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Flat Earth?


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1 hour ago, Chinahand said:

Paul, you don't know what my model is, but you are making all sorts of claims about it.  Talk about being presumptuous.

I've repeatedly asked you to engage and be patient, but you clearly think you already know all the answers.

Rather than being so dismissive, why not actually try.

Because it is obfuscastion on your part china. Touché 

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1 hour ago, Chinahand said:


I've added another angle α into the diagram as it is easier to explain.  The diagram consists of two right angle triangles - a smaller one with (non-hypothenuse) sides of length h and x, and a larger one with sides h and (x+y).

In the smaller triangle there are the two angles θ and α.

Tan α = x/h.  So α = atan(x/h).

The second bigger right angle triangle has 3 angles - the right angle (90 degrees) at O, one which is one degree less than θ ie (θ-1), and the third one which is one degree bigger than α.  But we already know α = atan(x/h), so this third angle is equal to (atan(x/h) + 1).

The tan of this angle is equal to (x+y)/h


tan(atan(x/h) + 1) = (x+y)/h


(x+y) = h tan(atan(x/h) +1)

y = h tan(atan(x/h) + 1) - x

Now, Paul, are you willing to accept this is a standard mathematical equation with y being the dependent variable, and independent variables x and h.


Yes but mathematical variables are not scientific variables china, they are not physical things you can observe and measure tangibly. You are not going to calculate reality china x

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1 hour ago, Chinahand said:

Paul the idea the world is flat is stupid, it is only taken seriously by people who are ignorant and deliberately ignore evidence while believing ludicrous conspiracies involving NASA, ESA, the Chinese, Japanese and Indian space agencies, every company operating geostationary and telecommunications satellites etc etc.  They have no understanding of the way the sun and stars move through the skies, nor well understood and explained phenomenon like atmospheric refraction.

Is the idea that its a ball dead clever then?

You are entitled to your opinion china, no problems there x

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1 hour ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

Precisely. Nobody disagrees that the internet has given a medium for weirdos to spout on about FE, bit nobody takes it seriously. It's stupid.

You too are entitled to your opinion blob.

Got any videos telling us all how nobody is interested in the flat earth subject?

Feel free to post them x

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1 hour ago, Chinahand said:


I've added another angle α into the diagram as it is easier to explain.  The diagram consists of two right angle triangles - a smaller one with (non-hypothenuse) sides of length h and x, and a larger one with sides h and (x+y).

In the smaller triangle there are the two angles θ and α.

Tan α = x/h.  So α = atan(x/h).

The second bigger right angle triangle has 3 angles - the right angle (90 degrees) at O, one which is one degree less than θ ie (θ-1), and the third one which is one degree bigger than α.  But we already know α = atan(x/h), so this third angle is equal to (atan(x/h) + 1).

The tan of this angle is equal to (x+y)/h


tan(atan(x/h) + 1) = (x+y)/h


(x+y) = h tan(atan(x/h) +1)

y = h tan(atan(x/h) + 1) - x

Now, Paul, are you willing to accept this is a standard mathematical equation with y being the dependent variable, and independent variables x and h.


Do you seriously believe for one moment that you’re going to receive a cogent reply to that?

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No, because that would be stupid. Like discussing FE. That's stupid as well. Albeit popular with fringe nutters on the interwebs.

Posting loads of videos would be stupid and I wouldn't waste time doing it. Although you seem to enjoy it for some reason, which is nice for you. Grand. But videos, blogs, articles etc about FE are stupid and nobody takes them seriously.

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Only stupid people or whatever insignificant troll, could disagree with this.

It's not rocket science, you don't need a degree in whatever subject to see the logic in this and its so straight forward demonstrating a simple and common sense proof that even a child could see its correct.

Anyone believing differently and you have to consider whats their angle? Are they just a troll like Bobby, Diligaf, some other ignoramus's etc or are they part of a wider scheme that follows the big money, the banks, the elite or other society? Two many things are happening in this world that do not make sense and there's a few of those on here who object to anything that challenges this.

To disbelieve what you've always known in the past to be true and see the trolls try and discredit or manoeuvre you away from the subject, then you realise that there must be some truth in the matter or why would they persistently and I mean persistently do this? They know that the world is turning and the lies they spread about a multitude of subjects and deviant ways is coming to a head and like it or lump it, it will affect every 'persons' life.

The level earth is only a minor but necessary detail because once you can see the real truth, then the bigger questions arise and people will then start to seek answers and become angry at the depth of deceit from childhood.

You can do the 3 wise monkeys act or listen to the paid or just idiotic buffoons, but the tide is turning and needs to turn to prevent the calamities and catastrophes from escalating. It is happening out there, look at the disasters occurring around the world, the chem trails, microwave weaponry, weather control, fluoridation in water, 5G wireless dangers and so much more.

If people are not being paid by private individuals to keep things quiet as what a new world order would, then there's a few bits of information there to have a look through when you have a spare moment. 



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