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Flat Earth?


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1 hour ago, Chinahand said:


Maybe you should speak to him about it as it seems your still following the company?

I think we have been brought up in a world of deceit and you yourself blindly follow those lies but (writing as you do) whether this is because you yourself are irrational and dumb and too proud to admit that you got some stuff wrong or being paid to say it with supporting trolls who I can no longer see, but hey-ho, there's a bonus to the ignore button. Bottom line is that everything needs to be reexamined and without taking a piece of paper as proof and this is done in a controlled area by agreed selected level earthers and conspiracy ball earthers. You believed Albert Einstein and yet he was proved wrong which goes to show that every person who believed in one of his theories was also wrong and that includes the big bucks scientists, professors and other supposedly esteemed professionals, including those from the liars Nasa.

All that said, lets find out more about this bendy water which you firmly believe is there and please mention which canals can have a slope without water needing lock gates.

You won't answer that of course because you'll go off on another tangent and say look at this or that, but you won't answer the bendy water question and the equation which goes with it or will you?


For those on my ignore list - Not bothered what you say as you're not worth knowing anyway and the place really becomes a much nicer manxforums without you.

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Don't know what you said Bobby, as you're on my ignore list as well, but it does say 'You've chosen to ignore content by Bobbie Bobster'

No hard feelings, but it seemed that you were trying to agitate things previously and at least Chinahand writes some maths and adds explanations.

Have a good day

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You've just said it yourself China: "what is the point of me teaching you this [man] is wrong?"

There isn't. Give it up as an insult to your integrity. You're not dealing with a rational intellect, you may as well talk to the wall, regardless of all your efforts. People are gonna believe what they want, manxy's post above is an example. And I'm convinced PGW's in it for the giggle (fair enough). If no-one responded, this thread would die a death, eventually. The same applies to all those whose only responses are angry, insulting or taking the piss, it's just sustaining a relatively pointless 'discussion.'

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1 hour ago, manxy said:

Maybe you should speak to him about it as it seems your still following the company?

I think we have been brought up in a world of deceit and you yourself blindly follow those lies but (writing as you do) whether this is because you yourself are irrational and dumb and too proud to admit that you got some stuff wrong or being paid to say it with supporting trolls who I can no longer see, but hey-ho, there's a bonus to the ignore button. Bottom line is that everything needs to be reexamined and without taking a piece of paper as proof and this is done in a controlled area by agreed selected level earthers and conspiracy ball earthers. You believed Albert Einstein and yet he was proved wrong which goes to show that every person who believed in one of his theories was also wrong and that includes the big bucks scientists, professors and other supposedly esteemed professionals, including those from the liars Nasa.

All that said, lets find out more about this bendy water which you firmly believe is there and please mention which canals can have a slope without water needing lock gates.

You won't answer that of course because you'll go off on another tangent and say look at this or that, but you won't answer the bendy water question and the equation which goes with it or will you?


For those on my ignore list - Not bothered what you say as you're not worth knowing anyway and the place really becomes a much nicer manxforums without you.

The canal thing was proved around 1870 or so, there was even a court case. Might have been called the Bedford experiment or something similar, can't be bothered checking but, you know, do you own research.

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52 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

The canal thing was proved around 1870 or so, there was even a court case. Might have been called the Bedford experiment or something similar, can't be bothered checking but, you know, do you own research.

Bedford level Nooby

Another dispute,  as is often seen in the modern resurgence of "flat earth" x

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6 hours ago, quilp said:

Yet it adds nothing to the credibility of the theory. 99% of media coverage is generally taking the piss out if it and its 'believers.' Then again, I don't think for one minute you believe the earth is flat. And that video you just posted: another deluded yet plausible (to the weak-minded) crank. What are you actually getting out of this Paul?

What theory? You misunderstand the crux of the matter quilp.

People don't accept the validity of the spinning, oblate, spheroidal earth.

That is the current phenomena that has become so popular. Brian mullins is a licensed engineer, he claims.

Right or wrong, something compelled him to question what he has been taught.

The nature of science is scrutiny. The proof of a hypothesis, is in the experimentation.

All scrutiny should be welcome in science. Its only the religious who get angry when their beliefs are challenged scientifically x

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With all you thick bastards like Chinahand, Neil, Bobbie, Quilp, Dilli, Teapot etc. I’m bloody glad that Paul and Manxy are around to explain things to me. Phew!

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2 hours ago, manxy said:

Don't know what you said Bobby, as you're on my ignore list as well, but it does say 'You've chosen to ignore content by Bobbie Bobster'

No hard feelings, but it seemed that you were trying to agitate things previously and at least Chinahand writes some maths and adds explanations.

Have a good day


No hard feelings? Ooh Aah..Not Even a Little Bit!

Should only be a matter of time before  the manxinator can only see pauls' posts :D

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1 hour ago, paul's got wright said:

What theory? You misunderstand the crux of the matter quilp.

People don't accept the validity of the spinning, oblate, spheroidal earth.

That is the current phenomena that has become so popular. Brian mullins is a licensed engineer, he claims.

Right or wrong, something compelled him to question what he has been taught.

The nature of science is scrutiny. The proof of a hypothesis, is in the experimentation.

All scrutiny should be welcome in science. Its only the religious who get angry when their beliefs are challenged scientifically x

I thought it was something to do with puddings and eating. Shows what I know then :thumbsup: 

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10 hours ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

What with all these rebuttals you feel you have to post, its as if you're being pulled around like a Puppet on a String.

I wonder how long more it will take before you realise you have met your Waterloo?

Rebuttals to what by whom?

I post here at my own leisure blobby.

Explain yourself blobby or give us the scientific experiment that proves the earth is spinning x

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