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Flat Earth?


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1 hour ago, hampsterkahn said:


And the sea and the tides? well, the ice walls are like the edges of  the world which is like a really, really big tea tray  with water in it and naturally it tilts and the tides move to one side and the water bounces off and  comes back an everything tilts the other way then the tides move , - back an forth it goes   on forever and ever  and ever -“perpetual motion”is what a really top scientist called it but he has been locked up because no-one is allowed to know that.

You said its flat. Its not.

This is your model? You seem confused, almost as if you have never researched into the fe subject

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1 hour ago, TheTeapot said:

See, when people look at actual real science and complicated mathematical theory it becomes apparent how little they know. Or at least it does to me.

There was a Brian Cox presented popular science program on BBC4 the other day, he was sat in the back of a truck on its way to meet a Soyuz landing. He had the equations for gravity written down and was trying to explain them. He said something along the lines of "I'm a physicist and pretty good at maths, bit if I had to invent these I'd have absolutely no chance, took Newton most of his life etc, the guy was a genius'. 

And that's one of the problems with the modern world, the age of the internet. It is SO easy to find things out and gain a basic understanding of pretty Mich any topic that the skill of actually researching and indeed learning is being diminished, and the need for easily understandable explanations is leading to a major simplification of humanity. Or an increased level of dumbness. 

Most of my 'understanding' of particle physics comes from vague memories from school and from Jim Al-kahlilis amazing 3 hour atom program, which was obviously dumbed down to make it watchable and it still hurts my head to think about it. Calculated the number of atoms in the universe? You what?

Which neatly demonstrates the default position most people accept as their belief system.

Thanks manxy x

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24 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Have a look at this.


Believe what you want about NASA but there is absolutely no way they're in cahoots with the Chinese.

It would give them some credibility if they could decide amongst themselves how big the earth should look from the moon as all the pics vary wildly in this respect.

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1 minute ago, finlo said:

It would give them some credibility if they could decide amongst themselves how big the earth should look from the moon as all the pics vary wildly in this respect.

The moon from earth looks different sizes with your eyes depending on the time of year and atmospheric conditions. Go take a photo of it on the 24th with your phone, compare it with what you can actually see. Take a photo of it with a proper, really good camera. Of course it will be different sizes. Bizarre to argue it shouldn't be.

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16 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

so they went the moon with worse technology, but which was more easily protected.

Now the technology is better, but they can't protect it well enough?

Is there a similar example of this happening in any other of the armed forces? Submarines, tanks even uniforms? Are the space suits harder to protect now for example?

All seems a bit odd really


Manxy any thoughts on this?

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19 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

The moon from earth looks different sizes with your eyes depending on the time of year and atmospheric conditions. Go take a photo of it on the 24th with your phone, compare it with what you can actually see. Take a photo of it with a proper, really good camera. Of course it will be different sizes. Bizarre to argue it shouldn't be.

I'm not talking slight differences here look a variety of"photos" and they range from dot in the distance to full in your face mahoosive!

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9 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Could you expand on this please?

You have never circumnavigated the alleged globe. You have never saw the earth as a spinning sphere.

You have never came to your own conclusions, via scientific experiment, about the world you live in, including its size, shape and dimensions.

You ballieve stories written in books by men. You have faith that others know, that which you do not, and you are perfectly entitled to do so x

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You're right, I've never circumnavigated the earth, done about half of it though, France to California, and when you're in the middle of the Sargasso with nothing anywhere around, well that gives you an incredible perspective. I personally know people who have been all the way round though.

Of course I rely on 'stories written in books', thats how we learn ffs. If we never lent on previous works we'd never get anywhere. You'd have to continually reinvent the fucking wheel, its a preposterous position to take. No wonder the world is getting more stupid if that's the way people (you) think.

And Finlo, of course there are lots of different size pictures, there are lots of different types of cameras and lots of different types of photo. And photoshop :) It is clear and obvious. I despair sometimes.

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26 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

You're right, I've never circumnavigated the earth, done about half of it though, France to California, and when you're in the middle of the Sargasso with nothing anywhere around, well that gives you an incredible perspective. I personally know people who have been all the way round though.

Of course I rely on 'stories written in books', thats how we learn ffs. If we never lent on previous works we'd never get anywhere. You'd have to continually reinvent the fucking wheel, its a preposterous position to take. No wonder the world is getting more stupid if that's the way people (you) think.

And Finlo, of course there are lots of different size pictures, there are lots of different types of cameras and lots of different types of photo. And photoshop :) It is clear and obvious. I despair sometimes.

Of course how stupid of me, some must have been taken with a giant zoom lens!

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26 minutes ago, finlo said:

Of course how stupid of me, some must have been taken with a giant zoom lens!

You could easily look some of it up you know. maybe start here https://www.hasselblad.com/history/hasselblad-in-space/  go back to the dutch link I posted earlier from the chinese satelite have a read of that, there is loads of actual information out there available for you to learn from, rather than going 'all the pictures are different, they can't be real'. I didn't know anything about the cameras used by the Apollo astronauts until the other day, didn't know that all of the photos they took were available, even the shit ones. Its fascinating finding out.

Some old non NASA photos here too http://mentallandscape.com/C_CatalogMoon.htm

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28 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

You're right, I've never circumnavigated the earth, done about half of it though, France to California, and when you're in the middle of the Sargasso with nothing anywhere around, well that gives you an incredible perspective. I personally know people who have been all the way round though.

Of course I rely on 'stories written in books', thats how we learn ffs. If we never lent on previous works we'd never get anywhere. You'd have to continually reinvent the fucking wheel, its a preposterous position to take. No wonder the world is getting more stupid if that's the way people (you) think.

And Finlo, of course there are lots of different size pictures, there are lots of different types of cameras and lots of different types of photo. And photoshop :) It is clear and obvious. I despair sometimes.

"done about half of it though"..........did you measure it and scientifically verify the curvature you experienced?

" I personally know people who have been all the way round though."    do they have the proof required to back up the claim?

i didn't read a book about wheels to understand how wheels work! did you?

"No wonder the world is getting more stupid"        do you have the right to make such a bold claim without qualifying it? that's a lot of people you are talking about in the world

"...if that's the way people (you) think"            so if i think you ballieve other peoples theories, which you admit, then the world is getting more stupid?

"And photoshop"               do you mean like the blue marble?






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