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Flat Earth?


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3 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

You are not sure of anything about me unlezs i say so and you can prove it by quoting me, you utter wally!

Stop fantasizing that you know anonymous strangers.

Emotional pleas are. Ot science, gbey will never prove the earth spins.

Provide the science you religious troll

Would copy and pasting pages from your facebook site be scientific enough for you. *

Btw you play the guitar ok but your singing is not the best.

*( I would of course never do that.)

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12 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

Would copy and pasting pages from your facebook site be scientific enough for you. *

Btw you play the guitar ok but your singing is not the best.

*( I would of course never do that.)

His singing is up there with his plastering ... :whistling: but hey, we don’t know who he is...:rolleyes:

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1 minute ago, Neil Down said:
15 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

Would copy and pasting pages from your facebook site be scientific enough for you. *

Btw you play the guitar ok but your singing is not the best.

*( I would of course never do that.)

His singing is up there with his plastering ... :whistling: but hey, we don’t know who he is...:rolleyes:

Sorry, who are we talking about ?:whistling:

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2 hours ago, dilligaf said:

Would copy and pasting pages from your facebook site be scientific enough for you. *

Btw you play the guitar ok but your singing is not the best.

*( I would of course never do that.)

I can play green eyes and sing it really well!

What facebook site?

Scientific enough what?

What are jibbering on about wolfy?

I know you're emotional but please just form a simple point x


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5 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

I can play green eyes and sing it really well!

What facebook site?

Scientific enough what?

What are jibbering on about wolfy?

I know you're emotional but please just form a simple point x


As I have previously stated I will not "out" you on here.

I know who you are and know some of your friends. I am sure many other posters know who you are too.

Why not just give up this pretence that you are anonymous.

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1 hour ago, Neil Down said:

His singing is up there with his plastering ... :whistling: but hey, we don’t know who he is...:rolleyes:

"...including membership of the school choir, participating in and winning the school talent contest and performing solo at a school prize day."

"...playing the lead role in a school production of Whistle Down The Wind."

"Paul enjoyed a most successful work experience placement at Tisbury Builders Ltd and was credited with a very good report"

"Paul is undoubtedly a gifted student who has a great deal to offer and even though his immediate future is accounted for, the long term is less certain. However, whatever the outcome of paul's career plans, i have no hesitation in recommending him as a valuable asset to any future employer"



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30 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

As I have previously stated I will not "out" you on here.

I know who you are and know some of your friends. I am sure many other posters know who you are too.

Why not just give up this pretence that you are anonymous.

You definitely don't "know" who i am, that is for sure.

Why not just explain yourself properly and back up your claims?

This is most certainly an anonymous post by me, you don't understand the rools wolfy x

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On 14 October 2018 at 11:57 PM, manxy said:

There's many things happening around the world at the same time and the large and 'I mean large' hidden military fleet in Venezuela (You might be able to see it in Fleet Mon). The interesting part is that the vessels have all switched their ais systems off and that the info is erased after 6 hours as it takes them that long to do as regular shipping sites are not military, but I digress.

Here's a nice err.... moon landing video and ignore the cameramen as they don't appear in the final shoot. Add the following into your browser 4yUZvaM2c6M

Regards other moon clips and the amazing space suits where people are able to turn the helmet part round (NOT POSSIBLE) or where you see an ungloved thumb without any protection in supposedly real space or the tape and cardboard cut outs and there's so many lies, that you can see why people dislike about being misled!

The big picture in AI technology is the flying robotised insects and the more deadly ones are the killerbots which work on an ID system. Other areas includes artificial embryos and the ongoing attempts to claim the holy grail of them all and thats the living spirit and the link up with AI.

Very soon, the world, yep, the world, will lose their internet connections which will take approx a couple of days. Although I don't have access to the dark web, mention has been made of a world ID scanning or sensing system thats linked in with anything giving off a wifi signal and I mentioned something similar a couple of years back and was shot down in flames by those who seemingly know more and rejected it first hand. Well as you'd expect, it still went ahead without their say so and the advanced technology now has a unique tracking system that will be used to register and ID everyone in the world. You might have seen adverts about people having credit scores, yep - thats in it as well as programs about anti-social behaviour, who you mix with, where you live, what work you do, what foodstuffs and clothing you buy and they will all affect your credit score.

There's more stuff happening from Chem trails that are affecting foodstuffs in Brazil and one guy there states that they are only allowed to see a small amount of damaged chem damaged foodstuffs at a high price while the GM or modified foodstuffs are kept at a much lower price. It was theorised that this was done to encourage people to buy products from the same major suppliers and its said that the rich get richer!

So much out there and I'd like to say more about a certain cold area, but I was friendly advised to back away from it. So yeah, lots happening, keep smiling and consider switching your wifi stuff off if you don't need it.


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Hey Paul,

I see Youtube was taken off air for two hours!

This may have been in connection to the 6 observatories that were all closed down prior to this? (What were they all watching?) Also, it was alleged that the moon was likely to be hit by 'something' that was en route but this remains unsupported at the moment.


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