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Flat Earth?


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On 11/23/2018 at 9:28 AM, RIchard Britten said:

Why oh why do you insist on trying (and constantly failing) to engage with PGW?

340+ pages of us heaping evidence, science, fact and data onto him and still he smirks away in his hovel, waiting for the next poster to respond to him.

Give it up.  You are not going to convince him, whether he belives in FE or not, he has played you all for fools and will continue to do so.

You're completely missing the point here.

Why miss out on gems like this:

1 minute ago, paul's got wright said:

You are a reality denier china! x

Sheer quality!

I'm a big fan of Eratosthenes so I view the "Flat Earth" nutters as a type of religious sect blinded by their faith.

And as we all should know "Faith = Belief - Evidence"

Well, QED to that as well!

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1 hour ago, paul's got wright said:

China said its not really happening! Reality denial at its finest! It is a world wide phenomena blob x

What is happening?  Nutters muttering to themselves on the internet.  No one is denying that is happening.

But it is of no consequence whatsoever to the scientific understanding that the earth is an oblate spheroid with an equatorial radius of about 6,378,136.6 km and a polar one of about 6,356,751.9 km, rotating on its axis in 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.1 seconds and a bit depending on melting glaciers etc orbiting a G2 type star in 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 45 seconds.

It must be such a wonderful world where you imagine you are members of this amazing gang who are out to transform our understanding of the world, but the reality is a lot more simple.  You are deluded and collectively wallowing in your delusion.

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2 hours ago, Chinahand said:

What is happening?  Nutters muttering to themselves on the internet.  No one is denying that is happening.

But it is of no consequence whatsoever to the scientific understanding that the earth is an oblate spheroid with an equatorial radius of about 6,378,136.6 km and a polar one of about 6,356,751.9 km, rotating on its axis in 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.1 seconds and a bit depending on melting glaciers etc orbiting a G2 type star in 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 45 seconds.

It must be such a wonderful world where you imagine you are members of this amazing gang who are out to transform our understanding of the world, but the reality is a lot more simple.  You are deluded and collectively wallowing in your delusion.

Nutters? Is that a scientific term china?

Holding conferences that the national news report on, is not muttering to yourself in any way shape or form. Again, you are a reality denier china

A theory believer of the sternest faith, in that which you cannot examine scientifically. A delluded zealot x

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