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Flat Earth?


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8 minutes ago, hampsterkahn said:

If you put your location into  Nasa’s “spot the station” you get emails alerting you to the next time the International Space Station passes over wherever you live.

Visible to to the naked eye, it scoots across the sky going from one horizon to the other in about six minutes - about 17 thousand miles an hour.Exactly  on schedule, exactly in the predicted part if the sky, exactly on the predicted date. This is proof ,if any were needed for me that it is orbiting,ie going around,  the earth and the earth is spinning.I accept this , indeed I am in awe and admiration for those very clever people who engineer it and the brave  folk in it. 

Do the  flat-earthers  and conspiratory theorists think this some  vast brilliantly elaborate hoax put on to deceive us all for some bizarre reason ? 

The castletown bus goes past every day at the "exact" time "they" say it will! Is that in space as well!!!

Dear lord just look into the subject its noob friendly nothing to worry about x

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12 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

Never mind talking shite son, stick to answering China’s questions instead of trawling up your tripe.

You couldnt tie my dads laces ye bellend! You goin a bit iffy soft lad? Remember i already told you i dont take orders off wallies

Soft lad x

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12 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

So, err, yeah. Just thought I'd bring this back up. I've given up on the politeness. Anyone who thinks the earth is flat is a fucking dickhead. 

Firstly, I find your comments offensive and derogatory towards the forums guidelines. If you cannot write without using offensive language, then maybe you should reconsider writing on here as it shows 'possible' Manx people in a bad light?

Regards the picture of earth

err... tbh. it looks like a flat circle with nice colours on it.

I presume that you never took the picture and it was given by NASA and as long as they were telling the truth, it appears to be correct in your opinion?

To understand the picture more, could you tell me the exact distance from the projected earth to which satellite it was taken from and at what time was it there?  Not trying to be funny, but otherwise people will think it's a photoshopped picture with added cloud coverage. Do you have a following picture 10 minutes later to show cloud movement, shadows etc in an effort to prove that the satellite is real?

The problem is Teapot, any photo is suspect these days and although I believe it to be false, you will likely think its correct or paid to make others think that way and why not, its a safe picture that most people would assume is real unless others equally assume its false

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7 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

You couldnt tie my dads laces ye bellend! You goin a bit iffy soft lad? Remember i already told you i dont take orders off wallies

Soft lad x

Interesting response son, when devoid of intelligent answers, resort to insults. Good to see you finally showing your true colours...

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7 hours ago, manxy said:

Firstly, I find your comments offensive and derogatory towards the forums guidelines. If you cannot write without using offensive language, then maybe you should reconsider writing on here as it shows 'possible' Manx people in a bad light?

Regards the picture of earth

err... tbh. it looks like a flat circle with nice colours on it.

I presume that you never took the picture and it was given by NASA and as long as they were telling the truth, it appears to be correct in your opinion?

To understand the picture more, could you tell me the exact distance from the projected earth to which satellite it was taken from and at what time was it there?  Not trying to be funny, but otherwise people will think it's a photoshopped picture with added cloud coverage. Do you have a following picture 10 minutes later to show cloud movement, shadows etc in an effort to prove that the satellite is real?

The problem is Teapot, any photo is suspect these days and although I believe it to be false, you will likely think its correct or paid to make others think that way and why not, its a safe picture that most people would assume is real unless others equally assume its false

The picture was taken several days ago and if you'd read the reason I'd put it up you'd hopefully understand why I did so. Because it has been all over the news since. I guess you didn't bother to read my comment though, you just looked at the picture and dismissed it as false. Could you work out where the storm was? Guess you'd never even heard that was going to be a storm, but surely you've heard of it now. Some of the people who will have dies in in it will have done so because of their ignorance, their rejection of science and accepted truth. Or idiocy. I suppose that you think that you are open minded, woke as you you will, because of your way of looking at things, but actually you are closed off because of that, incapable of rational thought and brainwashed to such a degree that things will never be right again. Get a grip you absolute buffoon.


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4 hours ago, Sheldon said:

This thread is a sophist's paradise, and by "sophist" I really mean a four letter word starting with "c" of which Manxy would thoroughly disapprove. 

Unfortunately Sheldon, I agree with you.

I do not like to see bad language, the excessive use and troll like comments of posters which one hopes, does not have the same ip addresses as that only compounds the problem.

If you look back on the regular posters, a negative trait can be seen by reading their last 20 or so posts and IMO, this isn't good for the forum and certainly isn't going to put the island as forward looking, who discuss topics with an open mind and able to challenge and let others challenge opinions from either side without letting the topic slide into who can say the biggest snidiest remarks. There are however, some posters who bring a smile on peoples faces with their clever use of sarcasm in a humorous way and these people add a bit of light hearted fun and good on them.

But looking over the nasty vindictive comments and usually by the same members, Is this what the Forum owner is looking for or has the guidelines been so abused that bad words and derogatory comments are accepted as a normal interchange of opinion and that standards have lowered themselves so that topics can be derailed so easily? 

If it means releasing those troll like posters off ManxForums to allow creativity to flourish, then so be it as the place can only improve without them.

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13 minutes ago, manxy said:

Unfortunately Sheldon, I agree with you.

I do not like to see bad language, the excessive use and troll like comments of posters which one hopes, does not have the same ip addresses as that only compounds the problem.

If you look back on the regular posters, a negative trait can be seen by reading their last 20 or so posts and IMO, this isn't good for the forum and certainly isn't going to put the island as forward looking, who discuss topics with an open mind and able to challenge and let others challenge opinions from either side without letting the topic slide into who can say the biggest snidiest remarks. There are however, some posters who bring a smile on peoples faces with their clever use of sarcasm in a humorous way and these people add a bit of light hearted fun and good on them.

But looking over the nasty vindictive comments and usually by the same members, Is this what the Forum owner is looking for or has the guidelines been so abused that bad words and derogatory comments are accepted as a normal interchange of opinion and that standards have lowered themselves so that topics can be derailed so easily? 

If it means releasing those troll like posters off ManxForums to allow creativity to flourish, then so be it as the place can only improve without them.

In other words, if they don't agree with you get rid... seems fair :rolleyes:

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You want to "discuss topics with an open mind" but yours is closed. You say "allow creativity to flourish" which can only mean 'making stuff up'. 

A large amount of skepticism is healthy when reading the news, of that there is no doubt. We are definitely lied to by media organisations, governments and major corporations, but come on, use your common sense and just think how utterly backwards and crazy flat earth theory is. It is more bonkers than the moon landings one. Unfortunately people who believe these give other people who are suspicious of the information we are given a bad name.

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3 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

You want to "discuss topics with an open mind" but yours is closed. You say "allow creativity to flourish" which can only mean 'making stuff up'. 

A large amount of skepticism is healthy when reading the news, of that there is no doubt. We are definitely lied to by media organisations, governments and major corporations, but come on, use your common sense and just think how utterly backwards and crazy flat earth theory is. It is more bonkers than the moon landings one. Unfortunately people who believe these give other people who are suspicious of the information we are given a bad name.

Why haven't they been back to the moon then?

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It is expensive, dangerous and difficult, for very little reward I would think. 

Edit - rocket science and spaceflight are really really complicated. There was a rocket launch yesterday that failed, the astronauts made it safely back to earth but things could easily have gone wrong. If they had gone right this would have been 5.


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