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Flat Earth?


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11 hours ago, paul's got wright said:


I know exactly what maths is wrighty, and enjoyed reading your description, but i dont get religious about it. How can you have faith in a language? You can believe what you want wrighty, but can you force others to believe what you do?


is maths your god wrighty?



That wasn't my question Paul.  Let me re-phrase.  Do you accept as true certain mathematical statements that have been proved, even if those proofs are far too complex for you to understand, but have been accepted by the mathematical establishment?  Fermat's last theorem being a nice example of a simple mathematical statement that anyone can understand, but whose proof is incredibly complex and abstract.

As for your last point - probably yes.  I certainly don't believe in any of the others on offer.

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15 hours ago, wrighty said:

That wasn't my question Paul.  Let me re-phrase.  Do you accept as true certain mathematical statements that have been proved, even if those proofs are far too complex for you to understand, but have been accepted by the mathematical establishment?  Fermat's last theorem being a nice example of a simple mathematical statement that anyone can understand, but whose proof is incredibly complex and abstract.

As for your last point - probably yes.  I certainly don't believe in any of the others on offer.

Good well that explains your religious faith in these matters. You asked if i have faith in maths. That was your question.

If i am to have complete trust in anything, its going to be through knowledge and experience, like anyone else.

Maths is not a cause in nature wrighty, its a language we use as an aid.

Nothing is far too complex for me to understand wrighty, and why would studying the place we live in, require such complexity?

Thought litte innocent children could even understand we live on a spinning ball? Are there any references in the current curriculum, which deal with the curvature of the earth for instance, and how to measure and calculate it.

Can you cite any from any school age/year, any book, from any school in britain? Should be easy for you right?

Finally, do you think maths created life on earth?


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24 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

Good well that explains your religious faith in these matters. You asked if i have faith in maths. That was your question.

If i am to have complete trust in anything, its going to be through knowledge and experience, like anyone else.

Maths is not a cause in nature wrighty, its a language we use as an aid.

Nothing is far too complexed for me to understand wrighty, and why would studying the place we live in, require such complexity?

Thought litte innocent children could even understand we live on a spinning ball? Are there any references in the current curriculum, which deal with the curvature of the earth for instance, and how to measure and calculate it.

Can you cite any from any school age/year, any book, from any school in britain? Should be easy for you right?

Finally, do you think maths created life on earth?


Sorry, but my irony meter is exploding here.

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A map of the world is a representation of the planet.

Maps are flat.

The planet must be flat.

This reasononing is about on par as the hilarious 'When you pour water on a ball why doesn't it stick to it and form tides and whatever!!!!'

I suppose some early pioneers in their various area were laughed at.  Well, this one for you Porl:

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *draws breath* ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha etc etc

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11 minutes ago, PottyLisa said:

A map of the world is a representation of the planet.

Maps are flat.

The planet must be flat.

This reasononing is about on par as the hilarious 'When you pour water on a ball why doesn't it stick to it and form tides and whatever!!!!'

I suppose some early pioneers in their various area were laughed at.  Well, this one for you Porl:

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *draws breath* ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha etc etc

Whose reasoning are you addressing lease? Whats wth the straw man ?

You sure your names not potty dorothy?

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21 minutes ago, PottyLisa said:

Can't say it ever has Porl, no. Do you hear thjings speaking that aren't supposed to speak? I bet you do :flowers:

Exactly, so your post was in keeping the rest of your posts, silly and inaccurate .

What does maths cause in the natural world lisa? What is it the cause of? x

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4 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

Exactly, so your post was in keeping the rest of your posts, silly and inaccurate .

What does maths cause in the natural world lisa? What is it the cause of? x

Well, is there a correlation between maths and some geometric shapes found in nature? Shapes that have been proven to be best suited for survival?

The efficient nature of a honeycomb structure, the strength of an egg shape, how about spiralling fibonacci patterns in pineapples, pinecones and artichokes. xx

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