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Flat Earth?


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We can also add the Flynn effect to show how IQ is a biased, socially constructed indicator.

... though I will say the fact the Eugenics movement used it isn't relevant.  If the Eugenics movement publicised the success of spherical trigonometry in celestial navigation it would say nothing about the fact the earth is a sphere.

Bad politics use bad science may in some cases be true but to tar a science as bad because of an association with bad politics is incorrect and does not follow.

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8 hours ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

Just to break the fourth wall for a moment, there's a lot of debate around the effectiveness of so-called IQ tests.  Ther's a long history of difficulties with g (the "general factor" or general intelligence) as it is attempted to be quantified in IQ tests.  Difficulties include:

Various biases, including social and race, whereby the questions used to assess IQ can be biased towards the particular social or racial group who determines the questions
Fitting IQ results to the normal distribution, which fails to allow for threshold effects in the distribution tails
Its historical use by the eugenics movement
Its narrow measurement parameters, mainly related to language or spatial reasoning and ignoring creativity and social/emotional intelligence

Finally, of course, the main difficulty with the IQ measurement is that anyone that tells you unbidden what their specific "IQ" is, is by definition a bit of a dick.

Ok, that's it, back to normal service.

When the walters called him stupid he whipped the 148 iq out!

Gutted arnt ye blobzy x

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24 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

George W Bush was in the 120s and he was a daft as a box of rocks.

Quoting an IQ number as an appeal to authority is a sure fire way to be on the wrong side of an argument.


Tell it to someone who gives a shit, like owen Benjamin! 

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2 hours ago, Chinahand said:

If he believes the world is flat he’s very foolish no matter his IQ. 

He actually said he cant prove its flat and doesnt take that position. He claims to disprove the ball and scoffs at the moon stories x

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1 hour ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

Bit of a loon, then.

148 iq, classical musician, both parents teachers, hollywood comedian and actor. Has a wife and 2 children, keeps goats, chickens, ducks etc on his self built homesteading farm. His wife has a degree in engineering. Bought a house for 75 grand an rents it out at 3 grand a month. Receives pay pal by the post through his bears!

So yeah a bit of a loon, how observant of you blobzy x

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1 hour ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

Not a complete loon, clearly.

One should never judge a person solely by their last dumbass post about FE or iq or whatever. Even you, paul.

Dont worry blobzy i didnt judge you! You're only a casual walter x

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