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Flat Earth?


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Also the little don said it would be too painstaking to get the technology back, no mention of it being outdated in any way.

How can something get you to the moon and men land on it and repeat the feat, but now all of a sudden thats not appropriate any more?

Its too weird. Can anyone cite nasa actually giving that as the reason, that the technology isnt protectable?

But they can still defo go there technically, just not with adequate protection for human travel?

Doesn't add up. Whats the point of buyin moon land if ye cant go there and enjoy it? Mental!

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1 minute ago, paul's got wright said:

Also the little don said it would be too painstaking to get the technology back, no mention of it being outdated in any way.

How can something get you to the moon and men land on it and repeat the feat, but now all of a sudden thats not appropriate any more?

Its too weird. Can anyone cite nasa actually giving that as the reason, that the technology isnt protectable?

But they can still defo go there technically, just not with adequate protection for human travel?

Doesn't add up. Whats the point of buyin moon land if ye cant go there and enjoy it? Mental!

Paul, I doubt that you could get 2+2 to add up. You have only succeeded in out "TJing" TJ. Well done. The peanut is in the post.:thumbsup:

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22 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

Paul, I doubt that you could get 2+2 to add up. You have only succeeded in out "TJing" TJ. Well done. The peanut is in the post.:thumbsup:

Have men landed on the moon now, due to the emotonal appeal of your comment?

Are hurt feelings the new technology in space travel, and thats why they cant be protected?



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4 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

Have men landed on the moon now, due to the emotonal appeal of your comment?

Are hurt feelings the new technology in space travel, and thats why they cant be protected?



Just trying to find a translation for that post :thumbsup:

P.S. If this is what pot does to people , I think I'll stick to having a tipple now and again.

Never tried drugs as such and now I can see what I was not missing. FFS

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39 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

Just trying to find a translation for that post :thumbsup:

P.S. If this is what pot does to people , I think I'll stick to having a tipple now and again.

Never tried drugs as such and now I can see what I was not missing. FFS

The deepest emotional pleas are always from smack heads x

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This flat earth thingy ..

After  much reflection, this idea suddenly seems really convincing, (like even   sound , like well-sound  in fact)

So I’m  up for it for it ..

The world is Flat!

No ifs or buts   now .. it is definitely flat- as in  not round or spherical and that

- it is .........Flat, OK?

Well, It stands to reason, does’t it?

Don’t argue with me, pal!  

I am   one of your like ,actual  “converts” ,here.

I am in  like total awe of the wonderful U -tube experts and the flat-earthers who have spoken so  eloquently and convinvincely.

How could. I have been so stupid?

I have expunged out  all traces of my previous  education and I enthusiastically embrace this ,  the New, the True - and  the Only   Way.

Which way  now , Oh ,leader?




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30 minutes ago, wrighty said:

I’d like to suggest that before there’s any further discussion regarding ‘flat’ or ‘curved’, contributors should familiarise themselves with the appropriate definitions. 

This set of lectures should suffice. Please don’t post again unless you hold a recognised qualification in differential geometry :lol:

See, when people look at actual real science and complicated mathematical theory it becomes apparent how little they know. Or at least it does to me.

There was a Brian Cox presented popular science program on BBC4 the other day, he was sat in the back of a truck on its way to meet a Soyuz landing. He had the equations for gravity written down and was trying to explain them. He said something along the lines of "I'm a physicist and pretty good at maths, bit if I had to invent these I'd have absolutely no chance, took Newton most of his life etc, the guy was a genius'. 

And that's one of the problems with the modern world, the age of the internet. It is SO easy to find things out and gain a basic understanding of pretty Mich any topic that the skill of actually researching and indeed learning is being diminished, and the need for easily understandable explanations is leading to a major simplification of humanity. Or an increased level of dumbness. 

Most of my 'understanding' of particle physics comes from vague memories from school and from Jim Al-kahlilis amazing 3 hour atom program, which was obviously dumbed down to make it watchable and it still hurts my head to think about it. Calculated the number of atoms in the universe? You what?

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1 hour ago, paul's got wright said:

Its not flat, its bumpy!



And the sea and the tides? well, the ice walls are like the edges of  the world which is like a really, really big tea tray  with water in it and naturally it tilts and the tides move to one side and the water bounces off and  comes back an everything tilts the other way then the tides move , - back an forth it goes   on forever and ever  and ever -“perpetual motion”is what a really top scientist called it but he has been locked up because no-one is allowed to know that.

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