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Flat Earth?


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4 hours ago, quilp said:

So why do you continue to engage/encourage? Just what is the point? You do the mind-numbing detail, only to basically have the piss taken out of you. He says one thing and you go to great lengths to say another. All of it completely over his head, you must realise that. Give it up... 

Wise words. Depart and leave the inhabitants of Planet Ignorance on their flat world.

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4 hours ago, Chinahand said:

Paul, your sneering at things you don't understand is your least admirable trait.

You clearly think thousands of people are simply lying to you and are involved in a huge conspiracy to delude you.  For what reason?

What is sad is you think there is nothing behind the graphics and art work used to explain what the scientists are doing, while in fact all the value comes from the work behind the scenes.

The scientists aren't that interested in pretty pictures - Sagan had to lobby hard to get the Pale Blue Dot picture for example; many scientists argued it was a waste of valuable resources and a scientific mission was better use of the camera than a pretty picture.

I have to be frank - I find your dismissal of NASA's science a supreme example of your arrogance.

You've never worked on a single project for decades, investing your entire life to designing and building something which requires a budget of the $100s of millions, which is undertaking a journey of millions of miles and where any error in the millions of calculations could result in making all that effort worthless.

All you can do is sneer at them.

I work with people who do undertake such projects, the effort required to push the absolute limits of engineering understanding to succeed in these types of projects is, in my view, incredibly admirable.  What they aspire to do is little short of incredible, but all you can do is dismiss it and make up stories that it is all fake.

Is everything fake - Cassini's measurements across France, Everest's across India, Cook's use of Harrison's chronometer to navigate the high seas with nothing but a sextant?

Your denial of evidence is the issue here and my biggest beef with you.

China, unless you can ever back up anything you imply about me, then dont bother posting it about me. It is so weak of you.

Can you provide the proof for your irrational and emotionally charged claim about me. That i "sneer" at things i dont "understand"  is it possible to sneer in a post online? Did i use the sneer emoji? I simply asked a question.

Your second and third paragraphs are just erroneous asumptions about me, that you cannot back up with anything of substance. You are just guessing, emotionally pleaing. Desperately trying to make the subject about me, instead of it being about questioning your belief system! Which it is, as you well know chinahand.

Nasas science! What, do they have their own brand or somethin? What have i dismissed from nasa? To not believe something, is not a dismissal. Its a choice china. They may well have landed on mars, but without any proof, no one is obligated to believe it are they?

You are the arrogant one china, you think people HAVE to believe it, without proof. So do we have to believe computer animations as being our reality do we? Cartoons? Get a grip man.

" millions of millions of miles"!!! Yeah course they do china! And you have absolute proof of that dont you, its not a belief is it!

Never once have i made up a story that they are all fake, you absolute walter mitty. Take that back china or i shall rename you, UNDERHAND and refer to you as such from now on. Take it back, its a lie, and a horrid attempt to attack my good character. Tantamount to bullying as manxy rightly pointed out. Shame on you. I would never dismiss peoples genuine achievements.

We dont have beef china, i dont know you and wish you nothing but happines and peace in your life. This subject was not titled "pauls got wright ?"

What you have is some problems with your model. And a growing number of genuine, intelligent, people who question your belief system. They dont belive what you do, and that bothers you immensly.

Yet you will not accept the open offer to discuss/debate this matter with them!

The times they are a changin china x








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5 hours ago, Chinahand said:

This is why it is pointless continuing this.  I went through in mind-numbing detail how the work of Eratosthenes' built into the surveys of the age of enlightenment, laying out the evidence they had measured concerning how far you have to move to measure a one degree change in Polaris or the Midday sun (once declination is accounted for); and how this fits the hypothesis for an oblate spheroid and not a flat earth.

You can say I'm ignorant as much as you like, but it is you who is the denier in this not me.

And i showed you every step of the way, that what you offered was invalid. But you think maths IS reality. Assumption is not proof china, do try harder.

Scientific hypothesis deals with cause and effect china. What does maths cause in nature?

Get on the panel then and see how it goes with eratosthenes. You will simply be shown the error of your ways again. Eratosthenes is said to have used one well, and the "knowledge" of the other. No third well was introduced.

So it means both flat earth and the globe can match the observations. All else after that is assumption. Get over it x

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5 hours ago, quilp said:

So why do you continue to engage/encourage? Just what is the point? You do the mind-numbing detail, only to basically have the piss taken out of you. He says one thing and you go to great lengths to say another. All of it completely over his head, you must realise that. Give it up... 

I know more about this subject than you and china put together, he only understands his own beliefs, i have no idea how little you know about the flat earth topic, but it is not your mastermind topic thats for sure quilpy!

If china had even the slightest clue, he would never claim that i think everyone is lying at nasa et al.

And he would never claim that i sneer at the genuine achievements of my fellow man.

So he hasnt got a clue, making false assumptions of an innocent man, continuously without proof of claim. Its disgusting behaviour during any discussion. And has nothing to do with this topic gerry started. Never once have i said anyone is lying about the shape of the earth. China needs straws to cluthch though

And he is entitled to repl as much or little as he likes. Leave him alone x

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1 hour ago, Uhtred said:

Wise words. Depart and leave the inhabitants of Planet Ignorance on their flat world.

Its definitely not flat, the world we all live on. Topography rules.

Is it a spinning globe though? Thats why gerry brought it up. Its under severe scrutiny x

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3 hours ago, Chinahand said:

Oh the arrogance. 

Whatever little Paul. There’s no reasoning with you. 

Just facts china. You are the equivalent of a biblical scholar, a master of your own religion, blind to any opposition, or to what they actually represent.

So you just assume it all based on your religious bias

I know more about THIS subject than most of you on here, unless we have silent participants who know more.

You definitley dont china, thats why you use emotional pleas and eroneous asumptions.

The only bit you have sorted is your own end. No mean feat and i admire your intellect china, but as a topic, flat earth, you are a nooby compared to me. You are too afraid to look x

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3 hours ago, Chinahand said:

Oh the arrogance. 

Whatever little Paul. There’s no reasoning with you. 

As any religious zealot would claim, in the face of severe scrutiny of their beliefs chinahand. Retract your false asumptions of me or its the underhand tag for you from now on.

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Nobody who genuinely understands the full implications of this subject, would get triggerd by its mere discussion. 

Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.

The religious attendance we have from trolls, and, those of faith alike, has been driven by the the personal, emotional reaction, triggered by the smallest question

Flat earth? 

If its a spinning ball, whats with the mega thread? No one should be here should they? Certainly not globers!

if anything only people who think the topic is interesting or are flat earthers etc, should even be in here.

What are you all doing here?

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15 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

Nerves getting to you manxy 1980x

As a mediocre white wapper wonce said

"Snap back to reality, oh, there goes gravity"

Nerves?  No, I just have better things to do than continue my respond to your nonsense. 

You, like many who believe in a flat earth, have a very open mind.  Sadly that means it often gets filled with crap.

You, like many flat earthers, seem scared about the concept that the universe is huge and that human life is a mere speck of dust in comparison.

I see no point in responding further because you are never going to change your view,  or understand the complexity of the science. 

Enjoy your pizza shaped earth and I will gladly continue to live in the knowledge that these delusionals are limited to the minority of people along with anti-vaxers, people abducted by aliens and bible bashers.

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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

Nerves?  No, I just have better things to do than continue my respond to your nonsense. 

You, like many who believe in a flat earth, have a very open mind.  Sadly that means it often gets filled with crap.

You, like many flat earthers, seem scared about the concept that the universe is huge and that human life is a mere speck of dust in comparison.

I see no point in responding further because you are never going to change your view,  or understand the complexity of the science. 

Enjoy your pizza shaped earth and I will gladly continue to live in the knowledge that these delusionals are limited to the minority of people along with anti-vaxers, people abducted by aliens and bible bashers.

I meant your nervous laughing.

Now, you are fantasizing about me!  "Often gets filled with crap"....how would you know? You're an anonymous stranger!

The fantasy continues....."seem scared about the concept"......since when did concepts scare people? That is piss poor patter emmy! Ooh no, not concepts please! am so scared!!!

  A concept has so many of you triggered though, thats for sure. That tiny question gerry asked!

Uni....one.......verse.........word. ........in the beginning, One word.

How big is the universe emmy? Making claims you cannot back up again. How much is made up of "dark matter"?

What is my view and why do you think i should change it emmy? I think you made that bit up to make yourself feel better? I understand the simplicity of science, and its complexeties, perfectly well, as demonsrated in this here science thread. You have offered nothing but emotional pleas, ad hom attacks and fantasy. Unsurprisingly.

Do you think i initiated our conversation in this thread, or was it you? I know you are dellusional, so maybe go back and check.

I havent got a pizza shaped earth emmy, that was the best "insult" you could muster!  Pathetic. Do you think christians are a minority group in the isle or man?

"Oh land of our birth, oh gem of god's earth" ye big wally x









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