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Flat Earth?


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As reported in the Astronomy thread I was out with my kids doing some astro-photography this morning and got this shot of the ISS with Venus, Mercury and Jupiter climbing up into the dawn.

Quite a wonderful way to spend the solstice morning.


Now the reason I'm also putting this photo up in the flat earth thread is because it provides an opportunity to show how the position of the stars allows you to understand the shape of the earth.

Here we've got Venus pretty well above Mercury and Jupiter looking up from the horizon.

Here is the Star Chart from where I'm on holiday, showing the view.  Venus is about than 10 degrees further South than Mercury and Jupiter:


Now if anyone wishes they can get up and get a similar view from the Island, but if they did so they would notice that Venus is no where near as steeply above Mercury and Jupiter.  On the Island the same view has Venus being basically 20 degrees further south than Mercury and Jupiter.


Now why would that be?  I wonder ...

Any one willing to get up early and see if they can get a similar shot to mine.  Why is the view rotated round?  Anything to do with latitude do you think, Paul. 


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Who switches on the meteor showers?

You know, the Perseids and the Leonids.

I could explain that concept to my 6 year old in such a way she could understand it. Sun in middle, earth going round sun, earth passes through debris field left behind by a comet.

How would you explain that to a 6 year old, in flat earth terms?

Take into consideration that she totally believes in Santa and is counting the moments. But many of her school friends have never even heard of santa. And she will be the only one in her school to awake Christmas morning to an over indulgenge of pressies under the tree. Indeed, the school is giving her a half day off.

So, my daughter lives in a society where santa does not exist, but because she is cross cultural she believes he does. 

The magic and foo of santa will only last another year or so. But at the moment, she has the evidence. For 6 years she has woken on Christmas morning to discover santa has visted.

If you and I were to sit with her tomorrow and explain meteor showers, I can gaurantee your explanation would end up going the same way as santa as she learns science.

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7 minutes ago, ScotsAlan said:

Who switches on the meteor showers?

You know, the Perseids and the Leonids.

I could explain that concept to my 6 year old in such a way she could understand it. Sun in middle, earth going round sun, earth passes through debris field left behind by a comet.

How would you explain that to a 6 year old, in flat earth terms?

Take into consideration that she totally believes in Santa and is counting the moments. But many of her school friends have never even heard of santa. And she will be the only one in her school to awake Christmas morning to an over indulgenge of pressies under the tree. Indeed, the school is giving her a half day off.

So, my daughter lives in a society where santa does not exist, but because she is cross cultural she believes he does. 

The magic and foo of santa will only last another year or so. But at the moment, she has the evidence. For 6 years she has woken on Christmas morning to discover santa has visted.

If you and I were to sit with her tomorrow and explain meteor showers, I can gaurantee your explanation would end up going the same way as santa as she learns science.

[PGW]But can you prove that Santa doesn't exist?  What is the independent variable in your hypothesis?  There really is no scientific test that you have demonstrated, according to the rules of science that show there is no Santa.  Feel free to carry on with your religious views regarding the non-existence of Santa, but if you want to contribute to this scientific discussion you'll need better evidence than that. Watch this video if you dare. [\PGW]

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The flat earth model, north pole at middle, antartica edge, with spotlight on a string. Cant work because of radial velocity. The north pole would be the hottest area because the dwel time of the sun there would be long. North pole would be hot, the edges cold.

If the speed of the lamp on a string was varied wrt to its radius from the north pole, it would mean the north pole had very short days, the south pole long days.

But times zones go vertically from north pole to south pole. South africa  (I think) is same time zone as the UK. But the radial distance difference is about 6000 miles.

Cant see how that would work. And lets not even mention corrioulous and centripital.

The bycycle wheel depends on these physical effects.

If the earth was flat, I would fall off my bike.

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4 minutes ago, wrighty said:

[PGW]But can you prove that Santa doesn't exist?  What is the independent variable in your hypothesis?  There really is no scientific test that you have demonstrated, according to the rules of science that show there is no Santa.  Feel free to carry on with your religious views regarding the non-existence of Santa, but if you want to contribute to this scientific discussion you'll need better evidence than that. Watch this video if you dare. [\PGW]

I posted it. Norad tracks him.  If Norad tracks santa, but santa does not exist, then nor do the nukes that NORAD  are supposed to track?


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But Santa defies science anyway. His best path would be helical from the north to south. But that would mean he would defy time zones, and if he dropped down a chimney in florida at mid day he would be met by a hail of bullets under the castle doctrine.

Still easier to prove santa exists than prove the earth is flat.

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I got a txt mesage today from the bank of China. 'Happy winter solstice'.

In my head, I can model that. Rotating earth tilting back and forward as it spins around the sun. Winter solstice is good news of course, because the days start to get longer.

But this radial velocity thing is messing up my understanding of flat earth.

I live about 80km south of the tropic of cancer. Summer sunsets are about 7pm, winter sunsets 4;45. The sun goes down fast because of the radial velocity. Twilight is only 10 to 15 mins. Sunsets are rare. Unless the pollition is really bad.

Sunsets are quick here because my radius from the axis is further here than it was on the IOM. So my radial velocity is faster, so the sun goes over the horizon quicker.

Applying that observation to flat earth, Argentina should have a super fast sunset because their radial speed should be a lot faster than mine. Using flat earth, you would need a bloody fast camera to capture a sunset over patagonia.

It would be non existant at the south pole. Light on, light off..

Lets see if I can bing photos of spectacular sunsets from the southern hemisphere.. sorry.. outer radius.


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PGW. Uluru. The big red rock in Ozzieland.

Flat earth does not explain the sunset photos.

Uluru is 25 degrees south, I live 20 degrees north. My model of round earth in my head would suggest a sunset duration of an hour or so, depending on tilt. 

Your model would suggest a sunset time of about 3 minutes, at a guess. There is 40 degrees difference between me and Uliru, and 30 degrees diference between you and me.

So if my actual physical observation of sunset time was applied to your flat model, then 25 degrees south should have an ulra fast sunset.

The only way to reconcile flat earth is have the speed of light vary.

But how can that be.

If I can sit on the tropic of cancer, at 20 degrees, and chat real time to someone at 50 degees north, and at the same time have a salesman in argentina at 50 degrees south, your model required different speed of time, read light.

For your flat earth model to work, the 3 ppl talking would need to inhabit a unique temporal space that only they occupied. On leaving the video conference, each member would suffer a time jolt to re-enter their own reality.

Tomorrow.. i will ask you about GPS. I know it has been covered. Just giving you time to read up on it.

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