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Flat Earth?


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13 hours ago, wrighty said:

@paul's got wright - why are all the videos you post so long? I was going to have a look at that one from the PhD guy, but it’s 1:40 long so have better things to do.  Same as many of the others. 

Do you know of any, say 10 minutes in length, that support the FE view or debunk the ‘spinning oblate spheroid’ model? Most scientific concepts I know of can be explained and evidenced in that sort of time. Why not FE?

California waiting is only 3 an half minutes!

The PhD fella changed his world view by testing the surveying model. Not by watching a 10 min video!

just look for top flat earth proofs on yt. Loads of short videos there. See what you think of them x

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13 hours ago, manxy said:

I also cannot change the mind of a person/s who are unwilling to accept what has been stated as factual.

Are you describing yourself here? What has been stated as "factual?" There are no "facts" involved in FET no matter how elaborate, slick and professional those contrived videos appear.

I asked in a previous post, "who benefits" in keeping this 'truth' from everyone else in the world. Why has, for millenia, some secretive organisation conspired against humanity to push a global earth when it is apparently flat, as you propound. You declined to answer for some reason. I asked PGW the same question and he couldn't/wouldn't provide an answer either. The same question I've seen asked online to other flat-earthers too and a straight answer came there none.

Is it because you're all unable to credibly back up your claims of a flat earth, beyond a certain level? Relying instead on an abundant supply of blinkered, crank videos from virtual nobodies on the internet?

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15 hours ago, Neil Down said:

They are deliberately long so as to wear you down with the insanity of it. A short clip would disprove all they believe in...

A short clip? Please provide said clip nelly, lets see if you can disprove all they believe in!

Cant wait for this, the silver bullet x

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5 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

He carried out a test with limited scope and got limited results.  That is the point I am trying to make.

He provided his email and credentials, he also provided the test details, and invites anyone to repeat the test, if they wish to dispute it in any way.

His results stand, until somebody can repeat them and come up with different results. Then he will talk science with you. As it stands, you are just a cry in the wind by comparison. All mouth no action x

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Steph Curry thinks the moon landing was a big hoax ... and now NASA wants to turn the NBA superstar into a believer ... giving him a personal invite to tour all the evidence that proves it all happened.


Paul, would you say, if the moon landing can be demonstrated to have happened, that this casts doubt on a flat earth model, as presumably they would have needed to pass the Van Allen radiation belt (or any "firmament" put there by a deity) to make it to the moon?

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