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Flat Earth?


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1 hour ago, ScotsAlan said:

Who switches on the meteor showers?

You know, the Perseids and the Leonids.

I could explain that concept to my 6 year old in such a way she could understand it. Sun in middle, earth going round sun, earth passes through debris field left behind by a comet.

How would you explain that to a 6 year old, in flat earth terms?

Take into consideration that she totally believes in Santa and is counting the moments. But many of her school friends have never even heard of santa. And she will be the only one in her school to awake Christmas morning to an over indulgenge of pressies under the tree. Indeed, the school is giving her a half day off.

So, my daughter lives in a society where santa does not exist, but because she is cross cultural she believes he does. 

The magic and foo of santa will only last another year or so. But at the moment, she has the evidence. For 6 years she has woken on Christmas morning to discover santa has visted.

If you and I were to sit with her tomorrow and explain meteor showers, I can gaurantee your explanation would end up going the same way as santa as she learns science.

Who are you on about alan? " if you and i were to sit down...."

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1 hour ago, wrighty said:

[PGW]But can you prove that Santa doesn't exist?  What is the independent variable in your hypothesis?  There really is no scientific test that you have demonstrated, according to the rules of science that show there is no Santa.  Feel free to carry on with your religious views regarding the non-existence of Santa, but if you want to contribute to this scientific discussion you'll need better evidence than that. Watch this video if you dare. [\PGW]

Ye cant prove a negative wrighty lad, dear me! Shows how much you know about science. 

Piss poor strawman

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3 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

Who are you on about alan? " if you and i were to sit down...."

Yeah. sit down together on the other side of the world, and watch you try to explain to the Chinese how the roundness of the world is a conspiricy.. that Chinese peasants, factory workers,  and Government are part of. Lets see you tell a Chinese rice farmer that the earth is flat.

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1 hour ago, ScotsAlan said:

The flat earth model, north pole at middle, antartica edge, with spotlight on a string. Cant work because of radial velocity. The north pole would be the hottest area because the dwel time of the sun there would be long. North pole would be hot, the edges cold.

If the speed of the lamp on a string was varied wrt to its radius from the north pole, it would mean the north pole had very short days, the south pole long days.

But times zones go vertically from north pole to south pole. South africa  (I think) is same time zone as the UK. But the radial distance difference is about 6000 miles.

Cant see how that would work. And lets not even mention corrioulous and centripital.

The bycycle wheel depends on these physical effects.

If the earth was flat, I would fall off my bike.

Alan stop calling it "the flat earth model"!

There are various ideas and models of a flat earth. Show us which one you mean if you are going to make a claim about it. You havent even provided a visual representation to view and check what you are claiming.

Put some effort in.

So bikes work best on a ball, not a flat surface. Genius alan. Pure genius


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13 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

Coins are round alan, so are some fe models. Whats your point?

I can prove by observation in lay mans terms, without having to dig out keplers equations. I look forward to you refuting my personal observations on the roundness of the earth. Start with sunset duration.

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4 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

Alan stop calling it "the flat earth model"!

There are various ideas and models of a flat earth. Show us which one you mean if you are going to make a claim about it. You havent even provided a visual representation to view and check what you are claiming.

Put some effort in.

So bikes work best on a ball, not a flat surface. Genius alan. Pure genius


I claim no flat earth. I observe ball shaped earth. SIGH.

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20 minutes ago, ScotsAlan said:

PGW. Uluru. The big red rock in Ozzieland.

Flat earth does not explain the sunset photos.

Uluru is 25 degrees south, I live 20 degrees north. My model of round earth in my head would suggest a sunset duration of an hour or so, depending on tilt. 

Your model would suggest a sunset time of about 3 minutes, at a guess. There is 40 degrees difference between me and Uliru, and 30 degrees diference between you and me.

So if my actual physical observation of sunset time was applied to your flat model, then 25 degrees south should have an ulra fast sunset.

The only way to reconcile flat earth is have the speed of light vary.

But how can that be.

If I can sit on the tropic of cancer, at 20 degrees, and chat real time to someone at 50 degees north, and at the same time have a salesman in argentina at 50 degrees south, your model required different speed of time, read light.

For your flat earth model to work, the 3 ppl talking would need to inhabit a unique temporal space that only they occupied. On leaving the video conference, each member would suffer a time jolt to re-enter their own reality.

Tomorrow.. i will ask you about GPS. I know it has been covered. Just giving you time to read up on it.

I havent got a model so stop making false assumptions of me please.

Alan you seem to be preoccupied with flat earth models and questions, rather than addressing the main gripe of what you may call flat earthers. Their main gripe is the claim of the globe alan. Many flat earthers or ball earth skeptics, dont even propose a model nor any answers for your obvious questions.

They simply challenge the evidence for the globe and do not believe they live on a globe.

Alan, you are fresh to this i understand, but please do some reading or and research first. You assume too much an will get laughed at chattin gps in here mate. But give it ye best shot if you must, lets see what scientific evidence you have for us x

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14 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

I havent got a model so stop making false assumptions of me please.

Alan you seem to be preoccupied with flat earth models and questions, rather than addressing the main gripe of what you may call flat earthers. Their main gripe is the claim of the globe alan. Many flat earthers or ball earth skeptics, dont even propose a model nor any answers for your obvious questions.

They simply challenge the evidence for the globe and do not believe they live on a globe.

Alan, you are fresh to this i understand, but please do some reading or and research first. You assume too much an will get laughed at chattin gps in here mate. But give it ye best shot if you must, lets see what scientific evidence you have for us x

I am awiting your reply to the questions I put to you. Simple as that. You seem to be avoiding them. You deflect towards the suggestion that you will humiliate me to some sort of online community.  You are playing  the Mike Cernovich hand here. What next.. a pm to say you have found who I work for and you will send an email to get me sacked.Been there, done that.


Why dont you just reply to my comments and questions.

Seems simple enough if your science is strong. 

Keep it in laymans terms.. 

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22 minutes ago, ScotsAlan said:

Yeah. sit down together on the other side of the world, and watch you try to explain to the Chinese how the roundness of the world is a conspiricy.. that Chinese peasants, factory workers,  and Government are part of. Lets see you tell a Chinese rice farmer that the earth is flat.

Alan ye gettin out of ye depth quickly here mate. Just take a step back.

Ive just told you coins are round. So are wheels. Not spherical though are they! Most flat eafth models ive seen are round! Why are you so scared to call it a ball ?

 How many sides does a ball have, if you are on the other side of one?

Have you never heard of skype? Couldnt i communicate your fantasy to a man in china more easily that way?

Peasants. Really alan, in this day and age? Peasants. Tut tut 


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34 minutes ago, ScotsAlan said:

I claim no flat earth. I observe ball shaped earth. SIGH.



41 minutes ago, ScotsAlan said:

I can prove by observation in lay mans terms, without having to dig out keplers equations. I look forward to you refuting my personal observations on the roundness of the earth. Start with sunset duration.

Prove what? The roundness of the earth? That means you are in agreement with a lot of flat earthers, who also believe it to be round!

I look forward to it alan x

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13 minutes ago, ScotsAlan said:

I am awiting your reply to the questions I put to you. Simple as that. You seem to be avoiding them. You deflect towards the suggestion that you will humiliate me to some sort of online community.  You are playing  the Mike Cernovich hand here. What next.. a pm to say you have found who I work for and you will send an email to get me sacked.Been there, done that.


Why dont you just reply to my comments and questions.

Seems simple enough if your science is strong. 

Keep it in laymans terms.. 

What question?

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14 minutes ago, ScotsAlan said:

I am awiting your reply to the questions I put to you. Simple as that. You seem to be avoiding them. You deflect towards the suggestion that you will humiliate me to some sort of online community.  You are playing  the Mike Cernovich hand here. What next.. a pm to say you have found who I work for and you will send an email to get me sacked.Been there, done that.


Why dont you just reply to my comments and questions.

Seems simple enough if your science is strong. 

Keep it in laymans terms.. 

Another false assumption alan. You will get laughed at if you think gps can help you. Not humiliation. You are new to this, so will continue to offer the greenest of "proof" which are all basically your religious beliefs. Its funny at times. Its not a game is it. Just comical

But crack on we will see what you have to offer. What did you ask me?

Email your work?cernovich? You've been there done it? Wtf are you on about alan? Seriously mate come on what posessed you to write that?

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