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Flat Earth?


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3 hours ago, Neil Down said:

In other words, if they don't agree with you get rid... seems fair 

No its silly dillys modus operandi, as demonsrated in his las posts, desperately begging us not to question his religious whirrled view.

Hes not the first as you know the walter brigade has cried in a similar vain many times before! End the thread! While the bbc have talk shows about "flat earth"  and manx papers print stories about it, apparently these bozos dont believe its a relevant subject! 

Yet it endures and even subsumes all their religious cries, simply by reaching more and more people.

I will post some interesting videos to show whats really happenin in response to this subject 

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3 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

You want to "discuss topics with an open mind" but yours is closed. You say "allow creativity to flourish" which can only mean 'making stuff up'. 

A large amount of skepticism is healthy when reading the news, of that there is no doubt. We are definitely lied to by media organisations, governments and major corporations, but come on, use your common sense and just think how utterly backwards and crazy flat earth theory is. It is more bonkers than the moon landings one. Unfortunately people who believe these give other people who are suspicious of the information we are given a bad name.

Are you claiming that the mqnx government is lying to us?

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9 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

It is expensive, dangerous and difficult, for very little reward I would think. 

Edit - rocket science and spaceflight are really really complicated. There was a rocket launch yesterday that failed, the astronauts made it safely back to earth but things could easily have gone wrong. If they had gone right this would have been 5.


Wrong. do some research try again

I will post the video tellin you why later. Its been posted in this thread, proving you haven't read it. X

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8 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

 Wrong. do some research try again

I will post the video tellin you why later. Its been posted in this thread, proving you haven't read it. X

I'd be absolutely amazed if you were able to post something to tell me why I'm wrong. You don't have a very good record of backing stuff up on here.

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12 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

Would you testify to that in an open court of record? Is it something the public should be worried about? Thanks

Back to your deflections again... There's a recurring theme on here and it is you continually deflecting any questions with your absurd responses

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1 hour ago, paul's got wright said:

Why haven't they been back to the moon then?

The simple answer is because Apollo met its geopolitical goal of demonstrating superiority over the USSR.  Once this was done, the (political) need for a moon program was over.

However, this was at a significant financal cost, and also human cost, not least in the deaths of the crew of Apollo 1, other US astronauts that died in T38 flights (at least 3 in the 1960s) and a number of Russian cosmonauts.  The death toll could have been much higher as the margin for success with Apollo was extremely thin - as evidenced by the fact that it would probably take a crash program 10 years (with lorryloads of cash) from now to get boots on the moon again.

For more background on this, may I suggest Decision to Go to the Moon: Apollo Project and the National Interest by Dr. John M. Logsdon which is the reference publication for this topic.

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1 hour ago, TheTeapot said:

Edit - rocket science and spaceflight are really really complicated. There was a rocket launch yesterday that failed, the astronauts made it safely back to earth but things could easily have gone wrong. If they had gone right this would have been 5.

Today, but that's just nitpicking.

"Ballistic reentry" two words to freeze the heart of anyone packed like a sardine into a Soyuz.


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