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Flat Earth?


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@John Wright

Unfortunately John, I have zero belief in anything NASA says because of my lack of trust in them. They have misled people on so many occasions that what is real and what isn't is like throwing a coin up in the air.

To me, the only way to positively prove or disprove something now is if

(1) A few level earthers fly across the Antartica (and come out of it alive) and state what they saw with video evidence. Personally, I'd love to do it myself, but I'm unimportant as like we all are on here and would need someone of status and credibility to do this. (Please don't believe flight patterns across the Antartica as it doesn't happen and planes will be 'shot' down if that space is compromised.

(2) Level earthers fly in a space rocket that can show the world in whatever shaped model is shown. Videos to be taken and they to use whatever device to prove their theory or observation of earth, moon, stars, satellites etc. 

I know people who believe their side will say one thing, but I will say another until visual proof is seen and I very much doubt that this will ever happen because NASA would not want their lies to be found out. Only way to do it is prove it with persons of opposing sides. Whats to lose if a globe model, although there's everything to lose on a level earth model.!!

Yep.. Will never be done

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19 hours ago, paul's got wright said:

More about the ancient chinese flat square earth x



True story.

I was asking my boss today(Chinese), about the new tax laws that start here on Jan 1st. I complained about how they were not understanable. The language made no sense.

His reply...'China is a developing nation'.

I pointed out the 5000 year civilisation claim. He said the first 4940 years dont count because we were a backward fuedal society.

My boss is really proud that China is now launching rockets to the moon.

Still waiting for answer about how lengh of sunsets vary according to lattitude.

Should be simple to answer. It is for round earth.

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Sunsets here at 20 north are pretty quick. Last week, the sunset would start at 5:40, and the sun would be gone by 5:45. Now after the solstice, it starts at about 6, and is gone by 6:10.  The length of time the sunset lasts will streach out from now to the equinox. At Equinox the sunset will start about 7, and be done by 7:30. I live in a land of very little twilight.

Why does the IOM get twilight and I dont?

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And China has a single time zone, based upon beijing. I have mate who lives in XJ, far to the west. His time zone is about 3 hours behind the russian border to the north and the Afghan border to the west. 

If the flat earth denial is some sort of world wide conspiricy, led by Nasa, why has nasa not persauded China and Russia to have equal time zones?

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