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Flat Earth?


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Oh gawd ... poor old Don Petit ... 

In 1972 Apollo 17 was the last Apollo mission to the moon, a Saturn 5 flew one more time in 1973 launching the first part of Skylab, but after that the hugely powerful rocket was never built again and the facilities to operate it were dismantled.  Between 1973 and 1975, four times smaller Saturn 1B rockets were built and used to expand skylab or bring astronauts to it.  But its time also came to an end and the era of huge American rockets came to an end.  The launch pads were entirely reconfigured and the knowledge building huge single shot rockets was replaced by efforts to build the renewable shuttles with the first flight of Columbia 6 years later in 1981.

NASA focused entirely on low earth orbit and learning to build structures in space, something you don't need to escape the Earth's gravity well to do:


The energy required to get into low earth orbit is trivial compared to a moon shot and NASA spent until 2011 refitting and reconditioning space shuttles. 30 years - entire careers - spent based around low earth orbit and rockets a fraction of the size of the Saturn V:RVYp80s.jpg


The space shuttle could only deliver 24.4 tonnes to low earth orbit - the Saturn V 127 tonnes.

It was only with the end of the shuttle program NASA was able to bring the resources to bear to once again consider building a rocket large enough to get out of the Earth's gravity well.  Between 1975 and 2011 NASA's efforts on big rockets had been minimal - 36 years.  All the equipment and launch pads were entirely configured for shuttles and small rockets.  Any of the engineers who'd worked on larger rockets were retired.  In 2011 with the creation of the Space Launch System NASA went back to creating big rockets.

It is hyperbole to say the technology to create them had been destroyed, but the simple fact is such technology hadn't been the focus of NASA's research - for 36 years.  Technology has moved on hugely since 1975 and to a large extent the effort to create the new rocket system has not relied on Saturn V technology - it is simply too out of date.  Materials science, composites etc has advanced hugely in the period and so the design effort isn't in rediscovering lost designs but creating new ones.

Those who wish to distort can so easily misinterpret.  But in the 31 years since the last big rockets flew their infrastructure was entirely re-configured and their designs became obsolete.  NASA had to start again and it will take a decade to gain and transform that knowledge once more. Apollo landed with as much computing power as an iphone.  The current effort has a tiny budget compared to the NASA of the late 1960s, but technology has come on in leaps and bounds.

SPace X, Blue Origin and NASA are likely to transform space travel once again in the next decade ... with the Chinese spurring competition and rivalry.

What a great time to see transformative technology - once more escaping low earth and shooting for the moon.



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23 minutes ago, paul's got wright said:

Not forgetting the o ring surprise that made destin smarter that day!


Oh little Paul - do you know anything about vacuums? 

Maybe this will help you understand ... erm ... what has past experience taught us about this ...



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2 hours ago, Bobbie Bobster said:


Don't worry, lots of people don't understand Lorentz transformations!


1 hour ago, paul's got wright said:

The don must be in that club then!

The calculation is relatively straightforward, little paul.

As regards Everton, or whatever it is you're talking about, I wouldn't know about that.  As Harry put it:


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They didn’t destroy the knowledge, just obsolete equipment. They are now using that knowledge, and the advances that have occurred since they last built moon capable systems, to regain these lost capabilities. 

The cost of escaping the Earth’s gravity well is vast - to learn how to operate and build in space all you need is low earth orbit, hence the shuttle.

We can now apply this knowledge beyond the Earth and hence the Space Launch System. 

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21 hours ago, Rushen Spy said:

There is no clip of NASA experts saying they've forgotten the technology to get to the moon. The fact is, it was extraordinarily expensive and there was declining public interest in going back to the Moon, largely because there is nothing there -- or at least not anything the general public consider useful. There's a lot there of scientific interest but ultimately not much in terms of a return on investment, except to the extent that NASA , like the Pentagon, is a conduit to funnel money into private sector technology development (but most of the public don't know that, as they are brainwashed into believing they have a capitalist economy).

Also, at least half the US population believes Jesus is going to return in their life time and that the end times are coming (this is also why many do not take climate change seriously; why worry about the earth when Jesus is going to come and fix everything?); while the more sensible part of the population are more concerned with trying to solve income inequality and improve public healthcare which they've been fighting to introduce for decades to no avail.


Poor old blobbie blobster made the classic noob faux pas, not getting the in joke between those who have actually done the research. 

Maybe send that formula to the don blobbie, he seems to be struggling with those tricky "lorentz tranformations"!!!

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Lets have a quick re cap shall we bell end.

You failed to get the joke aimed at the don, and actually thought you were quoting me!

Even china knew!

Then you tried to act smart wth your rhetoric, all the while, aiming at the wrong person! 

Now you have got the hump coz the don cant fix a leak in a nano second!

Every time you quiver in the corner x

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