. These things have been done so many times that they aren't really considered a scientific experiment, but they consistently work all over the world and provide very clear evidence for the shape of the world.

You don't see any notices to mariners warning don't use your sextants here as lack of sphericality means they won't work.  What's your view as to why that is, hey.

So, you posted a good quote showing how knowledge comes from experimentation, I asked how many experiments you had done, you didn't answer and simply turned the question back on me.  I've answered. So ... now, your turn.  How many experiments have you done, Paul.

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4 hours ago, Chinahand said:

Paul, I've spent many decades of my life as a development engineer.  It is all about doing experiments to understand anything from the fatigue life of various thicknesses of material in a leafspring to creep in plastic to outgassing in a vacuum.  I've done both the testing of the theory of an experiment part of science, and the science as stamp collecting observing results so you can narrow down the error bars on a material's properties as it is manufactured. 

I've also done things which you probably wouldn't acknowledge as an experiment like using a sextant which tests the theory used to compile sun position charts and spherical trigonometry to bottom down your lat and long. These things have been done so many times that they aren't really considered a scientific experiment, but they consistently work all over the world and provide very clear evidence for the shape of the world.

You don't see any notices to mariners warning don't use your sextants here as lack of sphericality means they won't work.  What's your view as to why that is, hey.

So, you posted a good quote showing how knowledge comes from experimentation, I asked how many experiments you had done, you didn't answer and simply turned the question back on me.  I've answered. So ... now, your turn.  How many experiments have you done, Paul.

Brilliant china! Just the man im looking for!

Show us a working globe model. Any size will do. You chose

Show me a levitating spinning ball with land masses and 70 % water. Make sure the tides are working accurately and the gravity is present and apparent.  Then you will hqve your working model!

I look forward to your demonstration of your belief systemx

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4 hours ago, Chinahand said:

Yeah, so's this:



So the worlds not flat then is it!

But is it an oblate, spinning spheroid, hurling through the"vacum" of "space"?

That is the question at the centre of the phenomenal rise of the subject's popularity.

It therefore challenges peoples faith, hence the religious trolls, and angry posting by many, which purposely obfuscates the question.

How do you prove the globe scientifically? I challenged china to demonstrate the working model.

He simply cannot x

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1 hour ago, Neil Down said:

You are full of shit son... deflect, deflect, deflect.

Who you callin son you demented anonymous internet stranger fantasist?  

If you are lonley id be happy to meet up and do some experiments? You could show me how the water curves from here to blackpool. We could go the penny nudgers! might hit the bigtime grandad! 

We could tell uncle barry all about it you absolute walter mitty type character x

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5 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

Demonstrate it scientifically then i would have respect for your honesty x

Paul, you would not know science if you fell over it.

 You have been the forum clown for long enough now, so why not just fuck off and spread your sad theories somewhere else where you may be appreciated ?

 The internet is full of wackos, so you should fit in no matter where you land. x

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28 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

Paul, you are like a fucking migraine.

Can't you just go away ?

Silly dilly. We both know how a public forum works. We both know how to participate.

Im pretty sure im not in your property when i use the internet.

I hope you are not aluding to me leaving the island, or this forum. That would be foul play on a public platform.

If only there were some sort of miracle lotion you could put on before you go on the internet, that could subdue your instinct to serve your religious attendence here. 

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