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Flat Earth?


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7 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

Sorry quilp but a cartoon of religious stick men saying " evidence you're wrong"  will not suffice x

What is it with you and your religious accusations?


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Neither will your nebulous videos that you think everyone is interested in. Forget it man, this crowd has made its mind up and isn't having any of it. Had you noticed? Some of those who continue to respond I think are slowly realising that you are only using them for your own entertainment. A belief in flat earth theory is actually only the conduit for your delight and secondary to your intention. Give it up lad, find something else to soap yourself with...

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8 minutes ago, quilp said:

Neither will your nebulous videos that you think everyone is interested in. Forget it man, this crowd has made its mind up and isn't having any of it. Had you noticed? Some of those who continue to respond I think are slowly realising that you are only using them for your own entertainment. A belief in flat earth theory is actually only the conduit for your delight and secondary to your intention. Give it up lad, find something else to soap yourself with...

They're not my videos. Dont watch them if you dont want to. Easy.

I dont know who is or isnt iterested in them. Dont call me man man. You dont suit it.

What crowd?

What belief in flat earth theory? Its not flat its bumpy. The discussion hinges on the globe evidence, not flat earth theory!  The globe is the claim remember quilpy chap. 

Give what up? Why are you such a religious zealot when it comes to the shape and size of the earth?

Lighten up man, the refs got me ahead on points. Troll harder x

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I've noticed in the past the time-lapse between the carefully structured posts by the erudite Chinahand (and many other FE sceptics) explaining in great detail, complete with graphs and vids. That time-lapse, sometimes amounting to single minutes, can only mean you never bother to read what has been put forward... 

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15 minutes ago, quilp said:

This is where you latched on to the religious aspect. Before then you never mentioned it... 

Nonsense, anyone who believes big fish stories about big balls, takes a tremendous leap of faith to believe that model as their reality.

Those who defend it like their lives depend on it are religious zealots. No science for the ball quilpy. Its a massive problem for your religion, hence, the poularity of the flat earth topic x

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22 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

They're not my videos. Dont watch them if you dont want to. Easy.

I dont know who is or isnt iterested in them. Dont call me man man. You dont suit it.

What crowd?

What belief in flat earth theory? Its not flat its bumpy. The discussion hinges on the globe evidence, not flat earth theory!  The globe is the claim remember quilpy chap. 

Give what up? Why are you such a religious zealot when it comes to the shape and size of the earth?

Lighten up man, the refs got me ahead on points. Troll harder x

Really ?

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6 minutes ago, quilp said:

I've noticed in the past the time-lapse between the carefully structured posts by the erudite Chinahand (and many other FE sceptics) explaining in great detail, complete with graphs and vids. That time-lapse, sometimes amounting to single minutes, can only mean you never bother to read what has been put forward... 

Your struggling now quilp. im the foremost authority on the subject here. You are an unresearched noob.

It can only mean that you are not keeping up to date with the flat earth debate. You cannot be trusted to derive meaning, from your perception of other posters interactions. You need to prove yourself first. A bit like the ball model, you need to prove it if you say you live on it x

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