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Flat Earth?


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6 hours ago, ScotsAlan said:

Can you explain why the sun sets faster at the equator than at the poles? 

Are you willing to answer questions also alan?  Your question is loaded with presuppositions, so its not straight forward to answer yes or no, or even concisely. How does the sun "set" exactly? Isnt it earth spin you believe you are observing when the sun sets or rises?

When you use words like equator and poles, are you already assuming that you live on a globe?

If so then how would someone who doesnt share your beliefs, answer such a loaded question?


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5 hours ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

Hey Al (can I call you Al?), ICYMI, paul's point in this Topic is nothing to do with the actual shape of the earth, on which he thinks he has expressed no opinion (although he's slipped up a couple of times and exposed his true belief).

The last 200 pages or so is his attempt at refuting the position made early in the Topic that there is no discussion about FE.  Hence a dreary procession of videos of faceless drones talking pointlessly about it.

China et al have posted some termendously interesting posts about how you would easily go about demonstrating the general shape of the planet and these have been quite informative and educational.

All paul has done unfortunately is (a) show he has a very unusual hobby shitposting his rubbishy videos and (b) there's a lot of crazies on the internet.

When China, perhaps the most patient poster on MF, decides he's not going to get anywhere (see his post the last page or two) you know you're on a hiding to nothing.

Of course you can still crack on if you want to, it's a free country after all :)

Wrong again blobzie

The study of this topic involves learning about the highest quality scientific research and discussion. Its very interesting and broad ranging. Years of fun

Some walters like you tried to imply that the topic was silly. This was driven by the religious beliefs, subsequently demonstrated by fanatics in this thread.

But the topic is massively popular world wide, and online, were people hook up. So it being such an interesting topic, it spreads quickly like all good topics of discussion. It receives international media and social media coverage. Nothing to prove to you blobzy, you already know how popular this thread is!

Exposed my true belief? Quote me then walter x



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3 hours ago, ScotsAlan said:

Lets ask another specific question. 

It is summer down south, but winter up north.

How does flat earth theory explain seasons.?

Up an down are relative terms in this instance alan. Be more specific please?

What flat earth theory? There are many. Be more specific.

Why do you keep asking me about flat earth models? Shouldnt you be asking flat earthers or researching for the answers they have already given?

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26 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

Up an down are relative terms in this instance alan. Be more specific please?

What flat earth theory? There are many. Be more specific.

Why do you keep asking me about flat earth models? Shouldnt you be asking flat earthers or researching for the answers they have already given?

Ha ha. So much for FE science.. so this thread is now dead. And the earth is a globe.

Scientific person to flat earther..' is the  earth flat?'.

Answer from flat earther... google it.

Guess what.. I cant. Google is banned where I live.

Again. same question, why do different lattitudes have different lenghs of sunsets? 

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3 hours ago, ScotsAlan said:

Lets ask another specific question. 

It is summer down south, but winter up north.

How does flat earth theory explain seasons.?

Lets define the question.. It is this.This is the question. The answer is simple unless you are a flat earther.

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Alan i told you. You're out of your depth here. You dont understand the implications of the topic in general . you only know your own beliefs on the matter. You really should research the subject more.

You dont seem to want to converse on a level playing field. Its all about you apparently? Ive explained how your questions are loaded with assumptions. You should respond to that in fairness. No one cares what flat earth questions you have. We are looking for scientific evidence of the globe model, the spinning oblate spheroid.

Pleas e could you provide some instead of all the baseless assertions. Thanks

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36 minutes ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

Hey Paul, I think you'll find it's not massively popular but populated by fringe nutcases.

While you process this, feel free to shitpost some more of your stupid videos.


I dont process shite blobbie i just discard it.

I have found the rise in popularity of the subject, to be one of the most interesting aspects, during the time i have been studying and researching it. You are a desperate, religious troll blobbie

I havent got any stupid videos x

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