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Flat Earth?


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17 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

lisa please keep my name out of your potty mouth, you bizarre, anonymous, internet fantasist.

you don't know what i believe without me telling you and i have already stated my thoughts on the "ball" and "flat" aspects of this discussion.

but you are such a lazy troll you cant even manage to read the thread you are trolling!

"This is some kind of private game ..."................no lisa it is a public forum where people discuss random topics, in this here general chat part of the forum

. simple enough to understand for a normal person. not so for the fantasist though. a fantasist, needs to escape reality at all costs, thus, we have the above tripe from  you lisa, a complete helmut!

gerry chose the subject, the rest of us replied. no conspiracy here lisa, just people posting their thoughts in a topic. must you seek conspiracy in the simplest of questions?

i am not defending anything here, its you and the other trolls doing that, clearly.  you have learned nothing here, that is clear from your last post.

Wow! Bit of an overreaction there Paul! Like I said, it was a guess which you've just validated with your response.

You definately went overboard on the 'insult' part.  It seems the closer one gets to the truth, the harsher the response.

I'm afraid I have you pegged Paul :thumbsup:

The fact remains that I'm still enjoying this thread, China and co have taught me much.

I'm both grateful to them, and to you Paul, the catalyst.

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At last NASA is saying that there is alternative water elsewhere and that includes space. No doubt this will be contentious for some as its supposed to be a vacuum and it's previously unheard of to think that the sun has water, but thats what NASA says and if they're going to get trillions of dollars for the err.... mission to Mars and nothing to do with Agenda 21/30, then water is something worth looking for in a failing planet although when mankind eventually finishes it off with HAARP, it'll probably be hot enough for the alleged alien reptilian humanoids. (Who knows - it might even be true as there's some weird things happening on a daily basis now?)

Now this starts to fit into the Dome theory and the firmament surrounding the dome, but thats for another day.

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5 hours ago, PottyLisa said:

Wow! Bit of an overreaction there Paul! Like I said, it was a guess which you've just validated with your response.

You definately went overboard on the 'insult' part.  It seems the closer one gets to the truth, the harsher the response.

I'm afraid I have you pegged Paul :thumbsup:

The fact remains that I'm still enjoying this thread, China and co have taught me much.

I'm both grateful to them, and to you Paul, the catalyst.

Its called responding lisa. It isnt a reaction, its a response. Thats how a forum works.

I dont get all emotional about it, you do! I understand its the science thread, you troll here.

There wasnt one insult in my post. Again, fantasy blinds you to the simplest of facts. What are you afraid of your own fantasy for?

You couldn't peg the washin out you foul mouthed walter!

You can thank gerry for his insights which led to the thread you all love so dearly.

You have nothing of substance to offer lisa, you are just another faithfull believer, and you cannot handle the lack of proof. If china told you we lived on a banana you would have it. As long as the "experts" say so hey lease!

Try and post something without emotional bias, or pretending you know anonymous strangers. Give us your best proof of the spinning oblate spheroid, or your bc hero, something of substance.  You dont have to appeal to emotion here. Its the science thread liz


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30 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

God sweat?

What a brilliant Shakespearean oath..!

Prince Hal: Thou art a puffed up bladder Falstaff; a knave; a poltroon...

Falstaff: Nay lad, thou mayest be a Prince, but thy wits desert thee.God Sweat! Paul has’t Wright thinks this ball of earth be flat! A lackwit...a jackanapes, marry, like thyself sweet Prince. God Sweat sayest I, forsooth!

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