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Flat Earth?


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15 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

This fella gets it!

Is language a cause found in nature china? Language cause things does it? 

Which straw will you clutch?  Coding? Dna? Brain functions?

All just messengers. What causes trees to grow china? Is it maths?

Worshipping at the altar of youtube again? 

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7 hours ago, Chinahand said:

I wonder if PGW understands that the dots for Eratosthenes and Cassini are from the actual measurements they made, they aren't maths or calculations, they come from actually looking through a sextant, or lining up a back staff and then recording how far you have to move until the angle changes by one degree? 

Clearly he doesn't.  Oh well.  Quelle surprise!

So what is the other thing surveyors measured as well as the midday sun?

It was Polaris.  The midday sun is due South, Polaris is due North.

These two observations are complementary to each other - when you are close to the equator/in the tropics the midday sun is high in the sky and Polaris is low, close to the horizon.  When up close to the North Pole the sun will be low in the sky, while Polaris close to being vertical.

As you move between the Pole and the equator Polaris slowly drops lower in the sky, while the midday sun slowly rises.

Now the question is do you have to move a different distance to lower the angle up to Polaris by one degree compared to raising the angle up to the sun by one degree when you travel South?

Any thoughts Paul?  

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There is no real debate whatsoever about the shape of the world.

Fools and knaves may claim there is, but that is just empty noise which has no relevance to the reality of our knowledge of the shape of the planet and quite definitely isn't a debate about the shape of our Earth.  Flat Earthers can pretend they are "debating" but that is down to them deliberately deluding themselves that every confounding piece of evidence is faked by ... (who is doing this again and why?) or their profound ignorance.

Paul, are you ignorant of how the angle measured up to Polaris will change as you move South, and whether this angle will decrease more or less than the increase in the angle measured up to the midday sun when you move say 200 miles to the South?

You don't have to trust Eratosthenes or anyone else.  It is something you could simply measure say when you go on holiday.  It isn't something which could be concealed from you. The flat earth conspiracy is about as feasible as the two-left feet conspiracy.  There is no point debating whether you've got two-left feet or not.  Just look.


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12 hours ago, Chinahand said:

There is no real debate whatsoever about the shape of the world.

Fools and knaves may claim there is, but that is just empty noise which has no relevance to the reality of our knowledge of the shape of the planet and quite definitely isn't a debate about the shape of our Earth.  Flat Earthers can pretend they are "debating" but that is down to them deliberately deluding themselves that every confounding piece of evidence is faked by ... (who is doing this again and why?) or their profound ignorance.

Paul, are you ignorant of how the angle measured up to Polaris will change as you move South, and whether this angle will decrease more or less than the increase in the angle measured up to the midday sun when you move say 200 miles to the South?

You don't have to trust Eratosthenes or anyone else.  It is something you could simply measure say when you go on holiday.  It isn't something which could be concealed from you. The flat earth conspiracy is about as feasible as the two-left feet conspiracy.  There is no point debating whether you've got two-left feet or not.  Just look.


You are a reality denier china! x

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