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Flat Earth?


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I don't imagine if the world is flat that it is a flat disc alone, it could be very thick also.


Think of in infinite spreading plane of ice 1 or 2 miles thick, and loads of little suns rotating melting discs in the ice, making may worlds perhaps, who knows what is beyond the great "ice wall" all world government are keeping us away from it for some reason?


So maybe that many miles past (our) ice wall a similar construction is in motion..

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Mojo: What I am trying to get at is regardless of if gravity exists or not...

It doesn't. Go jump off Marine Drive if you don't believe it.


You really really are a fruitcake.


don't do it gerry you will hurt yourself through the less dense ether, landing on more dense matter x

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Just give us a quick and basic explanation of how density works in relation to flat earth and gravity. Are you saying the air gets denser the higher you go and therefore pushes you down?

no. we, water, and the rest of matter/aether we come in contact with, all have a density/ buoyancy. don't need gravity to explain what we feel x

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I was looking at pictures of the full moon today, taken from various locations on earth, I noticed the orientation in Australia is opposite from here, and in other parts of the Earth where these photos have been taken, again slightly different orientation depending on location, at first I thought bugger, this doesn't look good for the flat earth theory, but then I thought about it and I have always been suspicious of the moon always hiding its back face from us by the exact 1 rotation of the moon per orbit of the earth, I know earlier in this thread CH put up a good and feasible argument for this, but this effect would also happen if the Earth was flat and the moon did not rotate..

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It just occured to me, if the earth is flat and not a sphere, how do you explain the geological record? I mean, you've got tectonic activity, continental shift, we've got layers in the earth forming over other layers as time goes on, so you dig up a dinosaur, etc. How can that happen in a flat earth? Where are the new layers coming from? Also, if the earth is flat, how do you explain volcanoes? Where is lava coming from and why, with such heat, isn't it leaking at the bottom instead of being propelled upward?



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Whether troll or full-on retard, I think it's time to give up on Gerry, China.

troll? retard? is this how people speak to each other? what is the addiction to using an impairment out of any context vulgar ian? x



I'll supply the context. You are all arguing with someone who shows willful ignorance of facts.


It's like someone coming on here and saying in all seriousness, "Guys, my dick is 40 foot long and made of gold. How you gonna disprove that?"


We should say something like, "Fuck off, you twat"


So why are we entertaining fuckwits like Gerry whose claims are no less ridiculous? And why are some of you actually engaging with him like you're going to get anything sensible from him?

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Same goes for religious people. There's no point arguing. The best we can do is shame them so that they daren't utter their ass-hat ideas in public.


I beg to differ. I'm a religious person and totally rational. More rational than some atheists. You can't just pick on religious people. There are ass-hat people everywhere - some believe in God and some don't.

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