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Flat Earth?


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For some reason I didn't know that all of these photos are available for you to look at and download. They have no copyright. They would maybe be more suited to the astronomy thread but I'd rather not contribute to that becoming a shithouse of utter bollocks so I'll post them here. This is an astonishing amount of fakery if you are a moron, or a breathtaking picture essay into incredible human achievement if you are not



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2 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

I'd be absolutely amazed if you were able to post something to tell me why I'm wrong. You don't have a very good record of backing stuff up on here.

I am not disputing your claim just asking did you mean the manx gov.

Given your reply i will ask again, is it something of public interest, which you are morally concerned by, and have you reported it to the appropriate authorities?

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1 hour ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

The simple answer is because Apollo met its geopolitical goal of demonstrating superiority over the USSR.  Once this was done, the (political) need for a moon program was over.

However, this was at a significant financal cost, and also human cost, not least in the deaths of the crew of Apollo 1, other US astronauts that died in T38 flights (at least 3 in the 1960s) and a number of Russian cosmonauts.  The death toll could have been much higher as the margin for success with Apollo was extremely thin - as evidenced by the fact that it would probably take a crash program 10 years (with lorryloads of cash) from now to get boots on the moon again.

For more background on this, may I suggest Decision to Go to the Moon: Apollo Project and the National Interest by Dr. John M. Logsdon which is the reference publication for this topic.

More to it than that bob x

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13 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

For some reason I didn't know that all of these photos are available for you to look at and download. They have no copyright. They would maybe be more suited to the astronomy thread but I'd rather not contribute to that becoming a shithouse of utter bollocks so I'll post them here. This is an astonishing amount of fakery if you are a moron, or a breathtaking picture essay into incredible human achievement if you are not



Great find. Thank you.

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You brought the manx government up, but all governments lie. You appear to be adopting classic deflection tactics. There are two posts from you above this one, go back to the post I made where you exclaimed 'WRONG' and you'll see it wasn't about the government at all, you were claiming I was wrong about space travel.

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3 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

You brought the manx government up, but all governments lie. You appear to be adopting classic deflection tactics. There are two posts from you above this one, go back to the post I made where you exclaimed 'WRONG' and you'll see it wasn't about the government at all, you were claiming I was wrong about space travel.

You said governments lie i wanted clarification if that included the manx gov, given your ambiguity. I have that now. 

Separately you said the reason they never went back to the moon is cause its too expensive dangerous and difficult.

But you missed out the important reason given by nasa, which i would think is the main reason.

What exactly do you think I'm deflecting from? Thats what i said you were wrong about, not space travel, thanks


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3 minutes ago, quilp said:

Jesus, Mary and mohammed! 

So what is the "important reason given by nasa" that you allude to? 

How come you don't already know the answer?

Its been posted in this thread, proving you haven't read it.

 Do some simple research quilp x

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