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Flat Earth?


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22 minutes ago, manxy said:

So you'll enjoy me mentioning again that we have two suns? I think I brought it up about 4 years ago but was ridiculed then and yet my facts keep coming true?

Screen Shot 2018-11-12 at 22.51.29.png


And for those who like YouTube - a 5 minute video here

You would have been better posting Pink Floyd’s “Two Suns in the Sunset” ( Final Cut )

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1 hour ago, Chinahand said:

Sigh ... PGW ... I'm going to keep going.  You can keep spamming the thread if you like, but what is the point?

Eratosthenes' hypothesis was:

3) IF the world is a sphere, and the sun is so far away light rays arrive effectively parallel to each other, THEN it is possible to work out the circumference of the sphere by measuring how the angle of the sun changes as you move North-South on the surface of the earth.   With this hypothesis and the observations you can predict that the the earth has a circumference of about 257,142 stadia.  You can also predict that the angle the sun rays will hit the earth will change by a constant amount as you move a constant distance North-South

It is perfectly legitimate to come up with an alternative hypothesis - such as:

3)a IF the world is flat, and the sun isn't that far away and hence light rays arrive radiating from a source, THEN it is possible to work out how far away the sun is above the point where the rays come in vertically.  With this hypothesis and the observations you can predict that the sun is about 40,722 stadia above the earth.  You can also predict that the angle the sun rays will hit the earth will NOT change by a constant amount as you move a constant distance North-South, but rather increase the further from the vertical point you are.

Now these set of experiments are perfectly scientific, as I've said before it is rare that a single scientist collects all the information in one go to go through the entire scientific loop.

Neither experiment has yet got to step 4) - but read what step 4) says - Performance of experimental tests of the predictions by several independent experimenters and properly performed experiments.

That is the next step.  Guess what the results of these next steps were Paul.  Did the results consistently show in multiple experiments at different places that the Earth's circumference was about 40,722 stadia AND that the angle change was constant when you moved a constant distance North-South; or did it consistently show the sun was about 40,722 stadia above where the rays come down vertically and as move North-South the distance to change a fixed number of degrees increases the further away you get.

Can you guess the answer Paul ... 


China your feable attempt at demeaning my contribution to the thread, is as weak as your evidence for your long held faith based beliefs. 

Beliefs, because you have no experience of them, nor do you have any scientific validation for them.

Mystic meg predictions are not scientific predictions china. A scientific prediction is a special kind of prediction, which MUST stand up to experimental testing. To prove my point, lets put you to the test.

What is the independent variable in the hypothesis you have proposed?

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@PGW Independent Variable = Distance north or south from the latitude of the sub solar point. 

Dependent variable = The change in height/angle of the sun at midday. 

The dependent variable changes with the independent variable differently in a flat earth compared to a globe allowing them to be distinguished. 

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2 hours ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

I am but a novitiate to your bishopric, Holy One.

You are a silly little religious trol blobbie!

Nothing of substance to add to the science thread, because you dont understand what it entails. You're out of your depth, no safe space for religious fairytales in here.

Try the fairytale thread, chinas astronomy, you will have much more success there with your fantasy x

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2 hours ago, Chinahand said:

@PGW Independent Variable = Distance north or south from the latitude of the sub solar point. 

Dependent variable = The change in height/angle of the sun at midday. 

The dependent variable changes with the independent variable differently in a flat earth compared to a globe allowing them to be distinguished. 

That is a train wreck , you must be joking china? Ok lets put it through the scientific method! See how far you get.

This will be a Laugh x

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3 hours ago, Chinahand said:

@PGW Independent Variable = Distance north or south from the latitude of the sub solar point. 

Dependent variable = The change in height/angle of the sun at midday. 

The dependent variable changes with the independent variable differently in a flat earth compared to a globe allowing them to be distinguished. 

How many children have you got Mr C?

Because you have the patience of Job....

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here we go china lets see how far your train wreck gets!

natural phenomena observed..........change in angle of the sun! brilliant

hypothesis?  ...........IF the earth is a sphere, and IF the suns rays are parallel, then the circumference of the sphere can be measured (?) by the change of angle of the sun, when travelling north south??? please edit this to say exactly what you want china, i just went off your previous post. 

happy so far china?  can you see what a mess you have created yet? you have two presuppositions in the hypothesis which invalidate your hypothesis in each case. you cannot insert presuppositions into a formal hypothesis, which is then to be tested in experiment. only experiment can validate/invalidate you will see why shortly.

dependent variable.......changing height/angle of the sun 

independent variable..........distance! are you sure about that china? it's not even a viable independent variable. 

so your cause (independent variable) is distance, and your effect (dependent variable) is the height/angle of the sun at midday changing!

so you are saying by travelling at different distances from the observation, this causes the angle/height of the sun to change! so distance causes angular change!!!!

china this is a mess on so many levels. distance is not the CAUSE of anything in the natural world! it's a concept. 

IF(cause) distance, THEN (effect) height/angle of the sun changes!!! so distance causes the height/angle of the sun to change

what complete nonsense chinahand.  even if we presuppose the earth is a sphere,  that would then be your independent variable. do you see your problem there as the researcher/scientist? the independent variable is the variable which YOU CHANGE in the experiment!!!!

so if the earth is a sphere how are you then going to vary that in an experiment china??? you are not because you cannot. 

try the sun rays being parallel as your independent variable. can you manipulate that as a researcher china? no you cannot.

you have just tried to say that distance changes the height/measured angle of the sun. what would that prove in an experiment , about the shape of the earth? NOTHING

Good luck trying to get out of this one china as i will just refer you back to university of rochester citation and anyone worth their salt online who actually understands what cientific validation is. you are just a religious believer china, nothing more nothing less. no clue how science validates things x


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2 hours ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

I love it when dodgy posters re-emphasise the point I'm making with their own contributions!

And boy does you know you do that.

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