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Flat Earth?


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2 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

I’m also envious of all your spare time.

Very little to do in the unit until that nice nurse brings the next meds and a cuppa.

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China i gave you a Shoutout on the show! The boys would love you to come on and give them the eratosthenes "science"! Join any day, the panel is open to all, link is below the video.

Are you the one to end the flat earth debate?

Many have been on tried, and failed. Good luck sir x

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21 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

China i gave you a Shoutout on the show! The boys would love you to come on and give them the eratosthenes "science"! Join any day, the panel is open to all, link is below the video.

Are you the one to end the flat earth debate?

Many have been on tried, and failed. Good luck sir x

Uhtred already made the "playing chess with a pigeon" comparison some months ago, so I've had to settle for a hamster here instead.


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23 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

Remember i asked you if you thought there is any evidence of the earth having been flooded china?

Do think there is anything to the possibility?

Paul, to be frank I am not interested in discussing this question with you although it is an interesting and genuine scientific issue.

You claim to be some fan of science, but then pick and choose what you think that means, smirking and ridiculing what you dismiss and do not understand.

7 hours ago, paul's got wright said:


dare you enter the flat earthers panel with your "proof"?


Dare?  Oh goodness.  I am sorry but I do not want to die of tedium.  This thread contains quite enough stupid, but no I am not going to waste my time with a group of self deluded self described heroes of flat earth nonsense.

In my life I've wasted my time trying to explain evolutionary theory to religious nutters who insist their faith allows them to deny world class science, and this thread is a clear demonstration of my patience in presenting evidence to those who dismiss it, but no I am not going to be involved with these smug little Youtube gatherings.

Paul, your little gang may pretend they are some world changing group who can see oh so much clearer than everyone else, but that is only because they delude themselves and refuse to view or accept evidence.

Science is hard and involves complex and patient understanding.  It is oh so much easier to pretend and that is all the little cabal on Youtube are doing.

They are deluding themselves, pretending while ignoring reams and reams of evidence and leaping on issues they do not understand to pretend they are oh so knowledgeable. 

Next time you are wasting your time .on Youtube .. just look at your flat earth heroes and think - are these people heroes overcoming the worldwide conspiracy, or are they followers of a Cargo cult who have to pretend such things to escape from the tedium.

Paul, you claim you can easily learn maths ... well do so then.  Learn to use a sextant and grow up.  The first time you can use a sextant to work out where you are I hope you will be able to understand just how stupid this Flat Earth make believe is.  Now maybe you don't have it within you to understand why a sextant proves the world isn't flat.  That would be a great shame, but I'm not wasting my time being sneered at by the deluded on YouTube, thank you very much, and that is not because of any lack of confidence in the fact the world is a sphere.


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5 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

Paul, to be frank I am not interested in discussing this question with you although it is an interesting and genuine scientific issue.

You claim to be some fan of science, but then pick and choose what you think that means, smirking and ridiculing what you dismiss and do not understand.

Dare?  Oh goodness.  I am sorry but I do not want to die of tedium.  This thread contains quite enough stupid, but no I am not going to waste my time with a group of self deluded self described heroes of flat earth nonsense.

In my life I've wasted my time trying to explain evolutionary theory to religious nutters who insist their faith allows them to deny world class science, and this thread is a clear demonstration of my patience in presenting evidence to those who dismiss it, but no I am not going to be involved with these smug little Youtube gatherings.

Paul, your little gang may pretend they are some world changing group who can see oh so much clearer than everyone else, but that is only because they delude themselves and refuse to view or accept evidence.

Science is hard and involves complex and patient understanding.  It is oh so much easier to pretend and that is all the little cabal on Youtube are doing.

They are deluding themselves, pretending while ignoring reams and reams of evidence and leaping on issues they do not understand to pretend they are oh so knowledgeable. 

Next time you are wasting your time .on Youtube .. just look at your flat earth heroes and think - are these people heroes overcoming the worldwide conspiracy, or are they followers of a Cargo cult who have to pretend such things to escape from the tedium.

Paul, you claim to can easily learn maths ... well do so then.  Learn to use a sextant and grow up.  The first time you can use a sextant to work out where you are I hope you will be able to understand just how stupid this Flat Earth make believe is.  Now maybe you don't have it within you to understand why a sextant proves the world isn't flat.  That would be a great shame, but I'm not wasting my time being sneered at by the deluded on YouTube, thank you very much, and that is not because of any lack of confidence in the fact the world is a sphere.


I don’t mean to be a killjoy, but pearls, swine...y’know?

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44 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

Paul, to be frank I am not interested in discussing this question with you although it is an interesting and genuine scientific issue.

You claim to be some fan of science, but then pick and choose what you think that means, smirking and ridiculing what you dismiss and do not understand.

Dare?  Oh goodness.  I am sorry but I do not want to die of tedium.  This thread contains quite enough stupid, but no I am not going to waste my time with a group of self deluded self described heroes of flat earth nonsense.

In my life I've wasted my time trying to explain evolutionary theory to religious nutters who insist their faith allows them to deny world class science, and this thread is a clear demonstration of my patience in presenting evidence to those who dismiss it, but no I am not going to be involved with these smug little Youtube gatherings.

Paul, your little gang may pretend they are some world changing group who can see oh so much clearer than everyone else, but that is only because they delude themselves and refuse to view or accept evidence.

Science is hard and involves complex and patient understanding.  It is oh so much easier to pretend and that is all the little cabal on Youtube are doing.

They are deluding themselves, pretending while ignoring reams and reams of evidence and leaping on issues they do not understand to pretend they are oh so knowledgeable. 

Next time you are wasting your time .on Youtube .. just look at your flat earth heroes and think - are these people heroes overcoming the worldwide conspiracy, or are they followers of a Cargo cult who have to pretend such things to escape from the tedium.

Paul, you claim you can easily learn maths ... well do so then.  Learn to use a sextant and grow up.  The first time you can use a sextant to work out where you are I hope you will be able to understand just how stupid this Flat Earth make believe is.  Now maybe you don't have it within you to understand why a sextant proves the world isn't flat.  That would be a great shame, but I'm not wasting my time being sneered at by the deluded on YouTube, thank you very much, and that is not because of any lack of confidence in the fact the world is a sphere.


Fair enough china, just wondered what you thought about it.

I am not a fan of anything china, certainly not science! Wrong word there china.

I am intrigued by science and the wonders of our world.  

So in other words, you will spend nearly 4 years in this thread, but wont spend, say, 10 mins on the open debate show which runs twice a day? That seems odd to me. Its not the only debate going either there are many more. But somehow they are below you? Do you think that you have offered something here, which hasnt been brought up as a globe proof on nathans show? Very naive if so.

Why do you consider your religuous work a waste of time? Do you doubt your own belief system?

Do you think that people are obligated to agree with your beliefs and to accept any evidence you offer them?

The debate show is not my gang china its nathans! Do keep up! The shows been going all year so they have heard all the evidence. They are not convinced, so on the show goes. Again, are you saying they are obligated in some way to accept the globe "evidence"? On what basis? Heresay? Is that permissible in a court of law?

Now china, calm down, you're becoming irrational. I NEVER waste my time on youtube! And we all know heroes are from before christ came along dont we!!!

They are just people who dont believe what you do china, if that is your definition of a cabal, then you are a zealot!

Anyone can easily learn maths, its not hard, its a languish china, remember?

Do sextants make you grow up? Do they make the earth spin? Oh no, maths does. Right?

The earth isnt flat china, crellins hill, prospect hill etc etc. Its the spinning oblate sheroid that is being questioned, not whether the earth if flat. Everyone knows the earth isnt flat. But not everyone believes its a spinning oblate spheroid. Thats what troubles you and your disciples so much. It challenges your belief system. Your eratosthenes fairytale will get mauled on that panel, as it was in here. Just a pity you dont have the balls, pardon the pun, to back up your convictions on the live show. Its easier calling people stupid when they have no way to respond though isnt it!

A shame, as you are the best the globe has to offer in here. And theres not a chance of any of your disciples getting their toes wet, if chief china says its below him. They haven't the capacity anyway, most mere parrots following their piper. 

The answer to the original question is yes china. Yes there is evidence that could suggest the earth was flooded at some point x






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