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Flat Earth?


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18 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Paul I advise getting Woody2 involved in your religious flat earth crusade.

I'm sure the pair of you would just love the exchanges.....

But how could i involve woody2 in your fantasy?

Shouldnt you be doing the recruitment? 

What makes you a suitable character to advise in such matters anyway?



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On 11/27/2018 at 1:30 AM, quilp said:

Is it possible that holding such esoteric beliefs creates an inner feeling that you are, at least in some small way, 'unique' amongst the rest of the world? A one-eyed woman in the kingdom of the blind? It seems that to substantiate your self you have chosen to readily identify with all manner of illogicality to fill in the intellectual gap in your perception by upping your bullshit receptivity to the point of fallacious distraction.

Did you grow up believing the accepted theories without question? I only ask because if you did follow the 'norm' as a child it would seem that in adulthood you have made a conscious decision to unreason yourself and I am genuinely baffled as to how and why people such as yourself evolve in such a polarised fashion. Are you not conflicted in any way?

Why do you try and belittle me?

Whats the point?

If you do not like what I say, then you do not have to say anything. People who do say something negative are usually the people who have something to hide. 

Do you believe that all data that you write, like, view, photograph, join, delete etc, is not being recorded and used in a personal database on you?

If you state no, then don't waste my time and yours in thinking negative thoughts. We're all going to be coming to an impasse soon and we will all receive credit scores which will go up and down on behaviour, who you mix with, who you communicate with. This is happening now in China and fully implemented by 2020. The equivalent system has recently been initiated in the US and the data collection has already began some time back.


So I ask you to keep your personal opinions of me to yourself as otherwise I consider that as harassment and bullying and this is not allowed on here reference the Guidelines of Manxforums. https://www.manxforums.com/forums/index.php?/guidelines/

Manxforums is for the exchange of views, information and opinions in a friendly non judgemental atmosphere.

Do not post material which is offensive or defamatory of anyone else.

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12 hours ago, manxy said:

Why do you try and belittle me?

Whats the point?



So I ask you to keep your personal opinions of me to yourself as otherwise I consider that as harassment and bullying and this is not allowed on here reference the Guidelines of Manxforums. https://www.manxforums.com/forums/index.php?/guidelines/

Manxforums is for the exchange of views, information and opinions in a friendly non judgemental atmosphere.

Do not post material which is offensive or defamatory of anyone else.

You must not stalk or harass other Members or do anything which involves collecting or divulging information about them.

fair comment , when folk resort to insults/personal remarks /lies /name calling all it says to me is they  really don't have an argument .

Don't want to get  involved  in this thread because it doesn't interest me ,but don't let others bully  you into silence .:flowers:

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1 hour ago, paswt said:

fair comment , when folk resort to insults/personal remarks /lies /name calling all it says to me is they  really don't have an argument .

Don't want to get  involved  in this thread because it doesn't interest me ,but don't let others bully  you into silence .:flowers:

Very well put x

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the panel are not surprised that you will not join china. they are confident you would fail if you tried to prove the earth is a sphere, but you are still welcome all the same.

why spend nearly 4 years in here but you are unwilling to debate the people you have called stupid?

they are willing to discuss this with you and for you to provide any evidence you like live on the show.

i simply cannot understand why you wont do this if you truly believe you can? it might take half an hour of your time, how much has this thread taken?


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Clearly? Is that your way of making a claim without evidence?

You just assert it without any proof?  

Why spend nearly 4 years in here, but you are unwilling to face the flat earthers in an open debate china?

You are welcome on the panel but all your evidence has been presented there, unsuccessfully, many times previously. That is why the debate continues, no one has managed to provide the scientific proof.

If it is so easy as you say just do it.

What have you got to lose?

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I clicked on one of your flat earth debate videos Paul, the Isle of Man one and had a bit of a listen. Not much point in joining in my view, the people involved have their minds made up and are never ever going to listen to any other views. Ever tried convincing a mormon that they are wrong? It would be a bit like that, but not as polite.

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