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Flat Earth?


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Whether troll or full-on retard, I think it's time to give up on Gerry, China.

troll? retard? is this how people speak to each other? what is the addiction to using an impairment out of any context vulgar ian? x



I'll supply the context. You are all arguing with someone who shows willful ignorance of facts.


It's like someone coming on here and saying in all seriousness, "Guys, my dick is 40 foot long and made of gold. How you gonna disprove that?"


We should say something like, "Fuck off, you twat"


So why are we entertaining fuckwits like Gerry whose claims are no less ridiculous? And why are some of you actually engaging with him like you're going to get anything sensible from him?


i'm not arguing with anyone. i don't know the shape of the earth. i'm researching. gerry and china have been very helpful. as have others. some people are being mean. x

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FFS Paul, is that the best trolling you can do? At least Gerry's making an effort. I realise you're barely literate but I'm sure you can do better than that.

what? i'm asking a question x


how did you realise something that isn't true? are you a fantasist? x

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You weren't asking a question, you were making a statement. A pointless and obvious one. And now you're quoting yourself. Not quite the full ticket, are you?

Ps, as you asked, I realised you were barely literate by reading your posts. You're quite poor at constructing sentences, spelling and comprehension.


Edited for spelling. Damnit.

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I can never understand why people follow a thread and slate others off without adding anything purposeful to the topic? Surely if they don't like what they see, then I cannot see any positive reason to follow it.

Are they for example; trolls or people using another username because one or two people disagree with what's being said? I just don't know personally, as most of us on here hide behind a username and for all I know, anyone on here could work for NASA although I'd seriously doubt anyone of that calibre would waste time on an unimportant forum.


On subjects which are out of the normal bracket of island life, then for me, it should just be a case of answer the questions, question the answers and eventually the facts will speak for themselves. Job sorted by logic and no bullying overtones used.


You tube is a great media place for people to learn new 'things' and it would be folly to think that any person on here knows every answer conceivable without having to read up on past documents, thesis's etc. There's certainly some imaginative productions or claims and sometimes it's hard to know what is true or what is false.

Basic examples - Butter is now the good whereas it was previously thought to be bad and similar things were said for chocolate, nuts, potatoes, red meat, eggs, coffee....... and so on. OK, that was about food but it typifies one industry that had to re-evaluate itself and who knows as to what re-evaluations in other industries are going on right at this moment?


So carry on Gerry, Paul and China as to me, I'm enjoying seeing the questions and answers going back and forth and to me, is a learning flat curve :)

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I can never understand why people follow a thread and slate others off without adding anything purposeful to the topic? Surely if they don't like what they see, then I cannot see any positive reason to follow it.

Are they for example; trolls or people using another username because one or two people disagree with what's being said? I just don't know personally, as most of us on here hide behind a username and for all I know, anyone on here could work for NASA although I'd seriously doubt anyone of that calibre would waste time on an unimportant forum.


On subjects which are out of the normal bracket of island life, then for me, it should just be a case of answer the questions, question the answers and eventually the facts will speak for themselves. Job sorted by logic and no bullying overtones used.


You tube is a great media place for people to learn new 'things' and it would be folly to think that any person on here knows every answer conceivable without having to read up on past documents, thesis's etc. There's certainly some imaginative productions or claims and sometimes it's hard to know what is true or what is false.

Basic examples - Butter is now the good whereas it was previously thought to be bad and similar things were said for chocolate, nuts, potatoes, red meat, eggs, coffee....... and so on. OK, that was about food but it typifies one industry that had to re-evaluate itself and who knows as to what re-evaluations in other industries are going on right at this moment?


So carry on Gerry, Paul and China as to me, I'm enjoying seeing the questions and answers going back and forth and to me, is a learning flat curve smile.png

My general rule of thumb is that if they tell you its good for you, then don't touch it...As an example vaccinations.


I have figured out who the username "the troll" is also,,duel posting on a thread,,naughty naughty...

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The OP obviously doesn't really think the Earth is flat, and I won't engage in any more futile attempts to rebut his mildly vexatious ideas.


I did come across, this, though. It's onboard video from an amateur rocket, so no interference or fakery from mysterious interests. At apogee, (120,000 ft) around 1:30 and on, you can clearly see the curvature of the Earth.



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You weren't asking a question, you were making a statement. A pointless and obvious one. And now you're quoting yourself. Not quite the full ticket, are you?


Ps, as you asked, I realised you were barely literate by reading your posts. You're quite poor at constructing sentences, spelling and comprehension.


Edited for spelling. Damnit.

no you asked a question and so did i. mine was genuine. was yours? silly sausages! you can't realise something that isn't true unless you are a fantasist sausages. just admit you are x

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I can never understand why people follow a thread and slate others off without adding anything purposeful to the topic? Surely if they don't like what they see, then I cannot see any positive reason to follow it.

Are they for example; trolls or people using another username because one or two people disagree with what's being said? I just don't know personally, as most of us on here hide behind a username and for all I know, anyone on here could work for NASA although I'd seriously doubt anyone of that calibre would waste time on an unimportant forum.


On subjects which are out of the normal bracket of island life, then for me, it should just be a case of answer the questions, question the answers and eventually the facts will speak for themselves. Job sorted by logic and no bullying overtones used.


You tube is a great media place for people to learn new 'things' and it would be folly to think that any person on here knows every answer conceivable without having to read up on past documents, thesis's etc. There's certainly some imaginative productions or claims and sometimes it's hard to know what is true or what is false.

Basic examples - Butter is now the good whereas it was previously thought to be bad and similar things were said for chocolate, nuts, potatoes, red meat, eggs, coffee....... and so on. OK, that was about food but it typifies one industry that had to re-evaluate itself and who knows as to what re-evaluations in other industries are going on right at this moment?


So carry on Gerry, Paul and China as to me, I'm enjoying seeing the questions and answers going back and forth and to me, is a learning flat curve smile.png

excellent post manxy, great point you make about food. i'd like to know what china thinks of all the hard work the experts at mcdonalds and coca cola and cadbury's have done. and of course, whether he trusts such experts and consumes their products. or does he have a lack of trust of these experts? x

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That is a great find Guzzi
I put a line across the horizon, the very small dip on either end I would say is due to the camera lens


The thoughts I now have after looking at this is, how long do I think that line is? and does it go with the inverse square formula?
Also the horizon is pretty high up, would you expect this on a ball from such height?


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This thread hasn't been a total waste of time - it's made me go and find out how to switch off auto play on Youtube! If you're like me and dislike this feature there is a "button" to press at the top of the suggested videos column on the right of the Youtube screen! I hadn't noticed it before now but have now clicked it. Yippe I can now watch only the videos I want to watch rather than Youtube selecting them for me - which given I've forced myself to watch Gerry's and other's dross is a very poor quality selection.

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