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Flat Earth?


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Cut and paste. The text is explaining a sunset photo. I cant post the photo, but given my experience of digital photography, I would say the photo is shot with a 200mm lens minimum.


At face value this seems like a sound dismissal of the Nearby Sun Hypothesis. However, it makes a fundamental observational error: the power lines pictured are in fact closer to the camera lens. Why would these “bleed out”, when clouds obviously more distant than the power lines appear plainly and solidly in front of the sun? Why would nearby power lines be obliterated but not distant clouds? Clearly something is going on here. If you look at the picture, it’s easy to see a light whiff of cloud in front of the sun in the lower left handquadrant; while a much thicker and darker portion of cloud situated in the lower righthand quadrant floats demonstrably behind the sun. We see clouds in front, and clouds behind. This rebuttal requires nothing more than open minded observation to refute.

Unfortunately, society (and science) is not open minded.'

End quote.

Depth of field, ISO settings, and exposure. 

What planet do these ppl live on?

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24 minutes ago, ScotsAlan said:

Still no written explanation about length of sunset times. I cant get youtube.

Let me Bing it. I will answer my own question..

Because you presuppose that we live on a ball alan!

Please bing it let us know what the flat earthers have to say!

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Found this... Quote..

'Although the Sun is at all times above and parallel to the Earth’s surface, he appears to ascend the firmament from morning until noon, and to descend and sink below the horizon at evening. This arises from a simple and everywhere visible law of perspective. A flock of birds, when passing over a flat or marshy country, always appears to descend as it recedes; and if the flock is extensive, the first bird appears lower, or nearer to the horizon than the last. The farthest light in a row of lamps appears the lowest, although each one has the same altitude. Bearing these phenomena in mind, it will easily be seen how the Sun, although always parallel to the surface of the Earth, must appear to ascend when approaching, and descend after leaving the meridian or noon-day position.” -Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Earth Not a Globe, 2nd Edition” (85)'

What a crap arguement. Flock of birds.wow.

Lets change a flock of birds to a rocket launch. A rocket launch shows us the spin of the earth. Cos rocket goes fast, birds go slow.

A space rocket goes up, vertically, almost, and the global earth spins below it. If you  have ever owned a telescope you will know how fast the earth is actually spinning. Life of brian etc.

My internet is limited.

Can someone cut and paste an answer to my sunset question?

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16 minutes ago, ScotsAlan said:

Cut and paste. The text is explaining a sunset photo. I cant post the photo, but given my experience of digital photography, I would say the photo is shot with a 200mm lens minimum.


At face value this seems like a sound dismissal of the Nearby Sun Hypothesis. However, it makes a fundamental observational error: the power lines pictured are in fact closer to the camera lens. Why would these “bleed out”, when clouds obviously more distant than the power lines appear plainly and solidly in front of the sun? Why would nearby power lines be obliterated but not distant clouds? Clearly something is going on here. If you look at the picture, it’s easy to see a light whiff of cloud in front of the sun in the lower left handquadrant; while a much thicker and darker portion of cloud situated in the lower righthand quadrant floats demonstrably behind the sun. We see clouds in front, and clouds behind. This rebuttal requires nothing more than open minded observation to refute.

Unfortunately, society (and science) is not open minded.'

End quote.

Depth of field, ISO settings, and exposure. 

What planet do these ppl live on?

They think that they live on a plane alan, not a planet!

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The celebration of an immaculately conceived child over 2000 years ago! Merry christmas alan and family,enjoy.

I checked my world clock

Its my birthday today, another celebration of an immaculately conceived child! Im celebrating in the lumpy gem of gods earth, our beautiful island. Merry christmas to all you avid science threaders! x

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3 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

The celebration of an immaculately conceived child over 2000 years ago! Merry christmas alan and family,enjoy.

I checked my world clock

Its my birthday today, another celebration of an immaculately conceived child! Im celebrating in the lumpy gem of gods earth, our beautiful island. Merry christmas to all you avid science threaders! x

Its also Maos birthday. I got this message from Shaoshan. 


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On 12/23/2018 at 3:42 PM, paul's got wright said:

It may well be a spinning sphere, but there is no scientific experiment that has proven this to be the case.

I am reducing my involvement on this thread as it is a pointless exercise as little Paul simply ignores or denies science, but this is simply such bollox that it cannot be left to stand.  PGW, you may be ignorant of, not understand, or deny the scientific consilience that the earth is an oblate spheroid orbiting the sun, but you are wrong in what you say.

From the behaviour of hurricanes and weather systems to the corrections astronomers have to put in their telescopes to centre them on a distant star or galaxy, latitude matters and can only be explained by a spinning globe and not a flat earth.  You can lie and claim they are equivalent, but as you've been shown multiple times flat earth models fail while spherical ones are vital for predicting anything from the weather, the sun rise, where you are on the earth, how to point a telescope to find an astronomical object and multiple other things.

You can pretend this isn't the case, but to do so requires denial and deliberate ignorance but then again who is surprised that you resort to such behaviour.

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