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Flat Earth?


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18 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

I don't know where manxy gets her information from but here's a nice calming video to help


Nice picture of both the Blue Nile and also shots of the White Nile tributaries to the Nile. The blue Nile starts in the High Lands of Ethiopia.

Nice place

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8 hours ago, wrighty said:

This is what FE is all about. Trolling aside, it’s the intellectual pursuit of arguing the unarguable. You’re not allowed assumptions you can’t further evidence. You’re assuming the sun is far enough away that its rays are parallel. If you ditch that assumption Eratosthenes 7 degree measurement has (at least) two conclusions that can be made to fit the data. 

I doubt there are many flat earth ‘enthusiasts’ that believe the earth is flat. Given the number of contributions to this thread you could argue that Chinahand is a flat earth enthusiast. Neither he nor me believe it as a model of reality, and I very much doubt PGW does either. Manxy on the other hand...

Even Neil DeGrasse Tyson who has 'earned' a Nasa Distinguished Public Service Medal acknowledges that the earth is not round although he does state that it is pear shaped. Even if pear shaped was the new look, why hasn't there been pictures of earth from ALL these satellites supposedly flying about in outer space?

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22 hours ago, Chinahand said:

Sigh ... as ever PGW refuses to engage in even the most basic way.

I. The scientific method has four steps

1. Observation and description of a phenomenon or group of phenomena.

2. Formulation of an hypothesis to explain the phenomena. In physics, the hypothesis often takes the form of a causal mechanism or a mathematical relation.

3. Use of the hypothesis to predict the existence of other phenomena, or to predict quantitatively the results of new observations.

4. Performance of experimental tests of the predictions by several independent experimenters and properly performed experiments.

Eratosthenes observed that at one place the sun was vertically above the observer, ie 90 degrees from the horizontal, at a second place it was 83 degrees from the horizontal.

These two places were 5000 stadia apart - basically north south.

PGW do you agree or disagree.  Do you think he observed anything different from this?

What do you think was his hypothesis? Any guess as to the mathematical relation he formulated?

Sigh ... PGW ... I'm going to keep going.  You can keep spamming the thread if you like, but what is the point?

Eratosthenes' hypothesis was:

3) IF the world is a sphere, and the sun is so far away light rays arrive effectively parallel to each other, THEN it is possible to work out the circumference of the sphere by measuring how the angle of the sun changes as you move North-South on the surface of the earth.   With this hypothesis and the observations you can predict that the the earth has a circumference of about 257,142 stadia.  You can also predict that the angle the sun rays will hit the earth will change by a constant amount as you move a constant distance North-South

It is perfectly legitimate to come up with an alternative hypothesis - such as:

3)a IF the world is flat, and the sun isn't that far away and hence light rays arrive radiating from a source, THEN it is possible to work out how far away the sun is above the point where the rays come in vertically.  With this hypothesis and the observations you can predict that the sun is about 40,722 stadia above the earth.  You can also predict that the angle the sun rays will hit the earth will NOT change by a constant amount as you move a constant distance North-South, but rather increase the further from the vertical point you are.

Now these set of experiments are perfectly scientific, as I've said before it is rare that a single scientist collects all the information in one go to go through the entire scientific loop.

Neither experiment has yet got to step 4) - but read what step 4) says - Performance of experimental tests of the predictions by several independent experimenters and properly performed experiments.

That is the next step.  Guess what the results of these next steps were Paul.  Did the results consistently show in multiple experiments at different places that the Earth's circumference was about 40,722 stadia AND that the angle change was constant when you moved a constant distance North-South; or did it consistently show the sun was about 40,722 stadia above where the rays come down vertically and as move North-South the distance to change a fixed number of degrees increases the further away you get.

Can you guess the answer Paul ... 


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1 hour ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

Occasionally checking into this topic is all the research I need into the intersection of narcissism onanism and solipsism, Father Paul.

And always you arrive with nothing of substance to add. You are petrified of the scientific method, it's the slayer of your religious fantasy bob x

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