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Flat Earth?


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Let me concentrate, let me feel the gravity, let me look at the horizon.

Let me obsereve the sunset, the time zones, and let me check my location via gps.

Its decades past that I studied Kepplers equations.But his matematical models are still used to define and discover ball shaped objects in the sky.


Same with Newtons gravitaional equation. What is it? big G equals mass one times mass 2 diveded by r. Or is it r to the 2.

From memory.. g=(Gm1 m2)/r or r squared.,Cant remember. But big G is a number to the power of negative 12. That I remember.

And the bubbles in my beer are round. That is a surface tension thing.

Because the laws of thermodynamics say bodies will be at a state that requires least energy.. ie.. a ball shape.

From memory.. first law.. energy is always conserved.. second law.. entropy of universe etc.. my favourite is the third law.,The one they forgot, so they call it thr zeroth law. Heat cant  go from cold to hot.

That is the important one in the flat earth arguement.Because any shape other than a sphere would require heat to go from cold to hot.

Today, in the tropics of China, on the other side of the world, it is a balmy 25 degrees. It is 1 am in my timezone, and I am about to go to bed, probably without a blanket. 

If I was on the IOM, in a flat without heating, I would probably curl myself into a ball under the duvet to keep warm.

How does non ball explain that?

How does non ball explain our instict to curl into a ball to preseve heat?

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The danger the flat earthers present are a danger to humanity.

They are always first worlders, anti vaxers, anti science and the best of them are trust fund founded.

They try to hold society back. Why?

I have no idea.Chips on shoulders or whatever.

Maybe its a millenial anti boomer thing.

I have no idea.

I think of them as science racists.

They prey on scientific ignorance to promote their cause

I just wish the they would join us to work  towards a better world.

We have enough cunts trying to destroy it without these idiots.

The earth is a globe.

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1 hour ago, ScotsAlan said:

Never heard if this crellins hill. Again, as I am on the far side, behind the great fiewall, could you maybe take the time to type an expanation here.

Any hill proves it alan. I just thought you would be familiar with it.  Salisbury hill probes it! The earth is not flat. We have uneven terrain. Hills and valleys etc. But no continuous curve to be found x

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4 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

Any hill proves it alan. I just thought you would be familiar with it.  Salisbury hill probes it! The earth is not flat. We have uneven terrain. Hills and valleys etc. But no continuous curve to be found x

I have no idea what you are fighting for... please define. In the meantime.. google Schehalion.. the Scottish hill that was used to prove the diameter of the earth..

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1 hour ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

@paul's got wright I apologise profusely regarding your videos.

My time limit was way off - you shouldn't watch any more then 5 seconds.

I can always enjoy watching my videos in their entirety floppy. However, given i havnt posted any of my videos in this thread, you must be refering to the videos made by other people, which i have subsequently shared with the people who read this thread. Roy orbisons crying(over you (me)) doesnt belong to me and isnt mine, as you well know

Misappropriating other peoples property could get you in trouble floppy. Imagine if you gave an unsuspecting stranger, something which belonged to another person, just because you are compelled by your religious fantasy to insist that it belongs to the incorrect person.

You would cause a right mess for yourself wouldnt you!



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1 hour ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

Here's what I mean.  You can get the gist of this one in under 13 seconds


So by floppy sausage logic, thats YOUR video.

And its brilliant!

But its not yours so has no meaning which you are trying to attatch to it.

Thanks for sharing x

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1 hour ago, ScotsAlan said:

The danger the flat earthers present are a danger to humanity.

They are always first worlders, anti vaxers, anti science and the best of them are trust fund founded.

They try to hold society back. Why?

I have no idea.Chips on shoulders or whatever.

Maybe its a millenial anti boomer thing.

I have no idea.

I think of them as science racists.

They prey on scientific ignorance to promote their cause

I just wish the they would join us to work  towards a better world.

We have enough cunts trying to destroy it without these idiots.

The earth is a globe.

Ooh big emotional plea! Oh im so worried about "flat earthers" now alan!

You talk a good game alan, even mentioning science along the way! Oh the irony.

Because every single time i ask you to provide scientific evidence of the spinning oblate spherical earth, you fail to provide it.

The earth is a globe? Because alan says so? Is that the best evidence you have for your religious faith alan?

Language alan! x

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12 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

Ooh big emotional plea! Oh im so worried about "flat earthers" now alan!

You talk a good game alan, even mentioning science along the way! Oh the irony.

Because every single time i ask you to provide scientific evidence of the spinning oblate spherical earth, you fail to provide it.

The earth is a globe? Because alan says so? Is that the best evidence you have for your religious faith alan?

Language alan! x

Aye.. I got you beat..we all got you  beat.. bye

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1 hour ago, ScotsAlan said:

Aye.. I got you beat..we all got you  beat.. bye

That is the most childish, pathetic, sentence, ever written in this thread alan. Its also the weakest. 

A mighty achievement, given your short time with us, and the fact that the likes of nelly and floppy have been postin weak pathetic shite in here for years

I pitty the fool on the hill alan

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1 hour ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

You're welcome.

I think we can agree it beats the crap out of all your shit videos, eh.

Only if you can reference one of them and prove its shit! Dont forget to go the doctors about that misappropriation of property tourettes syndrome first x

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